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DeSantis Creates Election Cops & Democrat Just Flat-Out Admits Her Side Cheats

President Donald J. Trump created Space Force, a new branch of the military that is simultaneously necessary and AWESOME. Following in his footsteps, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has announced the creation of a new law enforcement branch in his state, which will focus solely on election crimes: Election Force!

Doesn’t that just sound like a great idea? Everyone wants safe and secure elections where we can trust the results, right? But not everyone is happy about it. One political party in particular thinks it is a terrible idea to create a new law enforcement branch that is dedicated to securing Florida’s elections.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Election Force is not the actual name of this new Florida police force created by Ron DeSantis. I just think it should be. Because it sounds awesome. And because that would trigger the liberals to no end. If you’ve been reading these pages for a while, you probably realize that any chance to trigger the libs seems to transform me into a 50-year-old juvenile delinquent. Can we get #ElectionForce trending on Twitter? I really think it should be called Election Force.


When DeSantis announced the creation of the Election Force the other day, he stated the reason why Election Force is needed:

“If someone’s ballot harvesting, you report it to these people [Election Force], and this is their sole job. Some of these counties, some of them will do the cases but that’s not their expertise. They got all these other crimes that they have to deal with. So by the time it happens, the election’s already over.”

This is very true. Out of 3,081 sheriffs in the USA, only one (Racine County in Wisconsin) conducted a meaningful election fraud investigation in the last year. The fruits of that investigation could very well lead to Wisconsin overturning its 2020 results. But the other 3,080 sheriffs haven’t done squat because they had other crimes that seemed bigger to worry about.

DeSantis’ announcement about the creation of Election Force prompted one ultra-liberal commentator to tweet, “Not good.”

Huh?! Not good for whom? Allow me to translate that “Not good” declaration into gooder English for everyone:

Bank Robber: “Bank robbery is a myth! It’s a white supremacist conspiracy theory!”

City Mayor: “I am creating a bank robbery task force to focus solely on solving bank robberies and arresting bank robbers.”

Bank Robber: “Oh sh*t! Not good!”

Only members of a political party that is dedicated to cheating in elections would lament the creation of an Election Force. Why else would someone think it’s a bad thing to make elections safer and more secure?

Ron DeSantis also added that the new penalties for anyone caught committing election fraud would be STEEP. I might be mistaken, but I’m pretty sure he glanced in the direction of Broward County when he said that.

A Democrat state representative from Florida was really upset about the creation of Election Force. Rep. Anna V. Eskamani tweeted:

“Why does our Governor keep creating partisan chaos? Why can’t we just focus on problems like housing, hunger, taxes, our environment & public transportation?”

I’m not sure what the chaos is that she’s referring to, but I really hope you zeroed in on the word “PARTISAN” in that sentence. How exactly, you may wonder, is the creation of a special law enforcement branch to deal with a specific type of crime a “partisan” endeavor?


Did you just say the quiet part out loud, Rep. Eskamani? Did you really mean to suggest that your particular political party has the market cornered on election fraud, and therefore the Election Force in Florida is only going to be arresting Democrats when they get caught committing election fraud in future elections? Is that why it’s “partisan?”

Because it sure does sound like that’s what you’re saying!

Ron DeSantis continues to show every other Republican Governor in the US how it’s done. And you libs, who now seem to be admitting that election fraud is very real and very much something you do – you guys are on notice!

If you try to pull your magic suitcases filled with Democrat ballots out from under a table on election night like they did in Fulton County, Georgia, look out! Election Force will rappel down from the ceiling and tase you for your election crimes, before hauling you off to prison.

*Editor’s Note: The new law enforcement agency in Florida is not called “Election Force.” That is wishful thinking on the part of this author. The unit’s actual name is the Office of Election Crimes and Security. But he’s right… Election Force does sound better.

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22 thoughts on “DeSantis Creates Election Cops & Democrat Just Flat-Out Admits Her Side Cheats”

  1. I like Election force better as well! They should have a quick easy to remember phone number as well! Instead of 911 use 999!


  3. Election Force beats the crap out of OECS. And your article is spot on. Democrats ALWAYS sh#t themselves at the prospect of ANYTHING that makes election fraud more difficult. Yes, it is very telling.

  4. I vote for “ELECTION FORCE” Short, to the Point, Extremely Meaningful, Scares the $h*t out of Criminals attempting to Steal Elections! Great Move that should catch on in ALL STATES!

  5. Nothing better than a Governor who offers a solution to a problem we all suspect is happening and to build trust back trust in our elections. Thanks Gov DeSantis.

  6. Love this governor. Because Florida has a large senior citizen population, I am sure ballot harvesting at assisted living and nursing homes could be a big thing. Any steps to stop mail-in voting fraud and out right ballot box stuffing is appreciated. I hope this force will also look at the voter registration roles. Its pretty well known that the democrats and their minions used the 2011 census and 2016 voter registration roles to fake up the ghost ballots found all over the country in 2020.

  7. Someone please forward this story to Gov. Bill Lee in Tennessee. I’m sure it will be met with great approval in our state.

  8. I’ll bet anything that the phone will be “out of order-please check the number” in blue states on election night.

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