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DHS Data CONFIRMS President Biden is Trying to Take Over Red States by Flooding Them with Illegal Voters

October 4, 2015; Bapska in Serbia. Group of refugees leaving Serbia. They came to Bapska by buses and then they leaving Serbia and go to Croatia and then to Germany. Many of them escapes from home because of civil war.

It’s no secret that Joe Biden has been flooding America with illegal immigrants, but newly obtained data exposes exactly what the Democrats are up to – and it’s terrifying.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data reveals that hundreds of thousands of illegals have been flown into more than 45 U.S. cities through a disturbing program which Biden set up to make it easier for America to be invaded.

This program fast-tracks migration to America from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, giving it the nickname of the CHNV program.

This initiative was unveiled back in January of 2023 and the regime claimed it was put into place in order to “provide safe and orderly pathways to the United States” for up to 30,000 individuals per month – instantly granting them the ability to live and work in the U.S. for at least two years.

Still, the Biden regime attempted to hide what was really going on here and it was only after the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) revealed that Biden was actually using American tax money to FLY these illegals directly into key U.S. cities that we really understood the gravity of what was going on here.


When CIS filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit to get more information on this, the Biden regime flat-out denied.

But now DHS data PROVES WITHOUT A DOUBT that Biden has been targeting red states by flooding them with illegals.

About 80% of the illegals were flown into Florida, targeting cities such as Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando, and Tampa.

The data, covering the eight month period from January 2023 to August 2023, shows that nearly 200,000 illegal immigrants were flown into the U.S., with Florida receiving 161,562 of them.

Considering that this was just in the first eight months of the program, by now the regime has likely flown in AT LEAST another 175,000 – 140,000 of which would have been just for Florida – assuming they maintained that same pace.

At the same time, Democrats in the state of Florida are illegally trying to encourage these non-citizens to register to VOTE IN THE 2024 ELECTION, while telling them that Biden is the only one keeping them here, and that if Trump gets elected he will deport them.

It’s blatantly obvious that Joe and the rest of the Democrats are desperately trying to regain control of the former swing state of Florida which has turned deeply red in recent years.

Senior Advisor to President Trump Stephen Miller commented on this by saying, “Biden is flying illegals en masse into swing states before voting begins while, at the same time, his DOJ battles against voter ID and his party (successfully) opposes citizenship verification to vote. If this isn’t a criminal conspiracy to interfere in US elections, nothing is.”

As if those who are coming across the border wouldn’t be enough to help the Democrats cheat their way to a victory in 2024, Biden continues to fly illegals directly to American cities where he needs votes the most.

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14 thoughts on “DHS Data CONFIRMS President Biden is Trying to Take Over Red States by Flooding Them with Illegal Voters”

  1. Biden obama, this administration has to go.This administration is the destruction of america and any democrat that votes for this administration biden obama is destroying america. The democrats need to wake up and see the forest for the trees. The?
    Republicans need to take a very strong stand to guarantee voter Integrity. Illegal voting dropboxes and mail iin balloting has to be stopped.That’s the way the democrats cheat.Early voting also needs to be stopped. You know who wins the election the same day as election day?Not 345 weeks out until they count.And fo all the dumps. This.
    Administration has one thing in mind.America to be taken over and will not far from it.The country is falling into an abyss. Wake up people go out and vote in the multi.Multi multi-millions for Donald Trump.He’s the only chance this country as otherwise it is doomed.

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    2. I agree one hundred percent. Biden is DESTROYING AMERICA!!!!!!!!! He needs to go now! If President Trump does not win, it is over. NO MORE AMERICA! I am praying so hard for Trump to win. AMERICA is already 3/4 destroyed. I do not know how we will ever get it back with President Trump.

  2. The Marxist/Communist Democrats have been slowly destroying America from within. They have weaponized DOJ, FBI, CIA, DOE and other agencies against the American citizens. They brainwash our children and military with Marxist ideology, CRT/DIE and LGBQT agenda, both meant to divide families and citizens. They do what every dictator does; attack our Freedom of Speech, Religion and especially our 2nd amendment rights to take away citizens rights to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. They destroy our history using Marxist organizations like ANTIFA and BLM to occupy public spaces, burn buildings and Statues (our history). Also to assault Police and citizens with impunity. Citizens need to wake up get rid of the Democrats and left, vote them out of office, impeach them immediately as America can’t wait until November as it is already fallen off the cliff!!

