Special prosecutor Jack Smith is truly a left-wing partisan hack. The left is constantly claiming that President Donald Trump is violating “norms and standards,” while violating every norm and standard imaginable.
For instance, Smith has now blown the dust off of a Civil War-era law that was aimed at curbing the domestic terrorism being committed by Democrats and the Ku Klux Klan in southern states. Smith plans to charge Trump with that law because of January 6th—and it’s a law that can carry the death penalty.
How do we know that this is Smith’s plan? The same way that we always find these things out. Jack Smith’s team illegally leaked the plan to the New York Times.
Naturally, the leak happened the evening of the same day when the House Oversight Committee revealed proof of another $17 million in bribes that were paid to the Biden family when Creepy Joe was Obama’s vice president.
The Times reported on the contents of a letter that Smith sent to President Trump, outlining the criminal charges they’re planning against him over January 6th. Smith informed Trump and his attorneys in the letter about three specific charges.
Two of the statutes are from the criminal referral that the illegitimate Liz Cheney Committee made against Trump: obstruction of an official proceeding and conspiracy to defraud the government.
These of course stem from the speech in which Trump urged his supporters to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard at the Capitol on January 6th. The third statute that Smith wants to charge Trump with is 18 U.S.C. § 241 – Conspiracy against rights.
The law makes it a crime to “conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person” in the “free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States.”
The New York Times wrote, “Congress enacted that statute after the Civil War to provide a tool for federal agents to go after Southern whites, including Ku Klux Klan members, who engaged in terrorism to prevent formerly enslaved African Americans from voting.”
As you probably noted, the Times fails to mention what political party those Southern whites and Ku Klux Klan members belonged to. The Democrat Klansmen used to beat, intimidate, terrorize, kidnap, sexually abuse and even lynch freed blacks to prevent them from going to the polls to vote for the Republican Party which had released them from the Democrats’ slavery.
It’s almost nonsensical for Trump to be charged with anything under this ancient statute. What constitutional rights did Trump deprive anyone of while encouraging his supporters to engage in a peaceful protest, which is itself a constitutional right?
It starts to make sense, in a very chilling fashion, when you read the penalties for violating 18 U.S.C. § 241, with emphasis added:
“They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.”
Not to put too fine a point on it, but it looks like Smith is planning to bring a death penalty charge against President Trump. One thing that the left, the media, and even some dimwitted Republicans continue to insist upon to this day is that Trump supporters attempted to kill police officers and politicians that day. This would elevate a charge under 18 U.S.C. § 241 to a death penalty case.
We all know they want to kill Trump. If the average Democrat was taken into a room with a little red button and you told them that pressing the button would give a Trump supporter bowel cancer, they would never stop pushing the button.
If they portray Trump as a person who actually tried to overthrow the government—a traitor—and argue that he tried to get people killed in that act, he could potentially be executed.
The unfairness of this does not matter. We cannot assume that justice will prevail, since Trump’s case is going to be tried in Washington, DC, where 94% of the jury pool voted for Joe Biden. Oath Keepers founder Stuart Rhodes will likely die in prison because of his 18-year sentence over January 6th. Why wouldn’t they want Trump to either die in prison or be executed as well?
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The rabid desperation shown trying to keep Trump out of the oval office should tell even the dumbest among us what the new order has in store for us!
If anyone should be put to death, it’s Biden and his cohorts. This was originally made for the Democrats (Kl Klux Klan): “The Democrat Klansmen used to beat, intimidate, terrorize, kidnap, sexually abuse and even lynch freed blacks to prevent them from going to the polls to vote for the Republican Party which had released them from the Democrats’ slavery.” It says everything we know about how the Democrats work! For the sake of our country, would y’all wake up!
Anyone that wants Biden to be president again, are nuts. Trump would never do what corrupted Biden did, to destroy America and the American people. There is no reason for Ttump to be in prison. There are tons of reasons, to IMPEACH Biden and Harris.
Dawn, I totally agree with you, President Trump has done no wrong, what the Democrats are doing the same thing is blamed on him, or us deplorable MAGA, people, even the so called president and the VP, call we Americans teriorest , this is really nasty….
