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Disbarment Trial of Trump’s Main 2020 Election Attorney Has Been Going on for a Month

Democrats in California are trying to disbar attorney John Eastman for the “crime” of offering President Donald Trump legal advice over the stolen 2020 election. Eastman’s trial in California is going into its fifth week now.

Eastman is a distinguished legal scholar who was forced to resign from Chapman University, where he was a professor and the dean of the law school. The reason he was forced to step down was because he gave a speech 2 miles from the Capitol on January 6th.

Eastman was one of the 18 “co-conspirators” who was indicted along with President Trump in Fulton County, Georgia.

Eastman was the scholar who came up with the plan for Mike “The Betrayer” Pence to return the disputed slates of electors back to the swing states, so they could sort out the fraud, hold do-over elections, or allow Congress to ultimately decide the 2020 election.

This legal advice was based directly on the Electoral Count Act. Eastman did nothing wrong, but for the “crime” of advising Donald Trump, he is now fighting to save his career as a lawyer and to stay out of jail after being indicted by Fani Willis’s crazed, leftwing grand jury.


His disbarment trial became explosive last week, when Eastman’s attorney called their star witness—former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman. As you may remember, Gableman was appointed to lead a very limited investigation into 2020 election fraud in Wisconsin. When he actually uncovered a mountain of evidence, Wisconsin House Speaker Robin Vos fired Gableman.

To get Eastman disbarred, his inquisitors basically have to prove to a judge that Eastman did not believe the 2020 election was stolen. Their point is that Eastman was lying and fomenting an insurrection through those lies. Eastman’s attorney is therefore calling the most credible witnesses in the country to point out that it was perfectly reasonable for a person to believe the 2020 election was stolen.

Some highlights from Gableman’s testimony:

Gableman was extremely concerned that the electronic voting machines were used as part of a multi-tiered strategy to steal the election in Wisconsin. The three types of machines used in Wisconsin were designed by Dominion Voting Systems, ES&S, and Hart InterCivic. Gableman was alarmed—as many Americans were—when he learned that these machines do not actually count votes on ballots.

The machines take a picture of your ballot and then convert them to a mathematical formula before churning out the vote tallies. Gableman testified that when the machines are used like this, “You end up with fractional votes.”

Here’s a simplified explanation of how fractional votes work. For every 100 votes cast for Donald Trump, one ballot is actually counted as 0.9 votes, instead of a full vote. The additional 0.1 portion of the vote is assigned to Joe Biden. Every time you shave a fraction off of a Trump vote and add that fraction to Joe Biden’s total, it adds up—especially when you’re dealing with millions of votes. It’s unknown how many votes were stolen from Donald Trump in this fashion, because as Gableman noted, Dominion Voting Systems throws up monumental roadblocks and refuses to cooperate with any audit.

Speaking of the millions of votes, Gableman found that the Wisconsin voter rolls have 7 million voters registered in them. This is despite the fact that only 4.5 million Wisconsinites were eligible to vote in 2020. The remaining 2.5 million have all moved out of state, died, or are otherwise ineligible to vote. A mail-in ballot was sent to every one of those 2.5 million ineligible voters’ addresses.

Gableman’s investigation also found that Mark Zuckerberg’s employees from the Center for Tech & Civic Life (CTCL) were effectively administering the election in Wisconsin’s five biggest cities, on behalf of Joe Biden. The CTCL employees had real-time access to the voter rolls in Wisconsin and knew when likely Trump or likely Biden voters had not yet sent in their mail-in ballots. The employees then tracked down the likely Biden voters and encouraged them to cast their ballots, while ignoring the Trump voters who hadn’t voted yet. Gableman testified that he believed this tactic was determinative in the election.

That just barely scratches the surface of the fraud that has been covered over the four weeks that John Eastman has been on trial and facing disbarment. The trial should wrap up after this week. Sadly, John Eastman could very well have his career destroyed by the left for the “crime” of offering sound legal advice to President Trump.

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6 thoughts on “Disbarment Trial of Trump’s Main 2020 Election Attorney Has Been Going on for a Month”

  1. All we need for work is a reliable smart phone and an Internet connection, as well as a responsible individual. For all students, regardless of age, whether they are in school, recently graduated, or unemployed.
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  2. My comments on the 2020 election got me banned from commenting on twitter, but I will say this. Biden has done far worse than any thing that President Trump has been accused of by the MSM and their handlers, the DemocRAT party. Nuff said.

  3. The demoncrats are so scared of Trump that they came up with the whole idea of the insurrection to stop Trump and the Republicans. The demoncrats are so afraid of losing they will come up with all ideas to stop Republicans from winning an election again. The US by the demoncrats is turning us into a banana republic. Demoncrats are nothing more than a nazi regime.

    1. Nancy Pelosi needs to go in front of the grand jury and explain her role in the Jan 6 deal out was all a scam to get at Trump because they knew thet stole the election

  4. All we need for work is a reliable smart phone and an Internet connection, as well as a responsible individual. For all students, regardless of age, whether they vs-61 are in school, recently graduated, or unemployed.
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  5. Shit heads all of them !!. So Gableman was appointed to lead a very limitd investigation into the 2020 eletion fraud in Wisconsin and when he uncovered a ” Mountain ” of evidence on the “Fraud ” He was fired by Wisconsin House Speaker Robin Vos. ( how appropriate) ×
    Also there was evidence of ballots fraud in Fulton county Georgia but the District General Fani Willis covered all that up . (How appropriate ) . Michigan’s Muskegun county uncovered fraudulent ballots and of course nothing esle came of it. (How appropriate ) . And there are more states with election fraud so how long is this going to go on ? Someone has to stand up and say ” look joe is not our president we the people did not elect him , he is an imposter in office by fraudulent ballots and should be under indictment for treason. And Attorneys like Willis should be without a job for being above the law.

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