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Covid Shots Now Causing Endless Waves of Omicron in Heavily Vaxed Countries

The pandemic of the vaccinated is upon us. Disturbing new data proves that in heavily vaccinated and boosted countries, they are facing unending waves of the Omicron variant of coronavirus. Despite having a cool and scary dystopian 1970s-sounding name, Omicron should have been a total dud. When Omicron encountered my unvaccinated pure blood on my second infection with Covid earlier this year, I never even showed symptoms. My immune system was like Amber Heard, and Omicron was Johnny Depp. (Sorry. Too soon?) Omicron never stood a chance. And yet heavily boosted countries are now posting their highest Covid death rates since the pandemic began.

Look at Japan, for example. Their population of 125 million people has taken 280 million vaccines. They have a full vaccination rate of 114%. The booster rate is unknown, but it is likely very high as well. Their population went absolutely loopy for the mRNA Covid shots – so much so that some people got themselves vaxed three times before the booster shot was even available.

The booster shot, which Pfizer tested on 8 mice, is supposedly a cocktail that protects against Omicron and Delta at the same time. If the shots actually worked, Japan should be seeing declining Covid numbers overall, and very few if any Omicron cases, right? The original variant of Covid has all but died out by now. It’s gone. It no longer exists, and no one is catching it, because most people have natural immunity. The same should be happening with Omicron by now.

But that’s not the case in Japan. They had a bad Omicron wave back in March of this year. Then, they had a second wave of Omicron in October. And now they’re having a THIRD WAVE, which is even worse than the previous two. During the last week of December, Japan was averaging 292 Covid deaths per day. That’s an all-time record high number of Covid deaths for Japan. They never even reached that number of deaths in 2020, before the Covid shots existed.


The latest study on this phenomenon of heavily boosted countries catching more and more severe waves of Covid was published in Science Immunology. The German researchers gave their paper the uninspired and confusing title, “Class switch towards non-inflammatory, spike-specific IgG4 antibodies after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination.”

Here’s the bottom line of what the research actually means.

After receiving a booster shot – the third shot in the Covid shot carousel – it causes a crucial shift in the immune system. That shift causes the body to make antibodies that are actually less effective against Covid, and these less effective antibodies replace the more aggressive antibodies that could have easily shut the virus down.

The result is that even a relatively wimpy variant like Omicron can then kick your immune system’s butt. The result is that people who are boosted are suddenly catching incurable autoimmune diseases like lupus from the shots, or they’re being hospitalized or even killed by Omicron. Some of the lesser autoimmune disorders will be treatable with corticosteroids, but at this point, the vaccine-happy doctors in the medical system don’t even know what they’re looking at. And blaming the mRNA shots for these problems is certainly not on their radar, because they all bow to the authority of the CDC and the FDA.

Fully vaccinated and boosted Japan is now seeing record Covid deaths from Omicron. If you trust the vaccines at this point, what is your explanation for this happening? Unvaccinated people like myself usually don’t even show symptoms when we catch Omicron. But heavily vaxed peoples keep catching endless waves of Omicron and are setting record numbers of deaths. Why? What’s the reason? We’re all ears!

The unspoken part of this latest study from Germany is that natural immunity remains the best long-term defense against Covid. If you’ve caught Covid by now and you are unvaccinated, your immune system is the best possible protection you could have during future waves of Covid. If you’ve been vaccinated – even once – you are more likely to catch Covid again and again, and infection is likely to last much longer. That’s what the science says. Unfortunately, the scientific community is having trouble catching up with reality.

You can read the report in Science Immunology for yourself HERE.

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6 thoughts on “Covid Shots Now Causing Endless Waves of Omicron in Heavily Vaxed Countries”

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  2. Remember when everyone had to get the polio vaccine like 12 times???? Oh, that’s right, that never happened because the polio vaccine was an ACTUAL vaccine whereas the covid shot is more like the flu shot. Stop calling the covid shot a vaccine because it’s NOT a vaccine if it doesn’t work. WAKE THE PHUCK UP SHEEPLE!!!!!

    1. The politicians are making a LOT of money from the medications that MAY fight the virus that was funded by Obama, Biden, and Fauci using OUR tax dollars.

  3. Only a phucking idiot get the clot shot! At some point Japan will wish they had gotten nuked instead of vaxxed! HELL AWAITS THE GLOBAL ELITE! ENJOY!!!

    1. It surprises me that everyone believed what Biden and his band of theives were doing. From the very beginning, they were all crooked to this day. They knew what to do to focus peoples attention on other news which those other crooks were feeding us. Burns administration sounds so unintelligent. A bunch of morons..

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