ADVERTISEMENT BY BROOKDALE HOMES….claims for living for $250 per month is a LIE that they will NEVER back up…STAY AWAY FROM Brookdale – or ANYONE who claims such as this place does – they will NEVER adhere to their advertising come on!!!
They better watch what they hope for, he is not going to be convicted because he is innocent. The left is so afraid of this man they are manufacturing so much to try to push him out of the way it is ridiculous and the Teflon man, when he gets Navi in office will use it all against them and as during the Civil War, they will find themselves tried for the true crimes they are committing and they will be publication’s exhibited in his place. Don’t let them take your guns people! Soon we will be in a full blown Civil War, then China and Russia will step in and take control.
I hate auto correct…when he gets back in office…they will be publicly executed…
Thanks for the corrections Ralph – I used to have a keyboard and programmes like that – auto correct can be turned off – the keyboard problem was solved by purchasing a new one and using the old corrupted one for “Target Practice” 😉 Gave me a sense of retribution if nothing else 🙂
Preserve The Second Ammendment AT ALL COSTS – I TOTALLY AGREE !!!
Biden, and the Deep State people manipulating him, are all TERRIFIED of Trump being in a position to expose and prosecute their “TREASON & CORRUPTION”, and put the lot of them in prison, without Blue State “early releases”. There’s plenty of room, since the Dems have emptied all the prisons.
The Left is no longer hiding their true agendas, to scape up anything they can indict Trump for, and have the trials in Democratic Trump-hating courtrooms, while at the same time the Demonrats are openly creating a “Sadom & Gomorrah” country with their DEI, CRT and perverted child endangerment in Elementary schools, promoting “transgender” confusion and country hatred in young minds, while College Professors are promoting Marxism and hatred of country in young adult minds.
Meanwhile, while Joe Biden is stuffing untold millions of “pay for play” sellout America dollars through Shell company bank accounts, he has opened our southern border and flooded our country with millions of illegal aliens, who are ALL criminals of various degrees, because they broke our entry laws to start with, and many were already criminals. Biden has stopped making America energy independent, while forcing us to have to purchase overly expensive electric vehicles, while his deal with China is to make them richer by making the electric batteries. He has allowed death across America by allowing the Cartels to flood our country with illegal deadly drugs. He has enabled child sex trafficking and a new type of slavery, where the Cartels get their repayments for getting those illegals into America (which is really the “stickup” of every person trying to get to our border and forcing them to pay with sex or long term paybacks, for what Biden is NOT charging them for). Riots, arson, looting and murder, without arrests, while defunding the police. Weaponization of the DOJ, FBI and IRS to hunt down MAGA and any other conservative Americans for exercising their rights and ARRESTING and INCARCERATING those citizens.
Biden has ruined our economy, alienated our international friendships, enabled China, weakened our Military, drained our weapons stocks, ruined the international power of the U.S. currency and opened the door for Brics, appointed his Cabinet with DEI, instead of capabilities, prderrd a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, which wasted 20 years of our investment to create an Afghanistan democracy, abandoned American citizens in Afghanistan and failed to show American military resolve, when Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, or any other unfriendly country has militarily “slapped us around “!
There’s much, much more to say, but you all get the idea! I loath Biden. Just think about it, there are those who ACTUALLY want to vote for him to give us 4 more years of this INSANITY, to finish his TOTAL destruction of our country, and then the Bidens all leave and live on a South Pacific Island with all the millions of dollars those two criminals, Joe and Hunter Biden stole without paying a penny in taxes.
Democrats are COMMUNISTS and dictatorial. Think long and hard and vote for someone else. They are destroying our planet. They are destroying our oceans with windmills that kill large mammals. They are nothing but bad
That is what the far left wants , then the UN wtll try an take control of this Country we call America the Land of the Free . Use wisdom and trust GOD to deal with jack asses from where ever an who ever falls for this LIE . Are we willing to let this happen on our watch . Hell NO .
How much is prosecutor being BRIBED????? Check his and his families bank accts
A policy of “Follow the Money !” is ALWAYS a good start Alicia – check for cash flows from Soros – he and his cronies really enjoy backing corrupt AG’s – it is a proven way to guarantee
the rotten growth in ANY “State”.
