“Fact-checking” as an industry seems to have come out of nowhere, with these social media arbiters of truth being used to control narratives on whatever issue they so please, which is why it’s so incredibly concerning exactly WHO is funding them.
Of course, it’s none other than George Soros – the man responsible for pushing propaganda through any means possible – having spent billions in the past 20 years to influence politics across the globe.
Soros has helped to develop large organizations comprised of “fact-checkers” and so-called “misinformation” experts, for the left to use them in their war against dissenting opinions.
The New York Post broke down the trail of Soros money, and found that he is behind some of the most CORRUPT “fact-checkers” who go out of their way to discredit conservative voices.
The Post reports:
“Later in the year, heading into the midterms, in an open letter signed by 11 other leftist groups, the Soros-funded Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights called on Big Tech CEOs to take “immediate” action to spread so-called “voting disinformation” to “help prevent the undermining” of democracy. The signatories had received a combined $30.3 million from Soros in just a four-year period.
As the Hungarian publication Remix revealed, of the 11 Facebook-approved fact checking organizations for Central and Eastern Europe, eight were funded by Soros. As is the case for the US, these fact checking groups are largely critical of the political right.
One project of the Poynter Institute specifically, the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), was launched in 2015 with its initial funding coming from the National Endowment for Democracy (backed by the US State Department), the Omidyar Network, Google, Facebook, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.”
As the Post notes, Soros has his hands in with a disturbing mixture of people all determined to silence conservatives – INCLUDING THE US STATE DEPARTMENT!
Their funding sources mean these fact-check groups are clearly not so “unbiased” and “politically neutral” as they have claimed to be!
“Fact-checking” has enabled social media companies to take a hands off approach to censorship. They use these supposedly unbiased third-parties to label information as “misinformation” and then remove it based on the pre-determined labels by the Soros funded organizations.
Facebook has notoriously relied on fact-checkers to avoid taking any responsibility whatsoever for censorship, despite their well-known efforts to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story even BEFORE the fact-checkers placed any labels on it.
Soros has displayed a commitment to destroying America and its values – free-speech included – and the deployment of these fact-check armies could be another sinister strategy of his to do just that!
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Anybody want the truth about George Soro? Just stop and study history! SORO was a GERMAN BLACK COAT NAZI TROOPS! During WORLD War 2. At the age of 18! He was following HIS ROLE MODEL HITLER! Wanted to RULE THE WORLD! So after the war he decide to try to HONOR HITLER ANYWAY POSSIBLE! One was to DESTROY THE COUNTRY THAT STOP HITLER, WHICH WAS AMERICA LEADING THE FIGHT! If anybody know his location please posted it! There a million dollars bounty on his head dead or alive. From his home country!
Say Mr. or Ms. or Mrs. Anglia, sir or ma’am, You Truly Need To Get Off Of That Up Side Down Heart Of Yours, Which Conceals Your Very Own Biological Tail Pipe, And Start Putting A Lot Of Your Energy { Sweat And Tears, Even IF It Delivers A Lot PAIN To Your Body, Because You Are Most Likely 1 Of Many Been Compromised = FAKE Fact Checkers Out There On This Blue Marble Called Earth, Inserting A Lot Of REAL AND DIS-HONEST MISINFORMATION, And Are ILLEGALLY ({[CENSURING
THE ACTIONS AND CANCELING OTHER PEOPLE’S OWN IDEAS/SOLUTIONS, JUST BECAUSE mr. soros’s KNOWS YOU DON’T GIVE 1 IOTA OF REAL HONEST PERTINENT EVIDENCE, THAT CAN NEGATE WHAT THOSE OTHER PERSONS THOUGHTS/IDEAS/SOLUTIONS THAT JUST MIGHT BE BETTER, THAN mr. soros or mr. gates. ILLOGICAL IDEAS/SOLUTIONS THAT OBVIOUSLY DO NNNOOOTTT LIKE FOLLOWING THE WHOLE US CONSTITUTION, ALL BECAUSE mr. soros, AND HIS ANTI-US CONSTITUTIONAL COMMUNISTIC CHINESE COLLUDING TOKEN DARK SKINNED PUPPET = #44 = mr. Bathroon barry Alias barack hussein Soetoro Alias sorbarkarh Alias Dunham Alias Obama, The 1 Who Illegally And On Purposely Started What “Let’s Go Brandon sr. In Illegally Stealing The USA’s Secret Documents” From The USA’s Archive Department! I know what I said was a very long sentence, Because What I Have Spewed Is The Honest Real Truth, Have a Nice Day!!!!!!!!!
Soros is one candidate that I would nominate for the antichrist….if I had to vote, he may just be the one in today’s world I would elect. Yet, there are just so many to pick from lately…it would be a very hard decision. So many of his minions are in his pockets, doing his bidding every day and are equally accomplices to his many crimes against humanity. And as the old saying goes “One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch” – they all need to be held accountable to their dirty deeds.
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It’s time we pray for death to George Soros. Who needs him? How old is he? His billions are not going to save him from his mortality. Let!s don’t give him a moment if our thoughts. He’ll be history soon.