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FDA Approves Bivalent Covid Boosters for Babies in Record Time

Pfizer submitted an emergency use authorization request to the FDA in early December, to be able to administer their bivalent COVID-19 booster shot to babies as young as 6 months of age. They must have been moving at that “speed of science” that we keep hearing about, since the FDA took just two days to issue its approval. People who keep track of this sort of thing have noted that two days is a new record for FDA approval on an experimental medicine.

Some of us have gotten extremely skeptical of this whole process are wondering: What was the emergency that 6-month-old babies and toddlers faced from the Chinese coronavirus? To date, there has never been a child under the age of 18 in the entire world who has died from Covid. There are a few hundred children who have died with Covid – meaning they died from something else and happened to have the Covid virus in their systems at the time. But that is not the same thing as dying from Covid, meaning the virus was the main cause of death.

If no child has died from Covid in the past three years, it boggles the mind as to how this was an emergency.


There were never any trials done on kids between 6 months and 4 years of age, which is the latest demographic to receive approval for shots. Even if the globalists cannot get Congress to now mandate the shots for infants and toddlers, they’ll still be able to do it in blue states. California, for example, is on the verge of mandating Covid shots for public school attendance. Other blue states will no doubt follow.

Even for the adult “trials,” Pfizer only tested the shots on 8 mice. All 8 of the vaccinated mice still caught Covid when it challenged their immune systems. So, now we have a bivalent booster that does not work approved for use in babies, with no scientific trials whatsoever. I guess the “speed of science” that Pfizer has bragged about means doing no real science whatsoever.

As we’ve covered here previously many times, vaccine shedding is real. The spike protein can be passed from a breastfeeding vaccinated mother to her baby. The baby formula shortage that is ongoing in America is not solely due to Joe Biden’s incompetence (although that does play a big role). Many more new mothers are finding that their babies are “allergic” to their spike protein breastmilk and are having to turn to formula, which is putting additional strain on that supply chain.

So, for those who are keeping track, this latest FDA approval means that a baby can now have up to 6 Covid shots during its first year of life. If a woman gets pregnant and then follows the CDC’s advice, she can get two shots and a booster while the baby is in utero. After the baby reaches six months of age, it can receive two shots and the new bivalent baby booster. That’s a total of six doses of spike proteins in a child less than 1 year of age!

Pfizer’s press release about the baby boosters reads:

“Updated COVID-19 vaccines may improve protection against severe illness and hospitalization caused by SARS-CoV-2 in this age group.”

May improve protection? MAY?!

At this point, this is just a clown show. They can’t even state that the shots WILL improve protection. Only that they MAY improve protection. And they don’t know if there are short-term, long-term or any-term consequences to giving a baby six doses of spike proteins during its first year of life.

Only a fool would consider the FDA to be a functional and honest regulatory body at this point. They only allow a person to get the bivalent booster – which they’re heavily pushing on everyone – after they get the first two Wuhan Covid shots. Even if you wanted a booster, you can’t get it until you take the first two shots. And those first two shots were designed for the original variant which is now extinct. This is nuts.

The more doses of spike proteins that people put in their bodies in every age group increase the likelihood of death or severe, long-term adverse reactions. You have to feel awful for the young women being scared into vaccinating their babies, who are now going to be paying massive medical bills for their sickly kids for the rest of their shortened lives.

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8 thoughts on “FDA Approves Bivalent Covid Boosters for Babies in Record Time”

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  3. cdc fda phamacuticles biolabs should be banned. they kill a lot of people with their lies. look at all of the people who died in one year who got the mandated vaccines. people who are still wearing masks that don’t keep you from getting covid.

    1. I have not had Chinajoefauci virus
      Never wore a mask if a place I went to required a mask I told them in not so pleasant words what they could do with what ever place it was. There were many. And I will do the same again because the junk is not proven !!! And sure don’t trust any commie government regime or a fraudulent commie in OUR WHITEHOUSE.

  4. The CDC and the FDA are politicised and no longer have any credibility. Everything they do is political. There is no longer science involved in their decisions. It is all done for politicians and financial considerations. Generally scientists must go along with this foolishness in order to get funding for their projects. People don’t matter.

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