Democrats Just Can’t Stop Themselves from Showing How Bat-$h*# Crazy They’ve Become

Conservative icon Ann Coulter’s comment summed it up nicely, “WINNER! Craziest thing ever said on TV: MSNBC regular Frank Figliuzzi claims that Trump ordering flags at half-mast until Thursday was secret ‘HEIL HITLER!’ signal.”

The “signal” Figliuzzi referred to was that the Thursday was August 8. Said Figliuzzi with a straight face, “The numbers eight-eight are very significant in the neo-Nazi and the white supremacy movement. Why? Because the letter “H” is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and to them, the numbers eight-eight stand for Heil Hitler.”

No, insisted Figliuzzi, he wasn’t suggesting that Trump did that deliberately, “But I am using it as an example of the ignorance of the adversary that’s being demonstrated by the White House.”

Clearly stung by Ann’s barb, Figliuzzi doubled down, “Dear craziest person on TV, listen carefully; I clearly said I’m not saying Trump did this deliberately, I’m saying he needs advice on how extremists will interpret raising (sic) the flag on 8/8. He needs advice on putting out the fire he started. Are you part of that solution?”

Okay, let’s get this straight. Figliuzzi, a former counterintelligence investigator for the FBI—you know, one of those geniuses whose intelligence failures resulted in the Twin Towers collapsing on September 11, 2001—actually believe that Trump’s people should have made that astonishingly arcane connection.

Well, maybe someone standing in the cafeteria line in a prison behind a bald white supremacist with the tattoo “88” on his skull might have caught it, but the rest of us—not so much. So, we need the likes of Trump-hating Figliuzzi bloviating at Brian Williams on MSNBC to wake us all up.

That might work if anyone was actually watching MSNC nowadays. Even though Brian Williams seems intelligent when matched up with Rachel “Madcow” and Crazy Joe Scarborough, who watches MSNBC in the first place? The Fox news network is burying MSNBC in every time slot.

It seems MSNBC, led by the breathless desperation of Rachel and company, were so invested in burying President Trump under their 24/7 Russian collusion claims, that their house of crap caved in on them after the Mueller debacle. (The same holds true for CNN.)

But as long as we’re into conspiracy theories and calendar numerology, Barrack Obama’s fans should have picked up on this one: Someone observed that President Obama’s birthday, August 4, bears a direct relationship to Satan.

How so? Well, August 4 is the 216thday of the year. The number 216 is the product of 6 times 6 times 6. The number 666 is used to summon Satan…

Okay, the previous observation as well as Figliuzzi’s comment are bat-shit crazy. Figliuzzi’s dopey remark didn’t even make it past Brian Williams to Trump hater Lester Holt, who, according to NBC is “America’s most trusted news source.”

Remember Lester’s cheery report from the North Korean ski resort? You know, the resort that was actually a ghost town that North Korean propagandists populated temporarily for a Nightly News scam.

In any case, neither the mainstream news nor the lamestream Democrats seem to want to let go of the calling President Trump a racist and supporter of white supremacy. Following President Trump’s crushing attacks on the Ocasio-Cortez “Squad,” Joe Biden told a crowd in California that President Trump is “more George Wallace than George Washington.”

The Trump War Room immediately pointed out that in his 1980 campaign Joe said he really liked George Wallace. Said the War Room tweet, “Campaigning in Alabama in April, Biden talked of his sympathy for the South; bragged of an award he had received from George Wallace in 1973 and said ‘we (Delawareans) were on the South’s side in the Civil War.’”

The good news is that President Trump has deftly turned the argument of racial bias back towards the Democrats. In the case of Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland), the normally outspoken politician seems to be hiding in the tall grass of one of his Baltimore trash-strewn vacant lots.

A reliable indication that someone has lost an argument is their silence. Cummings and his fellow Democrats own the cities they have mismanaged and allowed to deteriorate for 50 years. They would prefer that the conversation be directed to the specious charges that our President is somehow a racist and white supremacist. He isn’t, and they know it.

What they do know is that record African-American low unemployment, coupled with the recognition that the Democrats are bad at running things, could be another nail in their coffin in 2020. You might be able to convince limousine liberals that Trump is racist, but the people who live in the slums of Baltimore know the truth.

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