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Federal Government Involved in RIGGING the Arizona Elections

Last week I told you about how Arizona’s newly elected Democrat Governor, Katie Hobbs, was exposed by Elon Musk’s Twitter files. Internal emails Musk released showed that Hobbs colluded with then Twitter execs to shut down election opposition under the guise of “misinformation.” If you want to go back and read all about what Hobbs was exposed as doing you can do so here.

The story doesn’t end there though. More information has revealed that Arizona’s elections are completely rigged—with help from the federal government.  New evidence shows that Maricopa County officials were colluding with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to censor certain information pertaining to the elections.

According to the report, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer met directly with the CISA Advisory Committee to get their help on fighting information that was coming out about the 2020 election in Maricopa County.

Richer even went as far as to suggest that the government agency should set up “bootcamps” for media reps at outlets like Fox News and CNN to steer the narratives surrounding election information.

“Mr. Richer suggested that CISA hold bootcamps for media representatives such as FOX News or CNN to enhance media’s understanding of how elections are administered, as well as work with members of Congress to reach the information leaders,” the report states.


Trump attorney and RSBN reporter Christina Bobb shared a thread revealing this shocking info exposing just how bad the situation in Arizona has become.

“Well look at what we found!! Turns out @CISAgov has been collaborating with Maricopa County @stephen_richer to censor election information and keeping it from the public. Notice it’s marked FOUO. Richer also started a Super PAC to take down ‘election deniers’.”

“We know @CISAgov worked with Big Tech to alter the narrative around elections. This proves they were doing it with the intent to keep their activities hidden from the public @stephen_richer cooperated with a federal agency cooperating with Big Tech to manipulate elections…”

Bobb continues, “Maricopa county’s election is already highly suspect. Now, we have documented proof that the man partially responsible for the records was actively working with a federal agency @CISAgov, part of @DHSgov, to manipulate the outcome of the election he ran…without disclosing it.”

Interestingly enough, Richer had also previously stated that electronic tabulation contributed to the largest cyber threat to our elections. In the 2022 midterms, tabulation machine failures all over Maricopa country wreaked havoc on the elections and many suggest it was intentional.

This type of election rigging practice has unfortunately become quite normal in Arizona, as even the state’s new governor, Katie Hobbs has engaged in it herself.

As we previously reported, Hobbs, who oversaw the election in which she was a candidate, contacted Twitter directly on numerous occasions to have election related information that was unflattering to her censored.

On top of that, with questions still circulating surrounding the rigged midterms which saw Hobbs elected as governor, the Democrat threatened to have county supervisors jailed if they did not vote to certify the results of the election.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake has called for a revote, saying “Every aspect of this election was subverted and manipulated to destroy Arizona First. If the process was illegitimate, then so are the results.”

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49 thoughts on “Federal Government Involved in RIGGING the Arizona Elections”

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      1. I just wonder why all this found evidence tgat has come to light, and the Law suit that Kari Lake has filed, Why isnt Az supreme court all over this. This is proveb voter draud by our so called leaders. Makes no sense!…

      2. Lying Democrats Can And Never Will Be Trusted To Tell The Truth. They Are Incapable Of Anything But Cheating And Lying. They Have All Earned This Reputation. The Arizona Election Must Be Redone. So We Can See The Truth. If The Democrats Think They Are Rite Then They Have Nothing To Loose By A Redo. All Those Democrat Votes Will Be Counted Again??? If It Turns Out The Other Way Then We Will All Know The Truth.

        1. I agree that the 2022 midterms in AZ should be redone andI feel it is never too late to to fix what is broken. With that said I also think more investigating needs to be done with the information that was exported of problems with voting machines and other problems during the 2020 election and all was swept under the rug, just like the investugation of the Hunter Biden laptop and the Biden family. It is time the Democrats stop getting a free pass for crimes committed while Republicans/Conservatives are investigated using evidence fabricated by the Democrats.

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  4. Start making money this time… Spend more time with your family & relatives by doing jobs that only require you to have a computer and an internet access and you can have that at your home. Hax Start bringing up to $65,000 to $70,000 a month. I’ve started this job and earn a handsome income and now I am exchanging it with you, so you can do it too.

    Here is I started.……………

  5. Can’t you keep these trash comments off your site… if ever censorship is needed it’s here… comments about making money and other BS produced by liberal morons with nothing better to do than collect government handouts, stay at home instead of working and then posting comments with no relativity to subject matter, tha!t’s where censorship is needed

        1. This should qualify for the harshest penalty there is : DEATH. This would be a learning experience for others who think it’s ok to take away citizens votes

  6. Republicans must investigate this election in Arizona..expose the fraud and punish those responsible..and install the true winners ..this is the true threat on our republic.

  7. This Richer guy was a problem in 2020 too. He needs to be brought before the courts and held to account for his actions…There is clearly illegal activity going on and has been going on with him for some time.

    1. also Kati Hobbs, thats why she wouldnt recluse herself from this process, she was one of the orchastraters of it!…It has been proven…they have it in black and white!

  8. No one seems to want to talk about the availability of laser printers at every voting location. We’re talking about thousands of printers, capable of printing ballots ON DEMAND! With a slight modification of the file, these printers could have been used to print as many ballots as needed, with the circles easily filled in!! WTF! The ballots need to be examined. There is evidence that only the top four candidates went democRAT. All the rest went republican. Now, how can that be?

