After so many years of sitting through the Russian collusion hoax, the sham Ukraine impeachment and more recently, LegoGate, there’s not much we don’t really know about the ongoing coup against President Trump. We know who all the major players are in the various illegal plots, so now we’re just waiting for the resolution part of the story where AG Bill Barr either slaps handcuffs on the villains or lets them walk away scot-free.
We know who they are, and we know most of what they did. So, it was a pleasant surprise to learn something new about the impeachment scam this week: We now know who the real impeachment “whistleblower” was. And it was not the guy we all thought it was.
Byron York’s new book is out this week. It’s called “Obsession: Inside the Washington Establishment’s Never-Ending War on Trump.” York is the chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner, and a frequent guest on Fox News, for those who don’t know him. He’s an excellent conservative writer, researcher and reporter, with a wide network of really good sources inside the DC establishment. York’s writing in his syndicated column is a bit on the dry side for my taste, but still every excellent. Imagine if Tucker Carlson never burst out laughing at his enemies, and that’s pretty much what Byron York is like.
York’s book begins with the long-ago origins of the plan to impeach Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton phoned Trump to concede the election at 2:35 a.m. EST on November 9, 2016. Democrats and federal employees at the FBI began screeching that they were going to impeach Donald Trump at approximately 2:36 a.m. EST on November 9, 2016. That’s where the book begins.
York’s book meticulously walks us through the timeline of the Russia collusion hoax, the Mueller investigation, and the Ukraine impeachment. It was the section on impeachment that I found to be the most eye-opening.
York lays out a very strong case that the little wimpy CIA guy on the National Security Council was not the real whistleblower. Sure, he was involved. He signed his name on the whistleblower form to do his part. You know, the guy whose name we must never speak or print because Facebook and Twitter will censor us out of existence? Eric Cia*******. Yeah, that guy.
But York proves through interviews with White House staffers and congressional Republicans that the real whistleblower was:
That tubby Vindman guy.
Oh, sorry. That’s LIEUTENANT COLONEL Vindman!
York proves through his reporting that there was actually only one person on President Trump’s fateful phone call with the Ukrainian President last summer. We were under the impression from the Schiff and Nadler Dog and Pony Show of 2019 that there were dozens of policy wonks on the National Security Council that were listening to the call, but that was never true. There was only one person snooping on the call, according to Byron York – and that was Vindman.
Vindman, a Ukrainian-American (meaning really just Ukrainian) US Army officer, was enraged by the call, because President Trump’s America First foreign policy goals did not match up with Vindman’s Ukraine First policy goals. How dare some little president come along and try to set US foreign policy toward Ukraine?! That was LIEUTENANT COLONEL Vindman’s job!
Vindman immediately started running around the White House and whining to people that Trump had “demanded a quid pro quo” from Ukraine, for help in the 2020 election (which we all know was a lie). Remember how we all thought, at the time, that the alleged whistleblower’s complaint didn’t sound like he had actually written it?
Byron York makes a very strong case that it was Vindman, or possibly the Vindman brothers, who wrote the complaint and had the little CIA nerd sign his name to it. How else could the “whistleblower” have been blowing the whistle about a phone call that he never heard, and which based on a transcript of the call later.
Unfortunately, Vindman got to walk away scot-free. He retired from the military a couple of months ago. He was never court-martialed for his treasonous, weaselly, back-stabbing attempt to take out a sitting president. Vindman disobeyed a direct order to not work with Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler on the fake impeachment. But at least we know the truth now, thanks to Byron York’s excellent reporting.
Vindman was the real whistleblower all along, and one of the main architects of the sham impeachment.
Vindmin should hide his face forever
He is a loser like the rest of the Dems in office
Former Colonel Vindman should be charged with and tried for treason.
I fully agree!
I agree, Stephen!!
I agree. But, like the rest of the Swamp in DC, nothing will ever be done to these low life’s.
He should be stripped of all benefits and dishonorable discharge .
Jerry is right on!!
My opinion skip going through court and spending more money and just take him out in the middle of the town square and shoot him and while we’re at it lets do the same to all the Democrats who are causing all the problems that we are having. Not a single one of them deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of America so the best thing to do is anihalate them.
I agree with Kenny Spaw!!!!!
The lies he has told. Along with the other people involved.
Should have NO retirement.. No Pension. He should
be in prison for the rest of his useless life.
He must be prosecuted for what he did , along with all the crooks was a coup, even though he wasn’t caught. He needs to be stripped of any retirement, pension, and court martial. The military should be involved because he was in that position under there command . And prison or what they do for treason .
Totally agree!!
AMEN Carol!!
He should be arrested tried and thrown in jail for the rest of his life. The American people should have the right to sue the Democrats and demand our hard earned money and taxes that we have paid. The Dems are responsible for screwing off millions.I hope President Trump can get this money back the belongs to the taxpayers. We thepeope should have a vote on how our tax dollars are spent.Thank you
Vindmin should be Drawn & Quartered, then prosecuted for High Treason ! Right along with Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of the Democratic / Socialists that are dead set on the destruction of this Country ! I STILL don’t understand WHY Hitlery Clinton AND Bill Clinton aren’t in prison for Treason, lying under Oath, Subversion, Accessory to & Master minding MURDER ?
