Well would you look at that? The FDA is FINALLY admitting that the COVID jabs are deadly – well, sort of.
An explosive new FDA-funded study surrounding the COVID booster shots AND the Flu Vaccines, has determined that both injections lead to an increased risk of strokes.
Specifically in adults over the age of 65, the study concluded that receiving these injections can increase a patient’s risk of stroke by anywhere from 20-35%.
“Our study did identify an elevated risk of stroke when the COVID-19 bivalent vaccines were administered with a concomitant high-dose/adjuvanted influenza vaccine,” the researchers wrote.
It’s important to note that strokes are caused by a sudden interruption or reduction of the blood flow to the brain – the type of change that could be caused by the blood clots which are known to be associated with the COVID injections.
Following the study which should terrify any otherwise healthy adult who has been getting these dangerous injections, the so-called “experts” jumped to defend their beloved vaccines to ensure the Big Pharma jabs continue to be dished out.
“There is no need for panic, and emphatically no need to stop giving COVID and flu shots at the same time to older adults,” said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious diseases specialist at the University of California, San Francisco.
Dr. Dan Barouch, director of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, peddled a similar narrative.
“These data should be considered by patients and their physicians, but there is no reason for alarm. The increased risk of stroke appears to be small and must be balanced against the known benefit of these vaccines in elderly individuals,” said Dr. Barouch
I’m not sure that I would characterize a 35% increase as “small,” but then again I’m not funded by Big Pharma like Dr. Barouch is.
“Additional data are needed before we can consider these findings definitive. It is good that the FDA has made these safety data available to inform the public,” he added even though it was pretty obvious how annoyed he was that this information was made public.
As for the FDA themselves, they too jumped to defend the COVID injections which they’ve been telling us are “safe and effective,” but made no mention of the flu vaccine.
In a statement to ABC News, the FDA claimed it remains “confident in the safety, effectiveness and quality of the COVID-19 vaccines that the agency has authorized and approved.”
“The review conducted in this preprint paper is part of our ongoing safety surveillance efforts, which utilize a variety of data sources,” the statement continued.
Just for good measure, the CDC even jumped in on the attempts to discredit the disturbing findings, claiming that the shots meet both their and the FDA’s “very high safety standards.”
“Hundreds of millions of people in the United States have safely received COVID vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history,” the agency added – though even that statement is a complete joke considering that the COVID booster shots had been approved by the FDA before human clinical trials were even completed.
This FDA-funded study exposed an inconvenient truth not only about the COVID vaccines, but also about the flu vaccines which have been embedded into our society for years.
It’s unclear why the FDA allowed the results of this study to be posted for the masses to see, but it could suggest that they’re trying to protect themselves as more and more people continue to suffer adverse reactions to the deadly injections THEY approved.
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our government lies and lies and lies and destroys
Wow it truely is getting harder and harder to believe in our on government. The FDA and BIG PHARMACEUTICALS are so dam crooked anymore hell they all must be democrats!!!. The lying ass killing things should be locked up. When i was working for wal-geens i got the FLU shot every year and then we had to get the covit shot are lose are job , so i got the shot so far i have been lucky it scares me to read about how bad these shots really are. One thing is far sure no more of them for me they can keep all of them ( give all the shots to the democrats, they all lie and crooked as hell). Take your changes without the jabs you will be alot better off.
On the Texas border. Im so glad that Texas has a governor that has a brain and uses it. Dam Biden administration and his open border shit. The un-vote stupid piss for brains crawl in president A president we the people did not vote in – in the 2020 election he got in with fraudulent ballots. And the cheating thing has been destroying our great nation just what he has done with the borders along should get him locked up for treason against the United States of America. And he is A trader to our homeland why this crawl in fraudulent president just keeps on getting away with his hate against humanity and crimes against our homeland is outrageous. But there our so many stupid brain dead citizens that just will go and vote for him !!! Just for the name of democrat !! Unbelievable. Any way keep on fighting Texas don’t let old Joe win.