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Four Years Later, FBI Admits Russian Potty Dossier Was Utterly False

Gordon Liddy died this week. 48 years after Liddy helped to orchestrate the Watergate break-in that ended Richard Nixon’s presidency, there are still unanswered questions about the burglary. That’s why none of us should get our hopes up too high when it comes to learning the full truth about the seditious “Russian collusion” coup attempt against President Donald Trump. When the Deep State wants to sweep something under the rug, it can remain swept for an awfully long time. But we are still getting some information on a slow-drip basis.

I had no idea this was still going on last October, but apparently the Senate Judiciary Committee, led then by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), was still interrogating FBI colluders in closed-door hearings. It took six months and a late-in-the-day executive order from President Trump, but another one of those testimonials has finally been declassified six months later.

Grassley’s committee questioned the “top analyst” who was in charge of vetting the contents of the salacious and salaciously fake Russian potty dossier that Hillary Clinton paid a foreign spy to compile, aka the Steele Dossier. The interviewee was a guy named Brian Auten, whose title is FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst. (“Is” and not “was.” Auten is still employed at the FBI, because the completely worthless Director Christopher Wray hasn’t fired the guy.)


The mainstream media and FBI’s logic behind the Russian potty dossier has always been the exact opposite of how the law is supposed to work. We were told for years that even though some parts of the dossier were “unverified,” it must be true because some of the smaller details in it were true. That’s legally upside-down.

If a trial witness’s testimony is found to be false on a little detail, juries are allowed to consider ALL of that witness’s testimony false. But whatever.

Some of the little details in the Russian potty dossier were found to be “true.” Former FBI Director and current cornfield afficionado James Comey told us so, under oath, multiple times. Brian Auten told the Senate Judiciary Committee a different story, however.

Auten led a team of six other analysts who are some of the country’s top FBI experts on Russia. The entire team had deep knowledge of all of the key Russian and Ukrainian players who were named in the Russian potty dossier. What Auten finally admitted behind closed doors probably won’t come as a surprise to any Donald Trump supporter:

The FBI was never able to verify ANY piece of information in the dirty dossier as “true.” Not one. Not a single “fact” claimed in that dossier could be verified. The only things that Auten’s team could confirm was that the dossier…

Sorry – I just had to laugh out loud when I read this.

According to the FBI’s top analyst, the Russian potty dossier accurately portrayed the names of real people who exist. For example, the dossier claimed that Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen traveled to Prague in 2016 and met with some shady Kremlin folks to set up the collusion deal to steal the 2016 election for Trump.

The FBI was able to determine that “Michael Cohen” was in fact a real American and was really Donald Trump’s lawyer once upon a time. They also verified that the Kremlin spooks named in the dossier are real people and are really spooks at the Kremlin. Oh – and Prague is a real city in Eastern Europe! But… Michael Cohen never went to Prague, never met or spoke with Russians, and never colluded with anyone.

There were no “minor” facts in the Russian potty dossier that were ever verified or confirmed as truthful. Every claim in it was junk and a lie, made up to benefit Crooked Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Everybody on James Comey’s Crossfire Hurricane team knew that the dossier was a total fabrication. But they still took the dossier and used it as the primary piece of “evidence” to obtain a year’s worth of warrants from the secret FISA court in order to spy on Carter Page and many, many additional members of the Trump campaign and family.

It will probably take a Watergate-like amount of time before we finally learn the full truth of the Russian collusion coup attempt. The Durham Report’s coming any day now! But at least we finally know one thing with full certainty: Absolutely nothing in the dossier was true.

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50 thoughts on “Four Years Later, FBI Admits Russian Potty Dossier Was Utterly False”

  1. When it is apparent that the people responsible for this coup are not charged, we are sliding down the sewer pipe into communism. Communist controlled democrats will take all of our freedoms and rights away and bankrupt our economy in the name of climate change. Once we are broken they will make the United States of America the modern day slaves of the world and we become lower than the third world countries. You don’t see china falling for this climate change crap, even though they are communist controlled. It is apparent that china prefers the U. S. to be communist and they have to break us to obtain that.

    1. You are exactly right. This is exactly what is going on. People in this country need to wake up.

      1. It won’t do any good! This country has been corrupt since 1776 if you know US history really well. The Deep State dates way back to before 1776.

        1. The Deep State is mostly Democrats as they are now and have been since before 1776. Why not state this? Of course, there are a few RINOs thrown in there, but everyone knows a RINO is a Democrat Lite. The media is mostly made up of Democrats and our school system (controlled by Democrats) are turning out more every single day. There lies the problem. To correct this, our school system must be completely destroyed and reengineered to be more neutral. Will this happen, No, not with the media, the supreme court (I know most have been appointed by Republicans, but you know the story there – once on the court many turn out to be liberal), the congress, the Senate, and the presidency firmly in the hands of the very corrupt and crooked left leaning Democrats.

