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Emails Confirm Hunter Biden’s “Ultimate Purpose” for Being Hired by Burisma and Why They Paid Him So Much Money

An email exchange from 2015 has surfaced to expose Hunter Biden’s “ultimate purpose” for being involved with Ukrainian energy company Burisma – and it’s as bad as you think.

Just one month prior to then-Vice President Joe Biden’s infamous 2015 visit to Ukraine – where he blackmailed Ukraine into firing their top prosecutor for investigating Burisma– Hunter and several top Burisma executives were discussing executing a contract for counter-messaging against any potential federal investigations into Burisma’s founder Mykola Zlochevsky.

On Nov. 2, 2015, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi emailed Hunter Biden along with his associates Devon Archer and Eric Schwerin about a “revised proposal, contract and initial invoice for Burisma Holdings,” from lobbying firm Blue Star Strategies.

Upon joining Burisma, Hunter Biden connected the company with Blue Star Strategies – another shady company linked to the Biden family – in order to help the firm fight the charges that Zlochevsky was facing.

Pozharskyi very explicitly emphasized in his email that the “ultimate purpose” of the agreement with Blue Star Strategies was to shut down “any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine,” referring to Zlochevsky, who also went by Nikolay.


“My only concern is for us to be on the same page re our final goals,” Pozharskyi wrote.

“With this in mind, I would like us to formulate a list of deliverables, including, but not limited to: a concrete course of actions, incl. meetings/communications resulting in high-ranking US officials in Ukraine (US Ambassador) and in US publicly or in private communication/comment expressing their ‘positive opinion’ and support of Nikolay/Burisma to the highest level of decision makers here in Ukraine :President of Ukraine, president Chief of staff, Prosecutor General, etc.”

“The scope of work should also include organization of a visit of a number of widely recognized and influential current and/or former US policy-makers to Ukraine in November aiming to conduct meetings with and bring positive signal/message and support on Nikolay’s issue to the Ukrainian top officials above with the ultimate purpose to close down for any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine,” Pozharskyi continued.

Hunter and his associates responded by saying that the scope of work was understood, and they were “looking forward to getting started on this.”

Then just before Joe Biden took his trip to Ukraine, an associate at Blue Star Strategies emailed Blue Star executives, Hunter Biden, Archer and Pozharskyi about a White House conference call that “outlined the trip’s agenda and addressed several questions regarding U.S. policy toward Ukraine.”

This was no coincidence.

The Burisma exec made it very clear that they were looking to pay Hunter Biden to use his family’s name to keep Zlochevksy from facing any charges – which is EXACTLY what Joe Biden did in having that prosecutor fired.

Republican Rep Virginia Foxx pointed out that after these emails were uncovered its quite clear that “the sequence of events that led to the firing of Viktor Shokin, and the subsequent comments by then-Vice President Biden, raise serious concerns as to what machinations were really at play — and were purposefully concealed from the American people,”

The most corrupt family in America just keeps getting worse by the day!

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29 thoughts on “Emails Confirm Hunter Biden’s “Ultimate Purpose” for Being Hired by Burisma and Why They Paid Him So Much Money”

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    2. Like everything else the first family of corruptness absolutely NOTHING! It’s past time that those scheme’s were changed, I’d like nothing more than to see the entire Biden crime family in orange jumpsuits and living the high life in Getmo, right next to O’bumbler, both Clinton’s Pelosi etc etc one can always hope!

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  1. Joe Biden was not scared of getting caught. Since he already know other democrats and Republicans that are involved in CORRUPT CRIMES! Obama is involved just like the Clinton, due to him making all kind of money off foreign government. Now we know the House Republicans need to bring charge against Biden for violation the CONSTITUTION LAWS that Vice President suppose to follow. But we see now Biden care less what those laws are! He a DICTATOR that was in waiting for Obama term to end! Those other politicians had no choice who they had to put in office. If Trump was put back into President in 2020. These politicians know their career was over and they face prison!

    1. Given that I was unemployed a year ago as a result of the terrible economy, it is amazing that I run a home-based business and make a healthy $60k each week. It is now my duty to promote goodwill and make these instructions available to others after being gifted with them.
      Detail Here—————————————————>>>

  2. All these things coming out of the woodwork and emails showing how crooked the Democrats are and have been is not surprising. What is surprising is the fact, it is like so much hot air. Nothing ever happens, no one is arrested and no one pays the price for their crooked actions. The media doesn’t cover it, congress talks about how bad it is and it gets dropped, like always. It appears as though they are all crooked and don’t want to jeopardize their own position by prosecuting anyone!

