Democrats Ramp Up Election Theft Testing as Presidential Election Nears – Voters Left CONFUSED After Being Told Why Their Votes Wouldn’t Be Counted

Man voting on a new touch screen machine for the first time.

It’s become increasingly evident that the Democrats are using the primary elections as a test-run for their election rigging tactics – and, yes, they still work!

With Joe Biden falling further and further behind in the polls, Democrats have realized a Trump victory will be the only outcome in a FAIR election.

But of course, they have no interest in fairness – just power.

Just like in 2020 when Sleepy Joe magically received the “most votes of any presidential candidate in history,” leftists are looking to deploy their fraudulent tactics once again to keep the old man in office and allow him to continue destroying America.

However, the cheating leftists know that they will have more eyes on them this time around so their rigging efforts have to be perfect if they hope to get away with it again, so the primary elections across the country have been their testing grounds for various cheating efforts.


Over the weekend South Carolina held its primary – which Donald Trump won easily – but something quite disturbing happened regarding several ballot tabulators which left voters unable to cast their ballots.

Countless ballot tabulators were completely out of service because, according to poll workers, the internet was not working.

However, it’s worth noting that ballot tabulators are NOT SUPPOSED TO BE CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET.

After 2020 when many people pointed out that many of the machines throughout the country appeared to have been hacked and had their vote tallies changed, the Democrats and the media told us that this was a nonsensical conspiracy theory given that the machines weren’t even capable of connecting to the internet.

Now we’re being told that if the internet is down these machines don’t even work? So which is it?!

One primary voter revealed that a poll worker told him “they didn’t have internet” so he would have to take his paper ballot and “fold it and slide it into another slot. It looked kind of like a trash can.”

The voter then said he walked out scratching his head and noticed that there were a number of other voters who were just as confused as he was.

If the machines are connected to the internet then that confirms the theory suggesting the Democrats – or their foreign allies – could easily hack into the tabulators and change votes in their favor.

Even if they’re not connected to the internet this could be a shady tactic used by Democrat-allied poll workers to discourage voter turnout on election day, when the vast majority of the voters just so happen to be Republican.

This of course, comes after an incident took place in Nevada where citizens were surprised to find that their mail-in-ballots had been counted as votes towards the primary election – despite the fact that they never actually participated in the election!

The Democrats are not holding back, they know they need some SERIOUS rigging to win in 2024 – and they’re fine tuning their various methods to make sure they emerge victorious in the presidential election.

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10 thoughts on “Democrats Ramp Up Election Theft Testing as Presidential Election Nears – Voters Left CONFUSED After Being Told Why Their Votes Wouldn’t Be Counted”

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    1. They stole the election last time, they’ll do it again. They’ll use the same tactics again and call the Republicans crazy. I don’t see how we’ll ever see another fair election in the United States.

  2. Right on the money, Dan Townsend. Republicans are for America. Democrats are for themselves. Re-elect President Trump! MAGA!!

  3. What gets me is they know what is happening, but failing to enforce punishment upon the guilty, make it were each voter’s ballot has a duplicate, with ID, finger print, and photo showing which ballot box the voter’s deposit their ballot in, as the ballot is deposited the collectors will mark the ballot with a mint of a number that contains the city or county area code and the machine number with the operators ID.

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    Look at this……………………

  5. Hang the democrats so high that the buzzards will run out of breathe trying to fly up to pick there bones. The nasty low- lifes thats called democrats needs took out and horse whipped into leaving are country. There has never been so much destructive behavior in are country as there is now *on Bidens watch* He is the worse thing to ever crawl into office and so above the law that it is sickening. The most worse thing ever to be a man, maybe he should cut it off and try being a woman !!. That is how destructive Biden is. And it seems that the only way a democrat can win is not to win but to cheat, there getting really good at cheating. Hope and pray that this horrible thing called a democrat man will get boo out in November.

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