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FDA Approves up to 8 Doses of mRNA Spike Proteins for 10-Month-Old Babies

Okay, this has just got to stop. Pfizer asked the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve its emergency use authorization for its COVID shots once again, in order for doctors to be able to inject a second booster into infants and toddlers. Pfizer did not have any published literature on the effects or outcomes of injecting little kids with another dose. They didn’t even present any short-term results. And since the FDA is a bunch of frauds, they totally approved Pfizer’s request. As a result, babies can now receive up to EIGHT (8) doses of mRNA spike proteins before they reach 10 months of age.

The FDA approval for baby-shot number four came on Tuesday of last week. In its application for yet another EUA for a respiratory virus that pretty much no one cares about anymore, Pfizer laid out the timeline. It reads as follows:

“If the FDA authorizes the bivalent vaccine as a booster (fourth) dose, young people who have completed their primary series – either with three doses of the companies’ original vaccine or with two doses of the companies’ original and one dose of the bivalent vaccine – would be eligible to receive a 3-µg booster dose of the bivalent vaccine at least two months after the completion of their primary series.”


Here’s how that works out to four direct injections into a baby in an extremely short amount of time.

Under the CDC’s guidelines, a reckless parent can now have their baby injected with the primary COVID dose (shot #1) when the baby is 6 months of age. The second primary dose (shot #2) can be injected into the child three weeks later, so that puts the child’s age at 6 months, 3 weeks. The first booster shot (shot #3) can be administered two months later, when the baby is 8 months, 3 weeks old. And now, thanks to the latest FDA approval, the second booster (shot #4) can be administered 2 months after that, when the baby is 10 months, 3 weeks of age.

That is four injections of an experimental technology into a baby before it’s even one year of age.

So, how does that add up to 8 doses of mRNA by the time a baby it 10 months old? Well, think about it for a second.

Who is the most likely person in our society these days that would be most willing to give their baby four COVID shots in the first place? The answer is, someone who is very, very frightened of COVID. You probably know someone just like her.

She calls you a conspiracy theorist if you disagree with all of the science that she’s seen happening on CNN and MSNBC. She wears a mask while alone in her car, even though everyone knows by now that masks don’t work. And when the FDA approves a fourth shot of babies, she’s going to rush right out and get that fourth shot, because she is so incredibly terrified of the COVID.

That person is the most likely figure in American society to get herself all four shots. She’d get ten shots if the FDA approved it, or 50. Which would mean that she’s totally the sort of person who could ignore and override her motherly instinct to protect her baby from experimental substances.

That’s a woman who would get the COVID shot during pregnancy, because the CDC says it’s “safe and effective” for her. She’d be willing to get the shot both before and after giving birth. She’d be completely ignorant of the fact that the real science shows the spike proteins can cross the placental blood barrier, where they worm their way into the baby. She wouldn’t realize that vaccine shedding through breast milk is real, and that she’s dosing her baby at every feeding time.

If she has four shots that she’s transmitting to the baby in the womb and via breastfeeding, and then she gets the baby its own four shots of mRNA by 10 months of age, there you go. Eight doses of mRNA spike proteins in a little baby before it’s even a year old.

You have to feel terrible for these children. Hopefully Pfizer will be forced by Congress eventually to pay the lifelong healthcare costs that these babies are going to need. Because we shouldn’t have to pay for it. We’re the ones who tried to warn that mother not to inject her child.

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4 thoughts on “FDA Approves up to 8 Doses of mRNA Spike Proteins for 10-Month-Old Babies”

  1. I make up to $90 an hour working from my home. vbm547 my story is that i quit working at walmart to work online and with a little effort i easily bring in around $40h to $86h… someone was good to me by sharing this link with me, so now i am hoping i could help someone else out there by sharing this link… try it, you won’t regret it.

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  2. Anyone who would get their baby injected with poison should face child abuse charges. If their child dies from this, it’s all their fault.

    1. No Terrie – the real fault – the Criminal Deceiver – sometimes sleeps in The White House ( or its cellar ! ) and has coconspirators / partners-in-crime in all the alphabet govt. agencies and most branches of the mainstream media.
      Most mothers have been already let down by a totally inadequate “Education”, a “schooling” system overun by political extremists who recognise fully that the poorly educated are easy to misinform and easy to lead astray and away from reality.
      Combine all these external factors together, and we can see how easy it now is for the wrong political philosophy to totally confuse most young mothers into acting in their childs’ worst interests – in all probability FATAL even in the medium term.
      If we then add the “thinking” and to be honest – totally diabolical self-interests of those so-called World Economic Forum people – living it up in Davos at all our expenses – who are also in on the directing of already diabolical political party leaders – people like the infamous Bill Gates & co. , directing imbecile world leaders into accepting a concept that this “Planet” needs to kill off most of its Human inhabitants just to survive – and we have a complete “Recipe” for genocide by those WE have elected as “Our” leaders !
      This is undeniable – they are ALL already on record advocating this process – so to think of only “blaming” the Mothers of this World for their childrens ailments is a wholly wrong philosophy ! It’s a good thing to realise something is terribly wrong with this World though !
      Nil Carborundum Illegitemi !

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