The FDA, puppy-torturer Anthony Fauci, the F. Joe Biden White House and other vaccine cultists are now rushing to approve the use of experimental mRNA gene serums (known euphemistically as “COVID vaccines”) in children as young as 5. Why the hurry?
Even as this is happening here in the US, other western nations are suddenly suspending the use of these vaccines in young people, due to the alarming increase in sudden deaths and adverse reactions. In Canada, a Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP – sort of like a Member of Congress here in the US) is now calling for an investigation into COVID vaccine deaths among young people, on the grounds of “negligence and culpable homicide.”
“Negligence” in Canadian law is defined roughly the same as here in the US. It means a person did or did not do something that shows “wanton or reckless disregard for the safety of others.” Culpable homicide in Canadian law is a crime similar to manslaughter here in the US. In layman’s terms, culpable homicide in Canada can happen when you trick or deceive someone into doing something and it leads to their death.
MPP Randy Hillier represents a district in Ontario, Canada about halfway between Ottawa and Toronto, just north of Syracuse, New York. Hillier sent a letter to the Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner (sort of like an attorney general here), demanding a criminal investigation into all of the vaccine deaths and injuries among young Canadians who have received a COVID shot.
Hillier cites a growing trend of bizarre, life-altering or life-ending incidents among young Canadians immediately after getting vaxxed with the Moderna shot, especially among young males between 12 and 24 years of age. There have been so many of these incidents that Canadian health authorities recently recommend that younger people should now receive the Pfizer vaccine instead of the Moderna one.
However, Canada still allows younger people to get the Moderna shot, so long as they have informed consent. This new mandate in Canada follows Sweden, Denmark and Norway all suspending the use of Moderna among those under 30 (under 18 in Denmark). Iceland completely banned the Moderna vaccine, saying no one should take it.
Pericarditis and myocarditis are the two severe heart conditions that we know these vaccines are causing. Part of the heart tissue in the patient dies – permanently – and can never recover from these conditions. A person who develops myocarditis or pericarditis has about a 50% chance of dying within 5 to 10 years of contracting the condition. As MPP Hillier points out, the younger a person is when they get a COVID vaccine, the greater their risk is of developing myocarditis or pericarditis.
The statistics bear this out:
After the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, the following rates of pericarditis/myocarditis occur:
1 in 105,000 among those age 25 to 39; 1 in 26,700 among age 18 to 24 (a 400% risk increase); and 1 in 16,000 for ages 12 to 17.
After the second dose of the Moderna vaccine, here are the rates:
1 in 16,800 for ages 25 to 39; and 1 in 3,800 for ages 18 to 24 (another 400% risk increase). There’s no Moderna data for 12- to 17-year-olds, but the math pattern suggests that this age group should have about a 1 in 2,276 chance of developing these deadly heart conditions.
So much for “safe and effective.” I’d play the lottery every day if the odds were that good. But the prize from taking a COVID “vaccine” is one that I wouldn’t wish on anyone’s child. And now the lunatics in the F. Joe Biden regime are in a mad sprint to inject 5-year-olds with these shots.
There is zero statistical chance that your child will die from COVID. All the numbers bear this out. They might catch it and recover without ever even knowing they had it. But if the odds are 1 in 3,800 or 1 in 2,276 that your child will die from an incurable heart condition within five years of getting the shot – what parent would take that risk?
To quote from MPP Hillier’s letter to Ontario law enforcement agencies:
“To knowingly continue to allow unexplained deaths without investigation is nothing short of criminal negligence by omission and deception.”
He’s demanding an investigation into whether administration of a pharmaceutical product is causing all the unexplained heart attacks and deadly heart conditions in young Canadians. You can read Hillier’s full letter to Canadian law enforcement officials HERE.
And the Bidet regime should be held accountable for FORCING Americans, NOT ILLEGALS, to be vaccinated while allowing thousands of “UNvaccinated” ILLEGALS into OUR country!
Bidet’s ILLEGAL “mandates” makes no sense at all unless he is deliberately KILLING people, mostly his followers! And if that is true then he is guilty of MURDER!
Don’t forget that Congressmen and Congresswomen and their families are exempt from the mandate. Last I heard Congress is more than 100 people.
here is a news flash for you. Fauci and gates are promoting this. this is their EUGENICS PLAN. it rids the world of useless people, like the elderly, and the young, who will procreate when reaching adulthood. they want all Americans dead, so the new world order will be made up of mindless slaves like what is pouring into this country as we speak. bribeme has his new voting base. no killer vax for them!!! no mandates, no masks, just crawl on in. here is your 2500.00 per person, now scatter and procreate as fast as you can. we will pay for everything from the sweat and tears of the mandatoried vaxxed, until they die. social security from the dead will help fund the roaches. after all, those old folks don’t need it now. besides the point they earned that money. demon rat party doesn’t care, now. do you see what is going on? military forced to vax or dishonorable discharge, no benefits, no pensions. so china can walk right in and make themselves at home. no cops, just blm robbing and looting everything that isn’t tied down. welcome to joey bribes world. aren’t you so glad you voted for this POS???????
Biden is not calling the shots, the POS’s Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and the low life Demonrats. They all should be impeached and sent to HELL.
Then it is our Parents that must now place law suits against Maderna, plus Trudeau, Ford for all of the deaths to our children
I would say a billion for each child that has been MURDERED by all the above mentioned
Who did the research on this? A simple google search revealed that Myocarditis and pericarditis are inflammation of the heart and the sac around the heart both of which resolve themselves within a few days to a week. Also where are the statistic numbers for the chance of developing these heart conditions after your first dose? And actually the statistical chance of a child dying of covid is low yes but just like with teens, young adults and adults that chance increases if there’s an underlying condition such as breathing conditions or diabetes. So there is NEVER a zero statistical chance of something happening. This article is riddled with false information with just enough facts peppered in to make it believable.