He must be prosecuted for what he did , along with all the crooks was a coup, even though he wasn’t caught. He needs to be stripped of any retirement, pension, and court martial. The military should be involved because he was in that position under there command . And prison or what they do for treason .
100% agree Vern
Vern it is real simple, they, along with all the Obama crowd, are all part of the DEEP STATE , THAT IS TRYING DESPERATELY TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT of the people and for the people. As long as we the people allow the corruption and malfeasance in our Government this will only get worse. When folks quit electing the likes of Kamala Harris, AOC, and the muslim dingbats , along with all those self serving politicians in both parties we the people will suffer. Only we the people can change it!!!!!
“Money talks, and bullshit walks.”
I agree!!!!!
He should be prosecuted, right along with the rest of those wicked jerks.
He should be prosecuted, right along with rest of those wicked jerks. Treason it is .
So it was king nurd wingman after all he looks like a creep and I guess that’s what he is
To have a commissioned Officer of the U.S. Army pull such a stunt is unblieveable and against all oaths of alligence he swore to. We cannot and should not let these SOB’s provide a line of B.S. to attempt to overthrown the President of the United States. This ‘pinhead, little jerk’ should be recalled to active duty and tried before a General Courts-Martial. My guess our SECDEF is a weasel himself and will not do a thing. WAKEUP AMERICA THIS IDIOYS ARE EVERYWHERE. CALL THEM OUT AND PROVIDE FACTUAL EVIDENCE OF THEIR WRONG DOING….
Not at all surprised !! He looked guilty as he was testifying all the while lying. Where is his punishment? Dosn’t anyone have to take responsibility for their actions anymore? Just retire on a gov – military pension with no culpability? SO VERY WRONG !!!!!!
Cornelius McNamara this hole thing about trump made up.york no benefits all. Close to 45 million was spent.shifty an Nancy should be run out office with no benefits.both bill & Hilary they jail, murder,Clinton money took foundation
Treason is punishable by DEATH — UCOMJE
He needs to be LOCKED UP in FEDERAL PRISON with Pelosi, Nadler and SCHIFF as per the U.S. Constitution, High Crimes against The American People and The POTUS, Operation of an ILLEGAL COUP. They were ALL in on it and MUST Face JUSTICE. One Hopeful Patriot. Team Trump and his allies 2020.
The reason so many of these treasonous snakes are never charged is because the snakes above them cover for them. If they allowed an investigation to go forward they would uncover alot more crimes.anf criminals. Computers and phones “accidentally” wiped clean, etc. etc. We the people rarely ever know the whole truth or see justice done.
The word is dirt bag sore losers. Encouraged by BHO no doubt.
The colonel had best be careful where he shows his face, he may loose it!!!!!
They keep the Republicans busy defending themselves so they cannot find time to prosecute them!
They should at least make him pay back the 100 million dollars the delusional democrats payed to impeach trump . Lies that’s all they had
Their are 400,000,000 people in America and we had the opportunity to stop this by uniting together going to the polls and voting for the right people, I ‘be always said all eval has to do to win is for good people to stand back and do nothing, ( huh that simple ) the have nots, why should I vote, the passifist , I don’t want to get involved, the diehard, l ‘ll Vote democrat or republican no matter who he or she is or what they did, the lazy one, oh that’s why I voted them in to take care of politics so I can do my thing, sheep to the slaughter, they let other people do there thinking for them, God help them what do you think is going on today, eval people paying them money to do their dirty work, robbery, burning properties, murdering, people& children, policemen, defying the law of the land, there the worst kind selling their soles to justify eval. Unite as one people a Nation under God America if God is for us who car be against us, go vote these eval people out of office at all levels of government let your vote be heard vote for politicians that believe in the constitution and it’s people and let God heal our land.
You said it right.One Nation Under God!!!!
These are not your parent’s nor are they JFK democrats. They are traitor devilcrats. The total dishonesty, hatred and destruction of the precious freedoms guaranteed to us by our Constitution and Bill of Rights is their mission. Gather all of them up and make good use of Gitmo!! No ice cream for Nancy, her puppet Kamala, Hilary, and don’t forget the bigoted Michele Obama!! Barack, Joe, Harry, Chuck, Mueller and gang, and Shiff….to the Bay of Pigs!!!
His military retirement rank & pay should be
Forfeited! He did a criminal action against his
Commander and chief!
the Vindman brother’s deserve the severest punishment that the Military Tribunal, deem
Appropriate for these disrespects, For Truth, The Uniform, and the Parent’s who Brought
them here for a better life.
alexander acted, in front of congress, that He was and should have been given a better
position, in what his thinking, he can give a view, that was un-important.. and like he should
have been patted on the back !! Arrogant Bastard !!
thank GOD, he was kicked out !!
Let them both to the Ukraine and work there. since alexander said he was offered a JOB!
how did he wind up. Lt Colonel ? must be a left-over from the Movie : Dr. Strangelove –
Starring Peter Sellers …. Great Movie..