The “armed insurrection terrorist attack carried out by white supremacists” narrative about the January 6th US Capitol protest has all but evaporated. There was never any truth to the claim that the election protest was an insurrection. Even FBI Director Christopher Wray has been forced to admit this.
We also know that the people who carried out violence and/or vandalism during the mostly peaceful protest were actually undercover FBI agents. January 6th was a false flag operation to smear Trump supporters, much like the 2017 incident in Charlottesville, Virginia. But that hasn’t stopped the overzealousness of the Biden regime, which continues to persecute Americans who have serious questions about the last election.
One narrative that just won’t die for some reason is that this was an “armed insurrection.” Wray testified last week that “at least one” firearm was carried into the US Capitol. There’s been no evidence presented to this date to suggest that this is true. It appears that this was another lie, just as it was a lie that Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick was “murdered with a fire extinguisher,” or that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s life was in danger (as she was in a completely different building).
It’s starting to look like “guns inside the US Capitol” are a lot like hate crimes by Trump supporters against black Americans. The media’s demand far outweighs the actual supply!
So, the Justice Department has decided that it will need to get creative in ginning up gun crimes to charge Trump supporters with. Undaunted by the actual lack of guns, they’ve now managed to find one scapegoat that they can pin a gun crime on.
That man’s name is Guy Reffitt. He’s from Texas and he went to the US Capitol on January 6th along with tens of thousands of additional Trump supporters. Reffitt was arrested at his hotel in Washington, DC on January 7th, and he’s been in solitary confinement in that nasty, funky DC jail ever since.
Reffitt was initially charged with civil disorder and trespassing. He was facing 50 years in federal prison based on those charges. 50 years! He’s not charged with assault or vandalism or hurting anyone.
But now the feds have gone back and issued a superseding indictment against Guy Reffitt. It turns out that Guy Reffitt allegedly took his Smith & Wesson revolver to Washington, DC with him on January 6th. In compliance with Washington, DC’s draconian gun laws, Reffitt disassembled the gun. He took it apart and rendered it inoperable. Rather than leaving the gun parts in his vehicle during the protest, which would make them vulnerable to theft, Reffitt placed the disassembled and inoperable gun parts in his backpack and took them with him.
The FBI admits that Reffitt never entered the US Capitol building. Reffitt’s participation in the “storming of the Capitol” involved standing around outside on the Capitol grounds and waving and chanting with most of the rest of the people there.
Just to be clear: It’s not a crime to carry disassembled, inoperable gun parts on your person, even in Washington, DC. Reffitt was in compliance with DC law. But because he had those disassembled and inoperable gun parts on his person, the corrupt Biden DOJ has now charged Reffitt with using a firearm in furtherance of civil disorder. That makes it sound as if Reffitt was waving the gun around and threatening police or congressmen with it. But he didn’t do that, according to the DOJ’s own charging documents against him.
Guy Reffitt had inoperable gun parts in his possession as he stood outside the US Capitol with thousands of his fellow angry Americans. Because of the gun charge, Guy Reffitt now faces 70 years in prison.
Do you get the sense that Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland are enjoying it as they rub the double standard in our faces? BLM and Antifa destroyed American families all year long in 2020 by burning small businesses to the ground. Yet no domestic terrorist from either of those two Democrat-aligned groups has faced anything approaching the 70 years of imprisonment that Guy Reffitt and other Trump supporters are facing. These people are sick.
And they don’t seem to realize that treating people this way based on political beliefs is only going to make the situation worse. If engaging in a First Amendment-protected protest is going to land someone in prison for life, why should future protesters bother to show restraint?
White suprematism is just another made up word from the communist democrats to label God fearing country living Patriots that didn’t vote for socialism! The so called insurrection was another set up by or corrupted FBI and the speaker of the house! They wanted this to happen! BLM AND ANTFIA has caused BILLIONS of dollars in damages and continues there hate for this country and nothing is done about it! Just be prepared to defend yourself because what’s happening in this country isn’t going to be good!
I think the situation in our country with senile individual in the WH while the horrendous new rules, unconstitutional laws and anti American laws besieged actually by Obama as a shadow president salivating at the opportunity to finish of our country without his name attached to it is moving us closer to uprising and a Civil war – the only possible way to save our beloved country . We need to get rid of enemy within destroying our country, our lives and our future … and we need to get rid of all the filth stormed into it purposely from all over the world for total cleaning !
I haven’t heard anything about anyone being arrested for burning a building where police officers were all inside the building. That is attempted MURDER. Nothing?
The FBi knows , as one of them reported early on, that Trump was still giving a speech, a mile away, when the violence started. Will they hide that fact? They should have come forward by now to clear him.
