The Democrats gave up on making convincing arguments a long time ago in favor of simply calling their political opponents names. Liberals love to call President Trump and his supporters racist, xenophobic, homophobic, fascist, Nazi’s…whatever ‘ism’ they can think of.
They’ve overused the tactic so much in the last four years that it isn’t as effective as it used to be. Trump supporters are so used to being called every name in the book they just aren’t as offended as much by the name calling anymore.
To combat this Democrats are trying out a new strategy—one they hope will once again draw outrage from Republicans and President Trump. They have introduced a bill that would allow illegal immigrants and other non-citizens to be eligible for positions of leadership in state-level political parties in California.
Memalie Arter of writes, “[The] current state law prohibits non-citizens from holding positions of party leadership, but bill, SB 288, would change that, allowing non-citizens, including illegal immigrants to serve as state convention delegates and county committee leaders within the Democratic Party, which will allow them to be involved with party platforms and a bigger voice on issues.”
Proponents of the bill predictably say that the idea is to offer “welcoming support to all migrant groups.”
Democrat Senator Scott Weiner, who introduced SB 288, says, “We need to continue to send a very, very loud message that we are going to embrace and uplift and support all American immigrant neighbors. As immigrant communities face brutal attacks from this President, California must embrace and empower immigrant voices and leaders. Immigrants contribute to our culture. They are already leaders in our communities and should have an open seat at the table. The Democratic Party will lead as the party that embraces all communities, and this legislative fix will help keep us on track.”
It’s interesting that he calls it a ‘fix,’ because that is exactly what it is. It’s an effort by a party that is increasingly desperate for a new population that it can manipulate and feed its addiction to power.
As fewer legal citizens and lawful voters fall for the lies of the left, Democrats are incentivized to bring in new voters who will keep them in power. It’s a Hail Mary pass, an effort to circumvent the Constitutional protections that the Founders put into place to protect Americans from those who would abuse power.
This is not the only example of Democrats trying to subvert the will of the people. We’ve seen it non-stop since Trump won the election. We’ve seen it in their efforts to criminalize disagreeing with them as hate speech. We’ve seen it in the way they co-opt the news media to deceive the people. There was the clear and obvious election meddling by the DNC in 2016. There’s the full blast pandering that’s been going on recently, with promises to give away free college loan forgiveness and magically free healthcare for everyone. And perhaps the most blatant of all has been Nancy Pelosi’s mealy-mouthed support for dropping the voting age to 16.
That’s right, Democrats love voters who are uninformed, emotional, and economically desperate. These are the people they pander to the most. They can promise these kinds of voters the Moon on a stick every four years- deliver nothing- and still get votes.
Shawn Steel, a Republican Nationwide Committeeman from California, told Fox Information, “Given that the parties regulate from Sacramento and the bill only pertains to the Democrat’s delegates and committees, SB 288 is poised to pass easily in the legislature and make its way to Newsom’s desk.”
Based on Gavin Newsom’s voting record, if SB 288 makes it to his desk, it will become law. This might be the final nail in California’s coffin as a sustainable economy and a viable place to live for law-abiding citizens. But the explosion in illegal migrants that the passing of such a law would trigger would not be contained by California’s borders.
California itself has a very long eastern border, approximately 1000 miles of desert, mountains, and woodland. These terrains would become the new southern border as the entire state becomes a haven for illegals. It would mean the eventual total loss of the state to lawless groups of people, many of whom have eased their Democrat supported ingress into the US by carrying illegally trafficked children.