If this was to come about this is likely to set off without a doubt a civil war in this country,Currently we have an alleged President
Who has openly said on a video he has sold state secrets,evidence is everywhere what’s does it take,Biden and his family has sold his soul to the Devil.May the devil these scum have sold their collective souls to and any one who votes for this scum be dragged through the gates of hades
To all COMBAT VETERANS we’ve fought for our country when called on. Are we going to sit by and watch Biden, China, Russia Ukraine, the telaban destro our country. I’m a Vietnam Veteran. D.A.V. I left MY blood there as a lot of you did
Yes. We need to band together and permanently clean house!!
What kind of sick government do we have? The way evil things are going in the government we trusted, you can bet it’s going to be a very long time before anyone wants another Democrat in our White House.
Time for citizens to actively employ their 2A rights and clean house permanently of everyone who is not living up to their oath of office.
They are now going to firm a committee for Biden, to determine feasibility of putting countless mucro pieces of metals in the earth’s atmosphere to DEFLECT the sun’s rsys AWAY FROM EARTH AND BACK TO THE SUN ITSELF. They’re truly deranged and seem to think they are the new GOD. Playing is not the term for thus evil plan, evil stupidity is. Messing with the Earth’s normal day and night, hot and cold seasons, sunlight or clouds, snow or heat.. they think that is not pushing catastrophic outcome possibilities?? And turning sun rays back to the sun from all over earth, also dangerous.
God I hate auto spell and no edit option to change it.
Absolutely, this is the most insane project proposed to by the Democrats. There’s enough “space junk” floating in space and falling to earth already. Why doesn’t he just propose to put up a sphere of venetian blinds around the earth that he can control like the demon he is? There go our Four Seasons and growing seasons….as if he hasn’t already sold out our farmlands to the Chinese! The jerk is a moron. If anyone should be jailed or executed it’s Biden and his regime. All the information we need is out there already, and it’s just up to us (people with functioning brains) to understand it and do something about it. Did you see the mpeg of Biden leaving the question and answer session with the press and walking through the double doors, turning left and almost walking into a wall? He’s the original “Wanderer”!
See how that works on Venus.
Don’t these dope smoking, Marxist loving Democrats know their hatred for their fellow Americans will come back to bite them?
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Biden & the DOJ are corrupt. Biden “says Where’s the money? EASY! Let’s go to off shore Bank accounts. This “feeble minded idiot’ is a Dem & “the Party” will do everything to keep him in power. America is “sick” of riots, no police, gay “everything” & poisoning our youth. from “gay” agendas to pornography in schools & libraries. The DEMS “stand for” nothing but DEATH! Kill the “kid & ” Anybody”, abortion up to 9 mo. AND. THEN KILL a NEWBORN! “THIS”? is a women’s right for promiscuity, no birth control & “her” PROBLEM! Anybody ever heard of ADOPTION? NEXT is euthanasia for “old people! Let’s start with Biden!
Global pass around puppet biden and his spawn hunter are not our friends. IMHO. They’re in it all for themselves. The strong arm wrenching of $500,000.00 apiece for biden’s crack head spawn (hunter) and for biden’s own personal use (or so it seems) that was paid out to biden by Ukraine so as to appease ol’ slo’ joe. It’s pathetic. These politicos are raking in foreign money hand over fist and no one seems to be paying attention to them. Whatever happened to enforcing the laws related to bribery, coercion, etc. ? Can we impeach the fool now? Please!
Why is President Trump being held accountable for democrats corruption? Just because you don’t like someone you do this? I think they have paid these people very well to do democrats dirty work. Once they have President Trump out of their hair for good then we are next. Like I said before please if you voted for Biden step up to the plate first that is the least you can do for conservatives. Democrats have opened Pandora’s box and they will get what they deserve along with rinos. Judgement day is coming, be prepared.
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We need to pray for our duly voted in president Trump and his family. They are all under attack and need God’s presence around them. Pray for protection, and for justice, God’s justice. I pray God send a band of angels to protect them and bring them moments of peace.
God bless you all.
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