  3. Clean the swamp, get rid of all the crooks, government will be a lot smaller, get rid of all FBI, CIA, Biden, all democrats /republicans involved in shady activities. Clean house!!!

      1. I have actually collected $19,220 merely six weeks by easily working part time on my laptop.When I have lost my office post, b76 I was troubled & eventually I obtained this best career achieving this I was able to have thousand of dollars just staying at my home.Each individual can start this chance and obtain extra money online by
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  4. Boy that would be something if we could get rid of all the crooks from both party’s with no retirement for any of them , we could really live a better life.

  5. Bulls*@t headline. None of the Biden Crime Family will ever be held accountable by the DOJ, the Left, or the totally gutless nutless Right.

  6. Just like with the damn Cokegate “investigation”!! Secret Service ‘claiming’ there was no fingerprints on that baggie! A Dim’s SS sure would make lousy law enforcement officers!!

    1. That cocaine probably belongs to Hunter or Ashley and its the usual elitist Biden coverup via an inept Secret Service!! Who the hell do they think they’re trying to kid in that non investigation “investigation”?!?!

  7. Dwight Eisenhower in his last speech warned America of unwarranted influence by The military industrial complex and the threats involved -2020
    The crazies now run the asylum
    The FBI are owned by the Democrats
    The CIA democrat turncoats
    DHS all leaders Biden lackeys !
    Secret Service Drugs everywhere (!must be Trump !
    Censoring Americans is Democrats big overreach !

  8. Biden’s and their gaggle of A$$HOLES will start a war. Yea STUPID Joe admitted the US blew up Russia’s Pipe like. How to start the next world war. Thanks to the gaggle of a$$holes. Hunter should snort gunpowder and blow it out his A$$! When are the Biden’s going to acknowledge their grandchild. After marring the baby sitter, showering with your daughter, having Daddy keep you out of the Vietnam Draft with his paid off doctors, and Oh by the way, Creepy Joe all of a sudden was cured when Vietnam was over. Joe are you still looking at your watch while the soldiers you were responsible for killing in Afghanistan whose bodies were being unloaded. You negotiate the release of a transgender of a women’s NBA team and release a dangerous enemy and leave the US Reporter in Russia to rot. FKU JOE!

    1. Apparently Hunter does not eat much Spaghetti since no 1 can get as high as he does smoking strictly Parmesan cheese.

  9. It’s ALL, been stated, NOTHING , is going to be done about it, our govt sucks, they are ALL CROOKS!!
    Biden is only taking his turn at being a crook!!, it’s been going on sooo long everybody wants their chance!SUCKS!!!

  10. We’ve got too many crooks in our government now to call it a republic and the constitution. The current administration is ignoring all of it. Many of them should be in jail or worse.

    1. They should all be publically executed having their heads separated from their shoulders in a Guillotine for treason.

  11. Everyone pms keeps talking shit how there’s all this proof against the Biden’s but nobody is gonna do a damn thing.It’s all about stopping PRESIDENT TRUMP the only person that has given a damn about America for as long as I can remember and I’m just south of 70 years old and the son of a bitches want him in prison.They all suuuk!!!

  12. Joe Biden must be the stupidest crime family there is. First when he got infront of those cameras and told what he did. Bragging about it. Then he gets Hunter Biden a job with them. He leaves a trail so big. That any one could follow. Then his stupid son leaves everything on his laptop at shop.
    Now it’s cocane in the white house. How stupid can they be. They need to go to jail for treason.

  13. Remember , you can not have a Democracy unless you approve of the Gov. censoring your right to free speech. You must accept sexual perversion in you elementary schools. The DoJ as well as any and all law enforcement must be under total control of the Democrats party. All major media outlets have an obligation to push for socialist programs and belittle the conservatives. Most of all we must realize in a Democracy of the left you can not allow fair and equal treatment under the law for the Bidens, they must prevail or ?????

  14. Tell me again how brain dead Joe knew nothing about Hunter’s corrupt business deals, Joe was party to those corrupt foreign business deals.

  15. Joe Biden was a ass hole in grade school in Claymont, Dela.
    When he got to Archmere Academy he cleaned the desks after school therefore parents didn’t pay tuition. Our family did.
    When he ran for Senator he came to Claymont High School to drum up votes and he kissed our ears! Creepy back then!! His babysitter was Jill back when he was married! She was married to the owner of the Stone Ballon a popular bar in College town Newark Dela.

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