A Canadian group of freedom fighters is calling on everyone to refuse to donate their organs following a horrible tragedy caused by doctors in Ontario.
We’ve been covering the ongoing controversy for months now about unvaccinated Americans and Canadians being denied lifesaving organ transplants. The medical community is denying patients transplants and treatments unless they play vaccine roulette with the COVID shots.
The latest victim was 35-year-old Garnet Harper, a married father of five children in Ontario. In February of this year, Garnet was diagnosed with Stage 5 kidney disease. That’s when your kidneys have basically stopped working altogether, and you will die soon if you don’t receive a kidney transplant. Two of Garnet’s brothers offered to donate kidneys to him in order to save his life.
Doctors denied Garnet Harper a kidney transplant because he was unvaccinated. The married father of five died in the hospital from a bleeding stroke while he was asleep on May 22nd.
Canada has a nationwide blanket policy of denying life-saving medical care, including organ transplants, to the unvaccinated. A previous case that we talked about was Sheila Lewis from Alberta. The mother of six was denied a transplant a few months ago because she’s not double-vaxed and double-boosted. Fortunately, an American hospital has agreed to provide her with the operation needed to save her life. The bad news for Sheila is that she’ll have to pay out-of-pocket for transportation, the surgery, and the recovery time in a hospital.
Garnet Harper declined and died too quickly for the family to find a hospital in a different country. We haven’t even gotten to the worst part of this story yet.
As Garnet was dying in the hospital, one of the doctors who was allowing him to die recommended him as an organ donor. The doctor phoned a group called the Trillium Gift of Life Network (TGLN), an Ontario organ donation agency, and told them that Garnet would be a suitable organ donor and gave them the cell phone number of Meghan Harper.
Now, to be clear: TGLN is not the villain in this story. They’re probably good people and they were just doing their jobs. The villains in this story are the doctors and the Canadian healthcare fascists who allowed Garnet Harper to die because of his vaccination status.
TGLN called Meghan Harper as she was sitting next to her dying husband in the hospital and asked her if doctors could chop Garnet up and harvest his organs while he was still alive. Organs harvested from living donors work much better for transplant operations.
“They call you while you’re sitting next to your dying loved one and they ask you if they can have his organs,” said Meghan Harper. “Meanwhile, he wasn’t good enough to receive organs from them… I can’t describe the feeling. It makes me sick to my stomach.”
Canadian Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) Randy Hillier spoke out about Garnet Harper’s murder-by-exclusion case on Twitter:
“Only the tip of the iceberg is ever seen before the real tragedy befalls. Our governments are and have been engaged in social murder. Unfortunately, many people believe recognizing these facts and speaking out is more dangerous than becoming the inevitable next victim.”
Pastor Henry Hildebrandt is speaking out and demanding action from Canadian freedom fighters against this wicked policy. In a video that he posted on Twitter, Pastor Hildebrandt stated:
“Are you an organ donor in Canada? I believe it’s time to put that on hold until our government stops fatally discriminating against its citizens. My heart goes out to the family of the late Garnet Harper and to Sheila Lewis who is still struggling to get care… What’s next? Religious status?”
Pastor Hildebrandt believes that unless the medical tyranny in Canada is reversed, they will soon be denying Christians medical care for their religious beliefs. It doesn’t sound like he’s wrong. If doctors can violate their Hippocratic oath by denying life-saving treatments to the unvaccinated, why couldn’t they discriminate on other grounds as well?
All Canadians should refuse to be organ donors until this monstrously discriminatory practice is ended.
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Eva- You are one sick nutjob! What kind of individual are you? After reading the previous article about the evil Canadian medical system killing people and harvesting their organs you have the audacity to post something like this! You make me sick!
TOTALLY AGREE! These people shouldn’t be allowed to comment and are sick ?. ?
His one of those who voted for the THIEF COMMADER IN CHIEF .You can spot them from miles.
Shut the Hospital down!!! Don’t let your doctor admit you to this hospital. Do go to any of their clinic/ER! Tell your doctor this is unacceptable treatment and the hospital needs to be closed!!!
This is the MAIN REASON that ANY government-run or government-compliant healthcare system must be fought, tooth and nail, every day, every way, as long as the possibility of it coming to fruition exists. THIS is why American doctors and American hospitals are the best and the free-est in the world. OUR doctors can OBEY their oaths, and their consciences, without government holding their status and their livelihoods as sticks and carrots to insure their compliance. There are choices to be had, you can pick and choose the hospital, clinic, and partners here, and you are guaranteed freedom of conscience as a medical professional. That would never have happened here. There would have been alternatives even if the first place said no.
I was in the hospital for a heart attack.
The cardiologist asked if I was vaccinated.
I said NO and I don’t want to be. He argued with me about why I was refusing the VAX!
I needed stents placed in my heart and he wanted me to get vaxxed BEFORE the procedure full well knowing that the VAX caused blood clots.
After 5 minutes of arguing with him, he left and I haven’t seen or heard from him since.
20 minutes later another cardiologist performed the procedure.
EMMA: Something is really wrong with you piggybacking onto this story with your greedy shilling profiteering to make money!
I’m reporting you
If denying people hospital care because they are not vaccinated is actually legal then this country is controlled by demons. Get out asap.
The doctors and hospitals in this country made a fortune off the COVID fraud by charging about 3 times as much if you tested positive. I have doubts about how accurate the tests were since you could test positive, not be sick, not even know you had it or may have had it and didn’t know it. A disease so deadly it could kill you? Some of them are still trying to push the virus. They don’t want it to end. The vaccinations were worthless and dangerious. People vaccinated several time even with the boosters still testing positive just like the ones not vaccinated. They difference was that people vaccinated were dying from heart attacks,even teen agers, blood clots or developing serious health problems after being vaccinated. It was a political fraud from the start.I hope this kind of thing never happens again in this country.
We are in the last days, and we are in a fight. For our very souls, there is only one hope. And you know what that hope is?
Allmighty God is the only chance we have. Turn your heart to God, my brothers and sisters. It is happening all over the world. Wake up before it is too late and the trumpet does sound.
Thank you Thomas. I fight for God and he provides the armour to face the enemy. That enemy is evil and it will be destroyed.