    1. True. Do it like Florida, sufficient ballots at every precint for every voter in the precint. Of course that means the registration polls have to be closed a traditional/reasonable time before the election (to create the pricint eligible roll that was in the applicable precint).

  9. How can people say this is BS! Here you have the proof that elections are not on the up and up and people call it BS! That goes beyond stupidity. It shows you are the one believing the lies the Communist Democrat Party tells you. You rather believe that Trump is evil and lied to you all the time, then use your brain and think OMG the Dems are cheating. What is more insane, if this one place can do it, how many more counties did it? This all goes back to Trump announcing his first run for President. The corrupt put it all in motion. No way in hell did Trump lose 2020. There is just too much evidence showing that the Dems cheated.

    1. I agree there so so much proof showing the Democrats are extremely corrupted and has rigged thee elections, They know they rigged the election, even Biden admitted they have committed the most extreme Election fraud ever in this country’s history. They also know they broke federal laws , they feel they are above the law and the corrupted DOJ’s and FBI are protesting them. Soro’s is backing them with his millions of dollars and he is the one Telling Biden and his administration how to get around it.

  10. Voter fraud is outright TREASON and should be a death penalty offense. These people are traitors and need exactly what the Rosenbergs got.

  11. What and where are the results of ANY investigation in the last several of any elections? Oh, it’s being investigated alright and that is where it ends.. We is at da gates of Ammegeddon folks and it’s right on our laps lookin’ up at us.. Weze screwed.. Bus for Pluto is awaitin’ — anyone?
    (It all started with Hilly n’ Willy in 1994, — “maybe earlier”…)
    As they say in poker, “read em’ and weep”…. Cause weze in balls deep..

  12. Pretty sure politics is not the answer at this point. Pray like never before, like the future of our nation depends on it. If called to run especially at a local level seek God and let the Holy Spirit guide. Be faithful and turn to Jesus for He is the way, the truth and the life. Pray even for Richer, Hobbs and others who are being used as tools of the evil one even to their own ultimate destruction. Stay engaged but understand who the real savior is, not Trump, not Kari Lake, not Ron Desantis. Pray for all of them as well. Pray for our people to turn to Jesus, especially those who are doing the destruction. That they repent and confess publicly the truth and that enough Americans are humble and asking God to do the healing. Get in the Word of God, be righteous and repent, ask for Jesus free gift of salvation if you haven’t, be baptized in water and Spirit being born again of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians chapter 4 read it. For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities and the spiritual forces of darkness in the heavenly realm. Read Romans chapter one – It describes what is happening to America – God is giving the Nation over to all manner of evil, and abomination as that is the choice of our government and regulatory agencies and way too many of our citizens. He allows us to suffer as a Nation in hope that enough people truly turn to Him, humbly seek His way, and cry out for healing. It also calls for boldness to stand and obey God rather than men even if called to lose everything. Jesus said if you lose your life you will find it, take up your cross and follow Him, if you are truly His disciple, you will be persecuted. We’ve been very blessed and sadly it’s caused too much complacency even among the saved, myself included. Woa unto those who call good evil and evil good. Speak the truth in love. Ask God for wisdom and discernment from above, if you ask in Faith and really mean it He will give it to you. Jesus further said, Why do you Lord and not do what I say? If you love me, you will keep my commandments. On that Day, many will come to Him, saying Lord didn’t we do many great works, cast out demons, heal the sick in your name? And He will say depart from me you lawless ones I never knew you. Not just good works in self righteousness but a loving and intimate relationship with Jesus in Faith which will be accounted to you as righteousness – asking God to use you to glorify Him. A great example is in Acts chapter 7- about Stephen – if you ready and truly seeking read it. God bless everyone who took the time to read this mini book ?
    You are all in my prayers.

  13. This kind of crap doesn’t bother me anymore. What makes me angry is the fact that our elected Republicans haven’t done a damn thing about it. All this voter fraud came to light in 2020, when JB was elected POTUS. Two years later, during the latest midterm elections, evidence shows that the democrats in power are still committing obvious fraud. This should make all republican voters mad as hell. All I see is the elected Republicans sitting around with their thumbs up their butt. At times I wonder if they are in on it. I hope they are not.

  14. How many rigged elections do we have to go through before something is done to impeach these Democrat enemies who are ruining this country. There is so much proof that the 2020 election was rigged, not only factual evidence but just by watching the number of people who attended Trump rallies and the few that attended the Biden rallies when he came out of his basement. The people are not as stupid as the swamp thinks. Hobbs and Richer should be put in prison and something should be done with George Soros so he stops supporting and making things worse for Americans.

    1. The axe needs to come down on all responsible for this massive treason! And right now, or voter fruad will continue every one can see clearly whats happening! Az justice dept and the Az. supreme court must act on this immediately!!

      1. All this complaining does nothing. The satanists know you will do nothing but complain. Liberal Rupert Murdock’s Fox News called out Arizonas defeat early in the November 2016 election fraudulently and you’ve accepted it without a fight. The Constitution was written with the second amendment instilled in it for this very reason. They are taking your freedom and liberty while you do nothing. Congrats


  16. Why is the action by Hobbs and Richer not classified as insurrection to overthrow the government of Arizona chosen by of American CITIZENS?????????????????????????

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  19. I don’t know what the answer is, but it’s no longer by the people, of the people and for the people from sea to shining sea.

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