General Michael Flynn recently sat for an explosive interview with political commentator Joy Thayer, during which he exposed perhaps the most DISTURBING reason why so many of our politicians cannot be trusted.
Flynn revealed that on top of the obvious foreign bribes, there is something even more sinister that has gotten countless American politicians to sell out their country.
During his talk with Thayer, General Flynn, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) warned that America is in serious danger because it’s being dismantled from the inside out.
Specifically focusing on the Congress which seems to be filled with some of the most radical left-wing politicians and spineless RHINOS, Flynn said that many of these people are being blackmailed after being caught committing heinous acts.
Because of this, he says Congress is “totally, completely broken.”
Flynn said that certain representatives are being completely controlled by corporate lobbyists and globalists who have enough dirt to get the sick congressional members to do whatever they say.
The Former DIA head, goes on to point out that powerful entities have managed to compromise members of both the Senate and the House by catching them in sexual acts with children during foreign trips.
“… they’re totally owned by the corporate lobbyists and frankly, by the globalists who own many of these people because they’ve been compromised on some of these what they call CODEL trips overseas, where these members of both the House and the Senate get compromised by sleeping with children. And they compromise,” Flynn said.
He continued, “And these are real things. These are very real things, or they get them caught up in the world of big bucks, big money.”
Several congressional reps DO in fact have a history of getting caught in this sort of despicable act.
Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert paid hush money to cover up child molestation and is now a convicted felon and. Sex offender.
Rep. Gerry Studds – the first openly gay member elected to Congress – was caught drugging underage minors and forcing them to have sex with him.
More recently Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez from New Jersey – the same one who was just convicted on charges of conspiracy to act as a foreign agent – was accused of having sex with minors outside of the U.S.
And the list goes on and on – not to mention the ones who played their role as puppets well enough that their puppet masters never let their dirty deeds come to light.
But it’s not even just Congress.
The Biden family is more than likely compromised by this, ON TOP OF, as Flynn put it, the “big money.”
We know from the Hunter Biden laptop that the president’s son has had some dark sexual interactions with underage women and prostitutes, and given Joe Biden’s own shady history of sniffing and kissing kids IN PUBLIC it’s safe to say the apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree in this case.
Our foreign adversaries very likely have DIRT on Joe Biden and when you add in the MILLIONS of dollars he’s been paid in bribes – It’s a bit easier to see why Joe seems to be so hell-bent on destroying America.
You can see what Flynn had to say about the people ruining our government here:
Former Director of the DIA, General Mike Flynn, blatantly states that some of our legislators are compromised by globalist actors, due to their trips overseas where they “sleep with children”…
DC politicians are on Epstein’s client
— Clandestine (@WarClandestine) October 29, 2023
Thank you GENERAL FLYNN, it’s about time the citizens of this country get their heads out of their backsides and wake up to the CORRUPT S.O.OB that are destroying our country.
And that goes for all of those elite S.O.B. That are in the same boat.
Yes Biden has been open about wanting to destroy the United States since he was running for office. When he said he wanted to make the United States a 3rd world country. Biden wants to destroy our economy and everything about America. Biden is a traitor to America.
We should fear Mr. Biden because he is a compromised person running the country…God help us!
This information is what all the patriots have suspected from the beginning. It’s time, even though it could take a decade or longer to expose these people/traitors, put them behind bars, if proof is shown then no court, no debate, these traitors go straight to jail. We have to start somewhere, we have to start with one and go down the list until all are rid of. Then we have to pass laws that if you are living in this country and you have beliefs that do not coincide with our way of life then you are never able to run for any office. They should never be given citizenship or work in our schools. We have allowed these crazies to come to our country and immediately start to change our way of life/beliefs, this is our own fault allowing anyone and everyone in, but now we see on a catastrophic scale what being good to foreigners has gotten us. There’s not another country that would ever allow this, America has to stop the “welcome mat” open door policy. No flag is flown that isn’t our nations flag, military flags of our country, law enforcement flags. Start putting our money back in the law enforcement and put law and order back in our states. Take away the governors control of the state if they start to go off the rails implementing rules like they think they’re Gods/Kings, make it so the president steps in and keeps things at a normal, make sense decisions.
Put rules into place that big tech billionaires can only buy so much of our land not just tens of thousands of acres meant for parks, farmland.
These idiots want to change how you eat but I’ll guarantee they won’t be adhering to their BS and will be eating whatever they want. The list is so long of the things we need to erase and go back to the normal way of life when things were good most the time. LGBTQ-transgender-transgender in woman’s sports/ bathroom-80% of horrible indoctrinating teachers/school boards-rigging our voting system- I feel sorry for any sane republican/conservative that gets in the White House tackling this mind boggling mess the democrats have put our country in, they are all traitors. The good people, the patriots, have been too complacent for too many decades. In order to get out of this nightmare we call America, then we need to fight back and fight harder than you ever have had to. Stand up to the politically insane democrats, give up jobs that have gone woke, take your children out of public and unfortunately private schools, don’t buy food or any items that the stores are woke, don’t eat in their restaurants, don’t pay taxes…yep…just think of the impact it would make if half or more of the nation stopped/refused to pay taxes what are they going to do, put all of us millions of people in jail?!?!
If you don’t “ feed evil” it can’t survive! It takes sacrifice, it takes guts to stand up and SAY NO MORE we are NOT doing the things you force on US ANYMORE! Let’s go America-let’s go patriots-let’s show these communist traitors we won’t stand for trying to ruin our country not one more day.
Right on Rebecca!! You hit the nail on the head.
The democrats want to destroy America. It’s that simple. They have always been enemies of our republic.
Keep up the good work and God Bless You!!
What you have said is on the minds of millions of patriots. The establishment is and has been in control for many years and since the day Biden was sworn in corruption began immediately. Obama is dictating his communist Muslim agenda at warp speed. General Flynn is one of the good guys robbed of his career and bankrupted.
I pray that Trump will be elected and begin immediately reversing what Obama and his doggie on a leash Biden has done in such a short time. God bless America. Kelp you powder dry and pray for peace. I’m
This is why they want to keep sending money to Ukraine. A shitload of it comes back to politicians on both sides of the aisle.
Looks like we need to have a second civil war only this time it’s the people vs. politicians! We the people need to yank these assclowns out of our govt. and publicly execute them as a warning to any other politicians who want to undermine this country and it’s people. We need to take our country back from our corrupt and sick pedo govt. or it’s gonna get really bad, devastatingly bad. FJB
I am shocked that some who commented still do not know that guy who calls himself Joe Biden is AN ACTOR!(?) Joe Biden died a couple years ago and these are actors with head masks! Please wake up people, OK? There are several scenes of this Joe on TV and in videos showing wrinkles in his jaw and other areas of his head that don’t belong there.