          1. Agreed. The school systems today need to be taken over, the communists (most educators) thrown out and the system re-engineered not to be more neutral but to be historically accurate in everything taught absent personal opinions of employed educators. Period!!!

    2. Ms Gracey,
      The American men are not hiding or fretting they are quietly crouched waiting for the moment the to spring upon and devour the gloating communist and democrats who are feeding off the fruits of the American people. I promise you Gracey, that day is dangerously near when the purge will begin. The communists and deep state murderers who created communism will be hunted down like dogs in the streets and they will be treated with no mercy, no grace only judgement. China’s days are numbered. Her armed forces and 3rd world navy will find themselves begging for peace. Take notice China the American people are fresh out of peace. You want the American Pie Molen Labe! Good day.

      1. One can only hope and pray you are correct. I do get disgusted with us conservatives as we write and complain about what is happening to our beautiful and wonderful country while doing nothing but complain. Let’s get organized and do something beside complain.

        1. Jane, the democrat’s hope is in liberalism and the republican’s hope is in conservatism. Both are sorely wrong. Our hope must be in God better known to the ancients as Adonai, Elohim, Yahweh, El Shaddai, or Jehovah. Our hope should be in our savior Jesus and our actions should be guided by our prayers not by earthly eyes. The God loving people of this country are fighting the spiritual war and they are ready for a physical war. Get yourself a copy of the “Founding Fathers Bible.” This Bible, chapter by chapter, demonstrates how our founders were followers God and how they incorporated their faith to defeat Britain, the most powerful nation in the world. This is contrary to modern universities claiming other wise. Read it and judge for yourself. If my senses are correct I believe you truly desire justice. Good day. JD
          “Founding Fathers Bible”

        2. Won’t do any good! The Deep State owns the pentagon and all the guns; so, they dictate to “the people”.

      2. To be effective take your eye off the apparent losers. They are too protected. There are other ways to reach this scum. Be inventive; be methodical; become small group oriented with common goals; take your eye off the monsters and objectify the lesser, but related harmless critters. The monsters will take notice and disappear into oblivion. Didn’t this already occur at the end of the Third Reich or WW II? We can do it and call upon the sleeping giant within us.

      3. I want to agree with you, however, the future looks pretty bleak. The Democrat Communist Party (DCP), the unions and the corporations are all in alignment against the people and the constitution. We allowed the DCP to cheat us out of the presidency and I see little hope that Republicans will ever see that office again.

      4. When were you last brought up to date on the China view of conquering the world? It seems they now believe that that have economically done so. If we do find ourselves in a war with China (include Russia because they will go all in) we will have to recall the older warhorses now out to pasture the current crop is not worth the cost of our own troops lives given their notions of trying to do more with less. And you never do more with less. You do less with less. Period!!!

    1. Oh, Jack… the tick turds in their appointed time will stand in the heavenly court to give an account for their evil deeds. It would be better for the traitors to stand before earthly prosecutors now, rather then finding themselves in the fore mentioned court. That old now axiom, “Pay now or surely you will pay later” should be of great concern to those who have sold their souls…and betrayed the people. Relevant Bible Verse: “…my people ask for bread but they are given a stone…” Good day.

  2. Why isn’t EVERY Republican Congressman and Senator Demanding the resignation of Wray and the resignation and prosecution of Brian Auten?

      1. Doug,You couldn’t be more WRONG. There are Some as you say”deep state” that are beginning to see their idiocy and ARE Turning to the Republicans side of The Obvious TRUTH. OUR COUNTRY UNDER GOD WILL Prevail!!!!

    1. There is a better plan. Reduction in Force at 100%. Recruit with serious psychological exams and focus on proven memory skills. The next step should be to de-centralize DC. The remaining population could serve as tour guides. The FBI was run by a communist; Comey. This infiltration plan is instrumented by the Arkancide Crew also recognized as ehite trash grifters. Birds of a feather,…….

    2. “Why aren’t all the Republicans in the House and Senate demanding the resignation of Wray and the prosecution of Brian Auten”. It could very well be that the FBI has (or could create) incriminating files on many of them and/or their family members. You may not be old enough to remember this, but back in the day when J.Edgar Hoover was running the FBI, he had files on every Member of the House and Senate and also on Jack and Bobby Kennedy.

