Sensing what it sees as a paradigm shift in the American electorate, the left is working on four separate yet interconnected fronts to fundamentally change politics in America.
Fueled by the legacy of Barack Obama’s presidency, senseless tragedies like the school shootings in Parkland, FL, and a rabid distaste for President Trump, young voters urged on by older progressives are prime to embrace all four.
A recent Harris Poll shows that almost 50 percent of millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996) say they would prefer living in a socialist country. Generation Z (those born since 1996) appear poised to also embrace a system that has either failed or is in the process of failing around the world.
Senior Fellow at The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Foreign Policy, Mike Gonzalez wrote, “For several decades now we have forced-fed American students a love of government interventionism and a disdain for our founding virtues. Our education schools, where our teachers are trained, are especially ideological. Is it any wonder that our youngest generations have no idea about the threats of socialism, how it has failed everywhere it has been tried? They haven’t been taught that.”
So far, mainstream Progressives have employed the slow but deadly process of dialectical materialism to sow the seeds of thought first advocated by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Older socialists like Bernie Sanders, emboldened by the popularity of radical socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez now show they are unwilling to wait for the slowly building results of their dialectic.
The left has employed these four to achieve one unified goal best understood by – “If you can’t win the game, change the rules.
These four fronts of radical change in the American political system include:
Do Away with the Electoral College
Over the last 20 years, the presidency hinged on what the left has suddenly decided is antiquated and “anti-democratic.” In 2016, President Trump won a landslide 304 electoral votes yet lost the popular vote by more than 2 million.
Since then, several of President Trump’s potential rivals in 2020 have made scrapping the Electoral College a part of their platform. Warren has called for a constitutional amendment that would kill the Electoral College.
The reasons for this are not missed by many leading Republicans. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida tweeted that the electoral college is a “work of genius [that] requires candidates for president to earn votes from various parts of the country. And it makes sure interests of less populated areas aren’t ignored at the expense of densely populated areas.”
Lower the Voting Age
A majority of House Democrats voted by way of an amendment to H.R.1 to drop the federal voting age to 16. Thankfully, the motion failed and the idea has received scant popular support. Rasmussen recently found the only 17% of American voters favor the move but don’t be fooled – the left will not let go of this idea because their future depends on it.
When the 27th Amendment passed in 1971, lowering the voting age to 18, the reasoning was clear and sound. Thousands of young men had already been drafted at the age of 18 and given their lives fighting a war in Vietnam.
There is no such moral argument giving 16-year-olds the privilege of choosing our President. The reason 49.7 percent of young Americans think socialism is a great idea is that our schools have failed to demonstrate what the costs of collectivist ideologies are.
When socialism is all about free health care, free lunch, and free college tuition, it seems to be a reasonable idea. When progressives refuse to show pictures of Venezuela – not so much.
Pack the Supreme Court
From time to time, the political branches have played politics with the Supreme Court by tinkering with the number of seats. The number of nine justices has remained stable since 1869 and even when it was changed sound reasons were employed.
Calls for additional justices today include no such reasoning. Why should be obvious – progressives want to pack SCOTUS with activist judges who see the Constitution as outdated and are willing to change it and rule against it to fit Progressives’ radical agenda.
Grant Statehood to Washington, D.C.
Washington D.C. is like most other state capitals in that it is predominately made up of liberal voting residents and for an obvious reason – a majority of their citizens derive their livelihood from government.
Any of these taken separately set dangerous precedents but together they aim to undermine the very genius of our Federal Republic.