Joe Biden has pursued perhaps the most destructive fiscal policy of any American president to date, and it seems to be coming to a head now with economists issuing dire warnings about what is about to happen.
It doesn’t take a genius to see the writing on the wall when it comes to Biden’s careless spending and the impact on the economy, but the mainstream media has done its very best to keep that hidden from the public – until now.
Something seems to have changed, causing even the left-wing globalists who typically love Biden to warn that he is about to destroy the ENTIRE GLOBAL ECONOMY.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned that as the Biden regime continues to add to the U.S. debt as he spends more and more, there are “significant risks” to the global economy.
The IMF praised the “exceptional” recent performance of the United States while noting that because it’s being fueled by out-of-control spending, it’s “out of line with long-term fiscal sustainability.”
“This raises short-term risks to the disinflation process, as well as longer-term fiscal and financial stability risks for the global economy since it risks pushing up global funding costs,” it continued.
Biden has brought the world to a breaking point in order to selfishly give create the façade that the American economy is “strong as hell” hoping that it won’t impact him in the 2024 election.
But as the IMF warns this is all about to change, “Something will have to give.”
The UN-backed institution noted that the U.S. is on track to record a fiscal deficit of 7.1% in 2025 which is more than THREE TIMES that of other advanced economies.
Vitor Gaspar, director of the IMF’s fiscal affairs department, slammed Biden’s “loose fiscal policy” that has delivered this disastrously high deficit number.
“Loose fiscal policy in the United States exerts upward pressure on global interest rates and the dollar. It pushes up funding costs in the rest of the world, thereby exacerbating existing fragilities and risks,” he said.
“This calls for a cautious and gradual approach to easing by the Federal Reserve,” Gaspar added.
But the reality is Joe Biden and his joke of an administration have shown ZERO intentions of cutting back on spending.
Instead, Joe has seemingly been adding to the deficit at an even more rapid pace in a desperate and potentially illegal effort to buy voters – deploying hundreds of billions of dollars in a student-loan forgiveness scheme that he hopes will earn him tens of millions of new votes.
On top of that the Biden regime continues to more and more money for the fiscal budget.
Biden has requested a MASSIVE $7.3 trillion budget for fiscal year 2025 and if approved it would sent the national debt SOARING to $45.1 trillion – or 105.6% of America’s Gross Domestic Product.
But of course let’s not forget about Joe and the rest of our government’s obsession with giving foreign nations like Ukraine a virtual BLANK CHECK, sending away hundreds of billions of dollars while the American economy is on the brink of a total collapse.
Joe Biden and the Democrats can’t help themselves, they REFUSE to stop spending money even when their own allies warn that they are about to crash the entire global economy.
America – and the entire world for that matter – simply cannot survive another four years of Biden!
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I’d like to see the time when ALL US dollars stopped being sent to other countries. Why do we still send money to countries and to some that do not like us? We have for years. The government does not publish the amount of money sent to other countries as we would be screaming. It was nice when we were OK but we now need it to pay off our own debt.
There is going to be a time when some countries will not accept U.S. dollars.
Joe Biden’s decisions on issues and his presidency in general is more likely to damage all life as we know it than any other global threat to mankind. Greater than left globalists Global Warming and Climate Change times 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe biden is out to wreck this country so much that I feel it’s time to watch everything that he plans on doing. We have to be able to watch what money comes in to anyone account if these people who work for our government job is, Joe biden has taken so many bribes from other countries that he doesn’t care about his own because he has lied so much that people should be asking themselves is that true or not, Joe biden has dementia and alzheimers and his wife Jill biden just wants everything from him, someone should be watching the biden family accounts as to be watching every one account when people get large amounts of money deposited in their account from overseas countries, there is so much corruption in our country and government that we need to stop electing certain people if we want to have a better America. We must have people who love this country and to protect the people who have made a living here to be free .
We need to elect Donald Trump because he has proven that he can make America great again and let’s keep watching every one who is planning to take away our rights and our money because they want to change everything. WELL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DON’T WANT TO CHANGE.
Impeach Biden NOW !! Should have done this LONG time ago,!!! Do not wait any longer!! Get him out !! ??
Bidet is out to destroy the United States – either intentionally or with great ignorance. We may be losing the dollar as the reserve currency of the world. Will it be replaced by the Ruble, the pound or the Yuan, or something else? International contracts are already being denominated in other currencies.
Interesting name there, John Galt. My favorite book: Atlas Shrugged. I loved it in the 60’s when I first read it, said then, that is going to be our country in the future. For those that wonder what I am writing about, go get the book: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
You get what you voted for.
So much more is at stake then just the economy! Our very freedoms are at risk as Biden’s choices are limited the closer to the election time we get. The mad, mad Democratic socialist and their ilk want the mailed in balloting to control the elections, nation wide allowing the Millions of illegal immigrants votes to count. The ignorant masses flocking to the various ruinous locals to further the socialist’s based agenda to destroy our Republic from within, stealing the votes to assure the funding continues, tax payers footing the bills! What could possibly happen in the near future to change that?
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