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FBI Re-Arrests Biden Whistleblower in Case Anyone Missed the Point

Agent arresting a businessman

Just when you thought the FBI could not possibly be any more childishly transparent, they re-arrested the whistleblower who turned in Joe Biden for taking $10 million in bribe money from Ukraine.

The Las Vegas judge who handled Alexander Smirnov’s arraignment thought the FBI was not credible, so he released Smirnov from custody until trial. The FBI then went to a California judge to have Smirnov deemed a flight risk—and then arrested him on the same charges as last week.

The House impeached DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas a few weeks ago by a one-vote margin. That sent a signal that panicked the White House. If Republicans could muster the votes to impeach Mayorkas, then they can certainly muster the votes to impeach Diaper Joe just in time for the election. That’s when the FBI sprang into action and arrested Alexander Smirnov the first time.


You’ve probably seen the mainstream media, the Democrat Party, and Lindsay Graham moaning about the death of Alexei Navalny in a Russian prison a week ago. They point to the death of Navalny and demand more of your tax dollars to fight Russia in Ukraine because Vladimir Putin is supposedly a vicious dictator who jails his political opponents and murders them.

If that were true (and it’s not), how is that any different than the way that Joe Biden is treating Donald Trump, Alexander Smirnov, or the 1,200 January 6 protesters that he’s had arrested?

I could care less about Alexei Navalny. The media will never report this, but you should know that Alexei Navalny was a spy and a traitor against Russia. He was literally caught on video in a restaurant talking to a British MI6 spy and demanding $10 to $20 million per year from George Soros and other evil billionaires to overthrow the Russian government. Navalny wasn’t just some political candidate who wanted to run against Putin because of policy differences. He was trying to stage a revolution in Russia, in the same manner that Obama did in Ukraine in 2014.

Why should we care how Russia deals with traitors within its borders? We executed Julius and Ethel Rosenburg for spying for the Soviet Union. Oh, and Navalny wasn’t murdered. The doctors who performed the autopsy on him said that he died from a blood clot that was likely induced by the Pfizer COVID shot.

As for Alexander Smirnov, the FBI spent all of 2023 trying to hide his identity from Congress, because they knew that Smirnov was telling the truth about Joe Biden’s bribery schemes. Smirnov told the FBI in 2020 that Joe Biden had taken a $10 million bribe from the corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma, back in 2015 and 2016 when Biden was vice president. Smirnov told the FBI this after hearing it directly from a Burisma executive, who bragged to him about audio recordings of meetings with Joe and Hunter Biden.

The FBI redacted Smirnov’s name from the infamous FD 1023 form because they didn’t want to allow Congress to talk to him. FBI Director Christopher Wray said they couldn’t give Congress the whistleblower’s name because he was such an important, valuable, and credible asset to the FBI. Between 2010 and 2013, the FBI paid Smirnov $200,000 for information he had developed for them.

When Congress finally discovered Smirnov’s name, the FBI suddenly arrested him for “lying to the FBI” about Joe Biden taking that $10 million bribe from Ukraine. Las Vegas magistrate judge Daniel Albregts didn’t buy the FBI’s song-and-dance about how Smirnov was a flight risk and a double agent who was working for Russia the whole time. Judge Albregts released Smirnov from custody after his arraignment.

Since the FBI doesn’t play fair with political opponents of the Democrat Party, they immediately found a federal judge in California to hold an emergency hearing. That judge deemed Smirnov a flight risk. Smirnov was re-arrested on the exact same charges while he was in a meeting with his attorneys. The fact that he was talking to his attorneys also destroys the claim that he was planning to flee the country.

Vladimir Putin might play rough with traitors to Russia, but that’s his business. Joe Biden persecutes patriots under the color of law. Imagine how badly his regime is going to treat innocent conservatives if he steals a second term in office.

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24 thoughts on “FBI Re-Arrests Biden Whistleblower in Case Anyone Missed the Point”

    1. The FBI should be dismantled it’s not for Americans. Maybe a bunch of Communist, my God help us

      1. We are a Third World country, now.
        Everything the Kenyan wanted is, currently, happening.

        Whenever I hear that the FBI has been contacted to investigate something I think,
        “SO WHAT!!!”

      2. I agree, 100%! In fact, all the alphabet agencies, CIA, DHS, SEC, IRS, etc. need to be dismantled bc they are so corrupt! We can do well without them!