      I have no doubt that Christopher Wray has similar information on every member of the federal government. We saw what the FBI was capable of doing when trying to remove Trump from office, when they couldn’t find any evidence of criminal activity on Trump’s part, they (James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Kevin Clinesmithj) just made it up; they leaked classified information to the media, obstructed justice, committed perjury, suborned the perjury of others, engaged in malicious prosecutions of General Flynn and Carter Page, withheld exculpatory information from their defense lawyers, submitted altered evidence to prosecutors and they lied to the FISA Court on applications in order to obtain warrants to wire tap the phones of Carter Page and campaign workers for Donald Trump. All of this has been proven and with the exception of Kevin Clinesmith, an FBI attorney, not a single one of these criminal acts have been prosecuted by the Department of Justice or by the FBI. Clinesmith was the individual who altered a CIA document that has said Cater Page was in the employ of the CIA, changing that document to read “Carter Page was NOT in the employ of the CIA”. Clinesmith then gave that altered document to FBI prosecutors. Clinesmith pleaded guilty to that crime, but was given 12 months of probation and never served a day in jail.

      Attorney General Barr ignored the recommendations of Inspector General Horowitz and passed the buck to U.S. Attorney John Durham, who has spent nearly two years of time and millions of dollars “investigating” those members of the CIA, NIS, State Department, DOJ, FBI and foreign intelligence services who were involved in the attempted political coup of president Donald Trump. What are the results of U.S. Attorney and “special prosecutor” Durham’s investigative efforts? Not a one of these individuals has been convicted, not a one has been tried or even indicted. We keep hearing about how “99% of those in the DOJ and FBI are honest, hardworking people of integrity”. Really? Then why hasn’t there been a single individual among these 99% to step forward and testify against those in their agency they know are guilty of these crimes?

      There is only one inescapable conclusion, the Department of Justice and the FBI and even some of our courts are corrupt, from the top down and cannot be trusted.

      1. I agree with Mr. Page. I am tired and upset at all the talk and no action. The reason why so many, if not all, “True American” voters, including me, have completely lost the confidence and trust in all of these corrupt, untrustworthy, two faced government officials. Where’s the equal justice and liberty for all, regarding of race, color or creed; regardless of title and econoimic position?

      2. AMEN They should all be a SHAMED of their self I dont know how they can sleep at night .PURE EVIL PRAY IN GOD WE TRUST

  3. Our VERY Corrupt Government goes about this with “bits + pieces” JUST to keep Patriot Americans hanging on to the hope of by Truth coming out, the guilty ones will be charged + we can put this junk behind us.
    Since we KNOW the Dossier was totally false WHY are the Guilty not being charged + brought to justice ?

    1. Same reason as always friend-a crooked admin got the reigns and **POOF** it just fades into obscurity. The only justice dealt so far was the FBI lawyer that doctored the email to say Carter Page wasn’t a CIA asset in order to concoct the whole reason that they needed to surveil in the 1st place got some community service for his part. As far as I know (I sure hope I’m wrong) that’s about the time the bumbling Biden child sniffing admin took over and other than the Durham report, I don’t expect we’ll see any of the others get so much as a slap on the wrist – certainly not the real instigators such as Clinton & Obama. Biden was complicit as well, and hatched the scheme they used against General Flynn, but that’ll go nowhere too unless the election audits somehow reverse the paradigm.

    2. Deborah, Ask The Corrupt JUDGES that Question! SOON; I DO Believe Some REAL JUDGES with CHRISTIAN WIVES will be having to decide on STAYING Married OR stepping up to the plate And Do the RIGHT Thing!!

  4. Why aren’t there any CONVICTIONS yet?!? . . . just asking. One Enlightened And DISGUSTED Patriot. Team Trump And His Allies 2020 – MAGA (WE’RE NOT going away!).

  5. The only thing that Trump is guilty of is loving this country and wanting the best for the people of this country, so he put us 1st. I know if you are a lefty that is a crime to love this country and the people of this country. Each one of these criminals who were involved in the coup attempt need to be hung along with people in the Biden admin. starting with Biden. Nothing is ever going to change unless people are held accountable for their actions and then others will know, you commit a crime, it doesn’t matter what your last name is or who your daddy is. This is the year for true JUSTICE to start and get Justice John Roberts off that bench and we might just see a turn around in the supreme court.

  6. Wonder how many years it’ll take to hear the truth about their involvement in the 2020 fraud!!

  7. This countries elite never pay for crimes they do. How are we suppose to do anything because these elites would have us indicted and hung up to die. The government, fbi,cia,scotus, don’t make the elite pay for their unlawful actions. They are part of of the cover up. Until conservatives step up and make the elite pay there will be no trust in our government .No constitution is being followed here any more. Our country is not for its citizens its about the third world becoming leaders here. So much for unity and whats good for America..Not anymore.

  8. I hope the SOBs that are responsible for this mess have read all these comments. I did. It proves that patriots are still aware of all this and will not let it stand. We were robbed of an election and will never consider Mr. Biden our president let alone his VP.

    This ain’t over yet. You’re being put on notice.

