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Dictator Joe Biden PUNISHES IRS Whistleblower Who Revealed Political Interference in Hunter Biden Probe

In a letter sent to Republican and Democrat members of congressional committees, it was revealed that the Biden Department of ‘Justice’ has decided to PUNISH a whistleblower for speaking out against a potential issue which directly affects President Biden and his family.

The IRS whistleblower is a supervisory criminal investigative agent who led the team probing Hunter Biden’s potential tax crimes – until, as that letter reveals, he and his entire team were suddenly REMOVED from the case by order of Merrick Garland, the head of Biden’s Department of Justice.

He had received whistleblower protection a few weeks ago from Congress and the Justice Department inspector general as he sought to disclose evidence that showed Garland the DOJ were not treating the case fair and instead were trying to interference in the probe against the president’s son.


Attorneys for the whistleblower say this is MOST CERTIANLY an act of RETALIATION on top of obstruction of Congressional inquiries.

“Today the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Criminal Supervisory Special Agent we represent was informed that he and his entire investigative team are being removed from the ongoing and sensitive investigation of the high-profile, controversial subject about which our client sought to make whistleblower disclosures to Congress,” the whistleblower’s lawyers, Mark Lytle and Tristan Leavitt, wrote in a letter to multiple House and Senate committees.

“He was informed the change was at the request of the Department of Justice.”

The completely unprecedented move has raised red flags surrounding the legitimacy of the federal agencies under Joe Biden’s regime – which is already at an all-time low given the recent revelations which revealed the entire DOJ was in on the Russiagate narrative from the start.

Congress also warned that actions like this could suppress individuals’ willingness to speak out when they see wrongdoing in our government agencies – which is exactly what the corrupt band of criminals leading our country hope to accomplish.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith said, ”Congress’s duty to hold government agencies accountable relies on the availability and willingness of individuals to speak out about wrongdoing,” he added.

“Not only does retaliation like this discourage whistleblowers, it can also rise to the level of an illegal violation of statutory protections for whistleblowers. I call on Commissioner Werfel to abide by his pledge, quickly provide information to Congress in response to these allegations, and ensure that no action is taken to discourage those who attempt to shine a light on government misconduct.”

That pledge which Smith is referring to is one made my IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel during a testimony in which he said back on April 27,2023, “I can say without any hesitation there will be no retaliation for anyone making an allegation or a call to a whistleblower hotline.”

But this may actually be the most BLATANT instance of whistleblower retaliation in American history.

Federal law prohibits a whistleblower from ANY reprisals – including a ‘significant change in duties, responsibilities, or working conditions’ because of his disclosures to Congress.

The Whistleblowers attorney’s warned that this type of behavior is EXACTLY what their client sought to expose in the first place.

“Removing the experienced investigators who have worked this case for years and are now the subject-matter experts is exactly the sort of issue our client intended to blow the whistle on to begin with.”

Meanwhile, as the news of this was breaking, Hunter Biden was seen alongside his dad while sporting a big smile and flashing a massive thumbs up for the cameras – they’re laughing in our faces as they INTENTIONALLY destroy this nation for profit and continue to get away with it!

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18 thoughts on “Dictator Joe Biden PUNISHES IRS Whistleblower Who Revealed Political Interference in Hunter Biden Probe”

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    1. More BS. Another deflection from the subject matter. Another libturd demonrat coward troll hiding behind a phony profile. Bejing biden is a corrupt traitor that had his personal asslicker garland run interference for him. I’m glad to see articles of impeachment being filed against mayorkas, wray and garland and hopefully soon biden himself. Then prosecute all 4 for Treason, murder and several other crimes

      1. I agree that everyone (and I mean everyone should be held accountable for their treasonous acts against “WE THE PEOPLE”!

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  4. Now Byedone and Garland will probably have Wray go after the 3 whistleblowers who spoke today in Congress about Flipping Boob Institute abuses!!

  5. All I have to say is that our country has gone to shit under Biden and the Democrats. Don’t know how much more the American people are willing to stand!!

  6. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” GALATIANS 6:7 That’s right God is in control and He will be the ultimate judge. His justice will not be overturned !

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  9. “ByeDone” Love it! Futuretellers Rejoice! There is Hope on the Horizon, that Wrongdoers, no matter what their “Position” or how “High” it may be, are Still Answerable to the “Written Laws” and the “Constitution” We All Live By!

  10. People we all need to get prepared for anything coming out of DC. Never in our history have we witness a president that is a DICTATOR like Biden. Even it a first the DOJ IS DOING HIS TYRANNICAL AGAINST US! FBI has turn into a COMMUNIST FORCE, who need to be deal with as well. All this was started to push SOCIALISM UPON US! So make up your mind if you going to fight back or sit on the sideline getting ABUSE BY EVIL PEOPLE! This run deeper than you are told! I personally believe it STARTED UNDER CLINTON. That when these politicians wanted to PUSH JOBS OUT OF AMERICA. AND PUSH PEOPLE ON GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS! Yes, JESUS IS COMING Back! But we are to PUT ON THE ARMOUR OF GOD AND FIGHT TOO!

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