      3. I agree. The FBI & other government agencies need to be dismantled. These government secret groups need to get out. We only need honest, truthful & nonpartisan that follow the evidence instead of Republicans. They need to follow the crooks in their own agencies not hard working conservatives who tell the truth.

  1. Who will be held Responsible/Blamed for this debacle , the FBI, DOJ, Joe Biden, CIA, Putin, or the usual GO-TO, President Trump?

    1. If you don’t trust Trump, who do you trust? After what this regime has done to Trump you want to throw him under the bus? Dumb! So who do you trust Biden?????

      1. The leftist Socialist Regime has literally destroyed President Trump and his family. The evidence against Biden Family is overwhelming! If it was President Trump they would have crucified him. Biden is A SENILE LIAR, CROOK

  2. Why can’t people see what this communist regime is really about – Barack Hussain Obama’s
    “ fundamental change” of America. The communist media won’t do their job as keepers of the truth to expose this corrupt government and their lies so I refuse to read their papers. Go to for the truth!

      1. The Fool did!! Now he wants his wife? to run as President. Not sure using word wife is really a female he is supposed to be married to.

  3. Biden is a wannabe dictator who has been permitted to weponise the justice department and No one it seems has the balls to stand up to this corrupt regime. I call upon government to grow a pair and take back our beloved County. Thank you

  4. It’s a shame that we no longer have any honest politicians.They are supposed to be representing the American people. No more. We need a complete house cleaning in Washington, both parties. We need term limits. People, stop voting for these idiots. I am 93 yrs old, have never seen this country in the mess it is in right now, never thought I would. What is so sad is that we have people condoning what is happening, just because of their politics, no other reason. Everything these crooked, corrupt politicians do effects everyone, regardless of your politics.

    1. I agree James, because of the communist Obama dictating to Biden, we the people are suffering from all the corruption. When 20 so called Republican senators side with the criminal communist dumbocraps, we need to get rid of all RINOs and Dumbocraps in our government.

  5. The FBI is such a joke they had to Tuesday, “FBI Tuesday” with 3 shows in a row. Trying to show how great they are.

  6. The only thing the Fucking Bungling Idiots are accomplishing is erasing any doubt about the fact they’re the goon squad of the Dems and the enemy of the American people. The more shit Dems and FBI pulls, the harsher Trump’s revenge will be to tear them and the other corrupt alphabet agencies apart.

  7. So we have someone who can truely say Biden took a 10 million dollar bribe from Ukraine** will this is why Biden fights so dam hard to get are tax dollars by the millions to Ukraine ‘s president** cause Biden gets to pocket alot of it as his personal money for his rich ass family**(wow)*only in a democrat America can so much Treason go on** The FBI we know is in the democrats pocket** How nice to have the DOJ in your back pocket you can Hook & Crook yourself to being a billionaire on true American people tax dollars** the point is * is how much longer are we the people going to let them keep shiting in our faces** Biden open up the borders for one reason and that is to tell us how much be hates America and the true American people he cannot stand us** so that is why he don’t want the border closed he wants them to keep coming in to do a job** help destroy America!!!** people just look at what all this man has done in three and a half years * if you can’t see he is destroying us them your one dumb asshole who don’t belong in America you can’t keep voting democrat you have to start believeing in America again** The democrats sold there party out to the Soro’s billionaire club of hate America ** So we have to try and fight and get are America back and we need Trump to help us . The dam democrats hate Trump cause he want roll over and help them destroy are country *He knows what there doing and be loves America and the American people ** Biden is an American people hater and destroyer** anyone who would vote for this horrible Trader to America needs to get the hell out of America ** letting millions upon millions of illegal immigrants in from the first day of office told me what a hater to are country are crawl-in president was. I new from the first that he did not win that they cheated and fraudulent this crook into are white house and right from the start he went to work destroying us.** look its just not Biden its all democrats wherever there in office * old Newson in California, look what all has been going to hell there. !!** Chicago a democrat governor and Mayors look at all the destruction going on there ** all places that have democrats ** It dont take a rocket scientist to figure out what the democrats are doing to are cou country ** so people get behind Trump and pray we can get him in office cause if we dont and another democrat becomes president then kiss your homeland good-bye cause it will be destroyed.

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