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Court Orders CDC to Reveal Huge Wave of Vaccine Injuries Biden Hid from the Public

Indianapolis - Circa February 2021: COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card with syringes or hypodermic needles. Vaccination Record Cards will be offered with each vaccination and a reminder for the second dose.

Thanks to a court order, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) has finally been forced to publicly release its V-Safe database on vaccine injuries. We’ve reported on V-Safe in the past when whistleblowers have provided hints about what is in this database. This is the first time, however, that we’ve seen the actual numbers, and they are horrifying.

The Biden regime has been hiding this data from the public for more than three years. The V-Safe data reveals that nearly 800,000 Americans had severe side effects to the COVID shots, requiring hospitalization or urgent care.

If you’ve been following this for some time you are probably aware of the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). To date, VAERS has recorded 37,231 deaths, 214,906 hospitalizations, 21,524 heart attacks, and 28,214 cases of heart failure (myocarditis and pericarditis) that were direct results of COVID vaccination. These new numbers from the V-Safe system are completely separate from the numbers in VAERS.


Most of the reports in the V-Safe system involved heart failure, miscarriages, seizures, unconsciousness, Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis), and other symptoms. In one report, a patient had to be rushed to the emergency room in an ambulance because of “loss of consciousness and seizure immediately following injection.”

Another report reads, “For 24 hrs after shot I was so fatigued I could not stay awake. I also have some very strong suicidal thoughts. Zero appetite.”

U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk finally ordered the CDC to release the V-Safe data in January and it is finally here. We’ve reported on the V-Safe data in the past when a whistleblower revealed some of the data in a roundtable event with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI).

V-Safe was designed as a self-reporting system for people to upload their responses to the vaccine. More than 90% of the 10 million people who self-reported in V-Safe did not have bad side effects, but 7.7% did—around 800,000 people.

Civil rights attorney Aaron Siri notes, “Twenty-five percent of those people needed emergency care or were hospitalized, and another 48 percent sought urgent care. Also, another 25 percent on top of the 7.7 percent reported being unable to work or go to school.”

When you add the 7.7% of people who had severe injuries requiring hospitalization with the 25% who were so sick they couldn’t go to work or school, that’s 32.7% of jab recipients who were sickened or severely harmed.

1 out of 3 people.

“When people report the same symptoms over and over again after getting a biological product — in this case ‘shortness of breath’ and ‘heart palpitations,’ which are both symptoms of myocarditis, that has been causally linked to mRNA COVID shots — the public should be warned, not kept in the dark,” says National Vaccine Information Center president Barbara Loe Fisher.

“It raises questions about what else government health officials are hiding.”

The ghouls at the CDC and Joe Biden knew this was happening the whole time, even as Biden tried to force as many Americans as possible to take the shots. Biden purged the US military with a vaccine mandate, forcing many good soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen to resign or get court-martialed if they didn’t want to take the shot. Biden used OSHA to pressure large companies into forcing all their employees to get the shots.

Every single American who was injured by these shots because of a mandate was negligently and maliciously harmed by Joe Biden and the CDC. They knew immediately in 2021 that the shots were a failure and that they were harming at least one out of every three recipients. Instead of sounding the alarm and halting the shots like morally decent leaders would do, they kept mandating them and kept trying to force, coerce, or frighten everyone into taking them.

“The shots are totally safe and effective for pregnant women! If you get COVID while you’re pregnant, it could hurt your baby!”

Sunlight and transparency on the V-Safe data is a great thing, but when is there going to be any accountability for this? Why are Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) the only two Members of Congress who are willing to even talk about this? The people in charge knew that the shots were dangerous and tried to force everyone to take them anyway. People deserve to go to prison for this.

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20 thoughts on “Court Orders CDC to Reveal Huge Wave of Vaccine Injuries Biden Hid from the Public”

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  10. I got double pneumonia and the flu, and had the shots for same…was so weak, was in bed for an entire month, no energy at all…then stomach nausea and dizziness which is in 7th week with that..NO history of high blood pressure, now on meds for that…so sorry I got those vaccines

  11. No one should be force to take something they don’t want. But that is what happened with are government it forced those vaccines on us and now look what has happened. So many dead so many almost dead so many will not be fully in control again. All this is unconstitutional but then the Biden Administration has tore the hell out of are constitution. So bad that the democrats are making up laws that are against the constitution. Like wire tapping American citizens without having a warrant and without any cause just spying on citizens. That is are great crawl-in fraudulent president Biden. He needs put in jail and let rot. He has destroy America in his four years. I hope and PRAY we get these democrats out of all offices everyone of them and get true American people in. All democrats need rounded up and put in hell with the devil for destroying are country. Please vote and save are country

  12. Biden is a true threat to democracy he is turning are great country into a banana republic. America is one of the rottenest countries on Earth because of Joe Biden. He in 3 snd a half years has done so much harm to this country we just have to hope that it still can be fixed when we get this monster out of office and not let know democrats in. I would never of thought that our great country could be cut down so horrific. We now have people in are country shouting ” death to America ” and calling us the most rottenest countries on Earth if we are that its cause of Biden and his administration the worst president in the history of our country. This president even does political opponents evil. He’s trying to have his chief political opponent arrested and thrown in jail with Soviet-Style show trials to win an election this man is a true threat to democracy. He has committed treason against the United States of America and its citizens by allowing the worse illegal immigrants invasion in history not only allowing but the “cause” of the invasion this is high TREASON and if we had true american justice this president would be held accountable. But are system is broken thanks to all the democrats who are helping Biden destroy America. We need all these illegals took back out of our country their destroying everything they touch and we the true hard working American family cannot afford to keep them up. Are tax money is already being used up beyond its limits. Our national debt is going higher and higher and where going to collapse. So true American citizens please vote these dirty democrats out of all offices everyone of them and lets get our country back and try and make it great again put Trump in and stop the hurt.

  13. Here is your latest cherry about your old president Biden folks. This to the ones who are going to vote for Biden. Double-Triple Treason, he is doing a top secert hush-hush covert flights picking up illegal aliens and flying them to our cities like New York for one yes are president is smuggling illegals into our country !!!. And if you thank it can’t get worse one of the aliens that Biden dropped off raped a teenage girl in Boston the police said. Its time to hold the Biden administration accountable for its blatant disregard for the safety and well being of Americans. Get out and vote for Trump we need our country back.

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