  9. Only payback in the form of violence, will work here. As long as The Obama/Clinton/Biden Crime Family, along with the Chinese, who sent the virus to destroy what Trump was building, from the lab that Obama funded, sees this violence, will we have justice. They will never hang for this coup, and the media will never be held to account for their part. Only pain and violence will work. The democrat criminals have show how to use it in the cities against innocent victims. Conservatives need the same, attacking their places of criminal behavior, to show them that traitors and criminals will pay!

  10. Does the government really think they pulled the wool over the eyes of the people they are supposed to work for..YOU THE AMERICAN TAX PAYER!

    1. Those in charge of today’s government (the Socialist Democrats) don’t give a damn about what “the people” think. They do what they damn well please. They have the media in their pocket and big corporate money funding them. They have their deep state operatives in every department and agency of the federal government and in the courts. They control all three branches of government. They have formed a constituency of “victim” classes to whom they promise “free stuff” in exchange for their votes. Honest, hardworking people that pay income taxes are the ones who will pay for all that “free stuff”, you know, the “free” health care; the “free” education from Kindergarten – College; “free” housing, “free” food stamps, “free money” in the form of a “guaranteed income” to all regardless of work. Most likely, the Socialists Democrats won’t even ask people for their votes, they will vote for you and guess what, THEY WILL WIN. If anyone challenges the results of an election they will be called “insurrectionists”, “racists”, etc., etc. and be subject to fines and/or imprisonment. Don’t think that can happen? It just did.

  11. I am so disturbed what is going on with our country. The new administration claims that they want UNITY! They are not doing anything to promote that! We have “cancel culture” all over the place. It is wrong! Columbia University wants to have 7 different graduations! One for blacks, one for whites, one for Asians, one for gays, etc. How does this increase unity and celebrate diversity! It doesn’t! How does changing names of streets, military bases, and whatever else they want to rename, help unity? We must hold onto our history or we are doomed to repeat it! Our country is based on the freedom to protest but not to riot and cause extreme property damage and destruction of small businesses! Then there is the illegal immigrants storming our borders and bringing more covid cases, criminals, and human trafficing problems across our borders! BRING BACK TRUMP!!! He loved our country and would fight tooth and nail to protect our freedoms!

    1. that would be a good start , we must all stand to together side by side united for the
      bill of rights

  12. Because it might bring Hilliary out in the public to the people, She should be tried & locked up. She is a totaly a disgrace to this country, a totaly bitch??

  13. Just another example of why I won’t donate one thin dime to the “Republican” party. If they can’t get their heads out of you-know-where,as a unified party, what’s the point? We, as citizens, have no recourse short of violence, because the people we voted for to represent American values are mostly hiding under their desks, or are complicit in this commie garbage!

    1. My question particularly now is – where do you find a honest person in DC ~. Republican politicians knew this was false and lies and allowed President Trump to be impeached and the phony expensive mueller investigation to continue without saying a word. I wouldn’t trust anything out of dc. We have a crooked pervert and a ho running the country and constitution into the ground snd all I get from Republican- I need money to fight for you. Right— you attacked our President when you knew it was all lies, didn’t stand for getting truth about voter fraud and we are suppose to send you more money to stand up to the commie dems jo and ho snd the clown show

  14. I feel all of your pain and it is totally wrong that these treasonous bastards are walking free and we are stupid to pat for their actions or inactions. Maybe we all should paying taxes then they can stop laundering our money to hand it over to some hell hole and then return it back to themselves.

  15. My question particularly now is – where do you find a honest person in DC ~. Republican politicians knew this was false and lies and allowed President Trump to be impeached and the phony expensive mueller investigation to continue without saying a word. I wouldn’t trust anything out of dc. We have a crooked pervert and a ho running the country and constitution into the ground snd all I get from Republican- I need money to fight for you. Right— you attacked our President when you knew it was all lies, didn’t stand for getting truth about voter fraud and we are suppose to send you more money to stand up to the commie dems jo and ho snd the clown show

    1. Lord Acton, British Parliament, 1856: “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely; great men are seldom good men.”

  16. Melinda; If things don’t change. If people don’t GO BACK to CHURCH; with their children and grandkids and MAKE SURE They know the WORD of GOD and respect and follow it there will be NO FUTURE for them GOD destroyed earth before and WILL Do IT AGAIN. PLEASE ALL TRUE Americans; PRAY and then PRAY AGAIN and do it with ALL our CHILDREN. If we don’t teach them of OUR CREATOR; GOD then NO ONE Will. Wake Up; AMERICANS.Do it RIGHT WITH GOD!!!!!

  17. I agree with you 100 % . Wake up people we are going to lose are rights They are slowly being taking away

  18. If one wants to understand what is NEW, one must first has learned what was OLD! The values of HISTORY LESSONS are very important for those who seek to UNDERSTAND TRUTH!

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