The “green” movement may have finally reached a dangerous tipping point, with the Dutch government threatening to seize a massive amount of farms – claiming they’re responsible for too much ‘pollution.’
The Netherlands announced that they will be looking to seize as many as 600 farms throughout the country to crack down on supposed nitrogen pollution.
Prime minister Johan Remkes made the announcement, saying he intends to follow advice from the government’s mediator to meet the nitrogen demands of the European Union (EU).
The EU, on the brink of a major food crisis, has been attacking farmers as major polluters, looking to phase out the use of nitrogen – a common fertilizing agent that is used in plants to help them grow.
Farmers Defense Force leader Mark Van den Oever says he and others will not lie down and take this blatant tyranny, planning to hit the streets and vocalize their opposition to this dangerous new standard which attempts to villainize the use of nitrogen.
The Dutch government is claiming that the use of nitrogen in specific areas is “harming sensitive environmental areas.” Officials say those farms need to be “relocated.”
Van den Oever meanwhile, points out that this claim is “completely wrong,” adding that never before has nitrogen been perceived as a pollutant, until recently when the sinister leftists behind the “green” movement have found a way to attack farmers.
Van den Oever says if the scheme moves forward, the nation’s farmers will “give the old-fashioned gas again, count on that,” referring to prior farmer protests which saw them mobilize their tractors throughout the state.
The Dutch government has completely ignored all of the farmer’s concerns according to the Farmers Defense Force leader, who warns they are at a breaking point due to far too many restrictions being handed down by the globalist government of Prime Minister Mark Rutte.
Another member of the Farmer’s organization called the attempts to strongarm farmers into giving up their land a “red line.”
Remkes, meanwhile, is defending the plan.
He says under the EU’s “green” agenda, “the Netherlands will be locked up because it will be legally almost impossible to issue permits. Not for houses, not for farms, not for roads.”
“I write this with a heavy heart, but I see no other way,” Remkes said. “I don’t expect the agricultural sector will be happy with this report.”
The earlier protests back in July came after Rutte had announced that by 2030, the Netherlands will see 50 percent fewer nitrogen emissions due to forced farm closures and relocations.
Some farms would have to cut emissions by up to 95 percent in order to meet that standard, which would basically force them to close. As much as 30 percent of all livestock will also need to go.
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When are people going to wake up about the climate scam, everything about this massive con game is about total control of every part of your life. It’s all part of the NWO.
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This isn’t even scientific at all. Our atmosphere is 78% nitrogen and only 21% oxygen. How is nitrogen a polluter? Look at what happened to Sri Lanka when the woke/climate elites coerced and bribed that government into not fertilizing their crops. Its not climate science, its stupidity. The Dutch are going to have to overthrow their government if it keeps going down this road to destruction. We in the rest of the world better be prepared for idiocy agenda. The globalists who are forcing this don’t know a thing about farming.
The picture may be bigger than the elites merely directing governments of the world to restrict food production out of fears of “Global Warming”. This has already caused starvation in Sri Lanka, and great social unrest from farmers in Europe and Canada. The “Great Reset” is about killing us off and Fentanyl may be part of the plan.
Too, the gay/transgender agenda is likely part of this same ambitious plan dreamed up by ivory tower liberals back in the 1970’s.
The 1977 book Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment by Paul and Anne Ehrlich and Obama’s “Science Czar”, John P. Holdren called for the ELIMINATION of 7/8 of the Earth’s human population. Strict control of all human reproduction would be required. Some of the ways they recommended to achieve this end was mandatory vaccinations that would decrease human beings’ fertility, the lacing of municipal water supplies with similar compounds (coincidentally, many municipal water sources in the US that include treated sewage are nowadays contaminated with estrogen excreted by women who take birth control pills. This can’t be filtered out), compulsory abortion, and the societal encouragement of homosexuality, as such people don’t reproduce and add to the Earth’s human population burden. My understanding is that anyone going through the full “transition” into the opposite sex will be unable to reproduce.
Isn’t the air we breathe a oxygen/ nitrogen mix in with C02 .
Only pollution I see is when democrats and rhinos open their mouths. When government starts bowing to these idiots in any country it can never end well. Climate change is a big lie so government can control you like China. It’s funny the different governments wants you to pay your taxes yet they take away the things you pay taxes for. Who is joke on now?
When all farmlands are full of solar panels and wind turbines and rolling blackouts continue, along with dead batteries, unchargeable in you EV’S?, How long will you survive without food? Did you ever think of that, you dumb-asses?
My Co Worker’s step-sister created $7500 the previous week. q10 She gets paid on the laptop computer and moves into a $57000 condo. All she did was get blessed and apply the guide leaked on this net site.
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