The tragic part of it is that FBI. CIA AND DOJ are in on it , and the BLM, ANTIFA are their weapons against our country and our patriots !!!
And they are supposed to be law agencies !!!
Typical response from Socialist democratic politicians
Vote Democratic party….you’re part of the problem
Red States must begin to consider succession. The Republic is dead. The Federal Government is nothing more than a MOB, racketeering, to further their double standards and increase their grip on Free American Citizens. The Democrat National Communist Criminal Party, DNCCP is the PROBLEM, not the solution. They are the MOB and must be legally defeated at the State level and incarcerated there. The Federal Courts are corrupt. The entire Federal Government, Agencies, Institutions are entirely corrupt and no longer objective. America is on a slippery slope to Communism. So, since the DOJ/FBI are Communists protecting a tyrannical, criminal Government while Federal Courts remain reactive and politically subjective what is the recourse of a Free People in a dying Republic? The DOJ/FBI allow Antifa & BLM to burn, loot and murder without penalty. As this lawlessness spreads by design into your neighborhood what are you to do? All the while the DOJ/FBI plots against you, your business and your community to strip you of your Freedom and lively hood. God save the Republic and may those plotting against the US Bill of Rights and Constitution be damned to hell.
We now live in a 3rd world country, Thanks, Democrats, may you all rot in hell.
The insane communist democrat scum party believe that they can force their ideology on everyone. They believe that you will comply This so called pandemic showed them that most people will comply. Democrats are going to push as hard as they can all the way to midterm elections and if they succeed in this election power grab (HR1) we will be left with only war as an option. Democrats really do not understand just how much most Americans love this country and are willing to die defending America from the communist democrats. They are going to be shocked when the patriots rise and put an end to democrats tyranny. GOD BLESS AMERICA !!!
Guy Reffittis due one hell of a lot of money for having his constitutional rights warped all to hell.
The FBI needs a flag officer of impeccable integrity assigned as director and tasked with eliminating those agents who do not belong in an unbiased, uncorrupted law enforcement agency. If that means letting go half the current force, so be it!
The Feds, ATF, Democrats-Nancy, Chucky, and others heads are on the chopping block, come election time. The Communist Democrat Party Must be eliminated once and for all. We need people like Trump, Ron Desantis, Margery Taylor Green, Ted Cruz, and others like them. These kinds of people will start to right the wrongs of the Communist Democrat Party. What can be done by the [COMMUNIST DEMOCRAT PARTY]. PRISON would look real good for all them [TEASONEST DEMOCRATS], like maybe 50-100 years…Oh eleminate the FBI, IRS, and CIA, think of better ways to protect this great country.. GOD BLESS THE USA
“ come election time”… which election, I’m wondering, the one that the marxists want to push on us so our votes would go into a black hole like it happened in Nov 2020 ????
Can we or should we still trust any future elections???
That’s a joke !!!!!
Having all of these agencies being so corrupt with their extreme liberal ideals of the evil minded Democrats is devastating. America the home of the free is all but lost. Using the word evil pains me and not all Democrats are evil but the sane ones remain silent and united with these capitalism hating people. They have no tolerance for conservative minded citizens. They label us falsely as racists when it is their hearts that are poisoned. We have so little hope of turning things around at this point, but WE MUST NEVER GIVE UP…..God bless America, please…..
The FBI is an embarrassment to our country
All these people should be released due to in unAmerican beatings and verbal abuse of guards, not allowing church in jail, not allowing attorney to speak to them alone and.unsanitary jail conditions. This is total violation of rights. Also how can they do this with their totally ignoring blm.Why aren’t senators doing something about this ??
The democrat scum and their lackeys will do anything to create the illusion that Trump supporters are terrorists. Including lying.
Oh, yeah, I believe. The Commiecrats will stoop to the lowest levels in their trashy commitment for control.
Wray is a total incompetent and traitor. He was brought in to clean up the FBI corruption. He has done nothing, zero, nada and only made everything worse. The DOJ also needs to be cleaned up from top to bottom. The so called insurrection on Jan. 6th was led by antifa and apparently fbi agents to make the real president Trump look bad. Just like the Russian hoax and all the garbage the dems have gotten away with for almost five years. Wake Up Americans!
Nothing is going to correct this corruption from the government and law enforcement but physical force. Talking is not working.
The Demonrat Party is still the same rotten Party it has always been sure there are some bad Rinos but the Demonrat Party is the problem , the deep puddles of scum is embedded in the Party . The Abusive , Lying ,Cheating , Stealing , and Harassment is the way they use People stokeing all of the problems that are going on in this Country . If you could convince off duty cops to stop protecting so called celebs and politicians who are so called woke it would be such a joy to see them panic begging these officer’s to please come back and help them .