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Democrats Are FREAKING OUT About What The New “MAGA” Speaker of the House Will Do To Them

The new Republican Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, is a breath of fresh air from his predecessor, RHINO Kevin McCarthy. And Democrats are in full-blown panic mode over it.

During his time as speaker, McCarthy failed to deliver on any of the things the American people expected from a Republican majority in the House, instead allowing the Democrats to continue destroying America with impunity.

Rep. Mike Johnson – a strong Trump ally – has promised things will be different under him, adding that America’s “best days are ahead of it.”

In his acceptance speech, Speaker Johnson promised to immediately get to work on reducing the national debt, fixing our wide open southern border on top of the obvious – holding Joe Biden accountable!


The new House Speaker has a longstanding history of confronting Democrats without pulling any punches.

Back in July for example, Johnson shredded Biden’s DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas who has been helping Biden steer the country into the ground.

“I’m not sure exactly what you do at the Department of Homeland Security other than great harm,” Johnson said bluntly, “I’ve been in Congress [for] seven years. I think you are the most dishonest witness that has ever appeared before the Judiciary Committee.”

In October 2021, he also fiercely grilled Attorney General Merrick Garland over his blatant biases that are preventing him from doing his job the way it’s supposed to be done.

At another hearing, he managed to make one Democrat so angry with his direct challenge that the Democrat official actually threw documents in his face!

With all of that in mind, it’s no surprise that the Democrats have pressed the panic button – terrified about what a Johnson Speakership looks like for their hopes of continuing to radically transform America.

Far-left Rep. Katie Porter whined that Johnson, a former Trump attorney, was an “insurrectionist.”

“Insurrectionist Mike Johnson is now second in line to the presidency. The American people deserve better,” she said.

Other left-wing radicals like Rep. Ilhan Omar branded Johnson as a “MAGA Extremist” while adding that by choosing him “Republicans have embraced the extreme MAGA playbook.”

Rep. Adam Schiff – the Democrat who spent years lying to the American people about having “a smoking gun” to take down Donald Trump – also weighed in on the choice.

Schiff cried that Johnson is a “hard-right, pro-Trump, leading election denier in the House.”

If Schiff hates him, he must be a GREAT choice!

Even the Biden 2024 campaign seemed to freak out about the selection. “MAGA Mike Johnson’s ascension to the speakership cements the extreme MAGA takeover of the House Republican Conference,” a spokesman for the Biden campaign said.

A recurring theme among these leftists seems to be a fear that Johnson is going to use his new position to move the Republican controlled House forward with a MAGA agenda – one which the American people are DESPERATELY asking for.

Democrats know a strong GOP Speaker will push back on them and their blatant attempts to destroy America – and they’re terrified Johnson is that Speaker!

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18 thoughts on “Democrats Are FREAKING OUT About What The New “MAGA” Speaker of the House Will Do To Them”

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  2. It now or never! Johnson can now prove he going to do the job every American wanted done! These democrats have been destroyed the country the last 24 years! They do not know how to speak truth. But do know how to sellout to our ENEMIES! Which is TREASONOUS BEING COMMITTED BY DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS! And the word ” AIDING ” THE ENEMIES equal DEATH PENALTY FOR THESE POLITICIANS AND PRESIDENT! It well stated in the ARTICLES OF THE CONSTITUTION LAWS!

      1. well, it’s always nice to have someone to blame, but I think there is plenty of blame to go around. No matter who would be in control or be the President, when times are bad and things go wrong, many look for someone other than ourselves to blame. Doesn’t mean all “other party” people are bad guys. it means we often don’t look to see where we failed as well. No Republican, by him or herself is going to FIX it all. we might try working together ACTUALLY for the greater good of all of us.

        1. Yes, you are right. Not all other party people are bad guys. But, can you or anyone ask those hypocritical Democrats to act the same way as you said, working together actually for the greater good of all?

  3. Go get them Mr Johnson. You are our last defense against the socialist agenda to sell us out to the one world government and the IEF. Thank god we have a real Republican and not a RINO as speaker. With Gods guidance we may make it through this,

  4. Go get them Mr Johnson. You are our last defense against the socialist agenda to sell us out to the one world government and the IEF. Thank god we have a real Republican and not a RINO as speaker. With Gods guidance we may make it through this,

  5. Well I hope they cut all the fat out of the Democrats spending. Biden Administration should present an exit plan for the Ukraine and Russia war. How long is this expected to go on and at what cost to the American people.

  6. Congratulations Speaker Johnson. Now we can get our country back and hopefully indict Biden and his entire administration for their anti-American agenda.

  7. The GOP, Independents and others, who are true patriots, need to quit playing destructive games. They need to buckle down and face the tyrannical left to get our Country back on track.
    Join forces and follow the direction of the new Speaker.

  8. Now that we have a speaker that hears the demands of citizens, maybe we can remove the culprits who are destroying our country.
    And yes democratic party members are afraid of the results. They know he can not be bought off. He will not back down from actions that destroy us.
    The first action he should go for is the impeachment of biden.
    The second thing enforce the border. Take action to send the illegals back to point of origin.
    Inform all leaders to stop sending illegals into other states, including biden. If they do, bring charges against them.

  9. Wax on, wax off! It takes time to restore the shine as it took time for the dullness to happen, but, it’s time for warp speed to put the people back in the driver’s seat. Go get ’em and drag the dems along, kickin’ and screamin’!!!!! I hope the cavalry is on the way!!

  10. I ­­­­­­a­­m ­­­­ma­­k­­i­­ng 28­­5­­ Dollars e­­a­­ch­­ h­­o­­u­­r ­­­­f­­o­­r w­­o­­r­­ki­­n­­g­­ ­­­­on­­l­­i­­n­­e. ­­I n­­e­­v­­e­­r ­­­­t­­h­­o­­u­­g­­h­­t ­­­­t­­h­­a­­t ­­­­i­­t ­­­­w­­a­­s ­­­­l­­e­­g­­i­­t­­ b­­u­­t­­­­ ­­m­­y­­ ­­­­­­b­­e­­s­­t­­­­ ­­f­­r­­i­­e­­n­­d­­ ­­e­­a­­r­­n­­s ­­­­29,0­­0­­0 d­­o­­l­­l­­a­­r­­s ­­­­ev­­e­­r­­y ­­m­­o­­n­­t­­h d­­­­o­­i­­n­­g t­­h­­i­­s ­­vs02 a­­n­­d­­ s­­h­­e ­­­­sh­­o­­w­­e­­d ­­m­­e­­ ­­h­­o­­w­­. C­­h­­e­­c­­k ­­i­­t ­­o­­u­­t ­­b­­y

    V­­i­­s­­i­­t­­i­­n­­­­­­­g f­­­­­­­ol­­­­­­­lo­­­­­­­w­­­­­­­in­­­­­­­g­­­­­­ L­­i­­n­­k………………………………..

  11. The left has a disease between the ears. MAGA Making America Great Again SHOULD BE IN EVERYONES WHEEL HOUSE. Really dumb and anti-American to demean this slogan. If the liberals don’t like freedom and prosperity then look for a new home in another country.

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    This is what I do………> > > > > >

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