  3. If there is a revolution you must first silence the democrat media MSNBC,CNN etc.
    Then remove the Obama leftover cabinet members that are feeding all the criminal
    nonsense to the American populace. How did we let this happen to our wonderful
    USA.This can all be done peacefully but withn firm passion.There are more than
    20,000,000 veterens who can achieve this. We cannot sink any furthur than we have.
    Time is precious.God bless AMERICA.

  4. Demand voters identification! This was the reasoning behind releasing over ten millions of apprehended into the nation’s interior, and the on going scheduled flights carried out weekly bringing in over three hundred thousand in the first month alone! And it is still on going the border is not being enforced as how many more crossover illegally?

  5. Why has The Joseph R. Biden Jr. Regime not Been Impeached and Imprisoned for Treason Through Dereliction of Duty and Endangering The Citizenry of The United States Lives? It is A Constitutional Imperative!

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  7. I suggest we arm ourselves NOW, because if Biden continues thus treacherous behavior to AGAIN steal the election—-CIVIL WAR WILL BREAK OUT IN THE UNITED STATES. The illegals will not be deported-BUT WILL ALL. BE KILLED! Believe me that will happen! So word to illegals—STAY HOME?
    And bastard BIDEN —silent majority is up to your evil tricks to steal ANOTHER ELECTION -and we are not going to take it anymore !!!??????????????

  8. Biden, actually his puppet masters can try all they want, it won’t work. The new management of the RNC and red state governors won’t let the illegal alien scum vote. There’s so much rage in this country right now, that there are blue states in play Dems even realize they’re gonna lose.

  9. All Americans who love the Republic, the Constitution and the freedoms enshrined therein need to wake up right now. Any bonehead could have seen this coming at least 40 years ago. Historically, anywhere on the planet the left has never given up power without a fight. This November will be no different. The Left will do a big cheat 2.0 like 2020, find an excuse to suspend the elections and/or the Constitution, assuming they can’t find an excuse to jail or possibly assassinate President Trump. I will put nothing past the pack of empathy deleted reptiles and their useful idiot, empty headed leftist camp followers in the uni-party, as there are plenty of Republican and Democrat elites who are behind all of this. I suspect all of this will soon turn ugly. All of us need to take some time to wake up the people we know and love. It is a difficult thing to make people think about something that makes them inherently uncomfortable, but that is the task at hand.

  10. The worse thing a president can do to the people Biden does it. He has been a wrecking ball ever since he entered the white house. And he didn’t even win to be in the wnite house ! Everyone knows now so many states did the fraudulent ballots thing and got this democrat monster in office. Now the true people of America is hurting under all the sick things Biden has done . Inflation is high and the economy is hit hard. And illegal immigration is running wild from wide open borders. Bidens is destroying our great country . And he is so brainless that other countries are pitying us. This has to stop. But we have know justice department its turn democrat. Every dam democrat is above the law. Are forefathers fought hard for this country to be given to invaders and lawless dem-o-craps. Its a shame how this once great country is now so destroyed on the inside. People just don’t know how in need this country is. The people out there who say their voting for Biden or any democrat who runs for office please get down on your knees and pray first , pray for the country your helping democrats destroy. If your so blind and stupid to all the stuff that Biden has done then why don’t you just leave and please take these destroying dem-o-craps with you. For the true American people dont want our homeland destroyed. Vote for anyone except a dirty lowlife piece of crooked shit destroying dem-o-crap.

  11. Biden needs all these illegal immigrants stoved up his ass. The only president in history that refuses to take care of the American people he was put into office to serve. He needs in prison for committing treason against the United States of America and its citizens for allowing the worst illegal immigrants invasion in history and therefore should be held accountable. But are do- know- good- job dept. Of Justice is a bunch of cracks that cant handle democrat criminals.

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