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Good Grief: They’re Running Crooked Hillary in 2024 Aren’t They?

The shadowy cabal running the White House has failed to convince Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to immediately retire. They won’t be able to nominate Kamala Harris to the Supreme Court to get rid of her, so now it’s time to panic. They’re launching Operation Keep Joe Alive Until 2024. And that can mean only one thing: Crooked Hillary will be running once again at the end of Joe Biden’s failed term.

The plan that Jill Biden and unnamed others had put in motion was to nominate Kamala Harris to the Supreme Court. That would open up the VP slot, and it’s pretty clear that Crooked Hillary was the only person on their shallow bench that they could nominate for the job. The White House’s conundrum is that they ever gave Kamala Harris the job in the first place. And her approval rating doesn’t have much farther to go before it hits zero. They needed to get rid of her.

Unfortunately for the schemers, Justice Breyer has decided he’s not going anywhere. Plan B has failed, so now it’s on to Plan C: Just keep Joe alive until 2024 and then pass the torch back to Crooked Hillary. With their new “voting tools” that they used in 2020, the cabal now thinks that they can surely propel Crooked Hillary into the White House in 2024. They’ve only been talking about making Crooked Hillary the first woman president since 1993, so it’s not like they have any blind spots about her prospects. (LOL)

Barring something unforeseen and unfortunate, Donald Trump is running in 2024. We all know he is. He’s still holding rallies that draw 100 times as many people as all Biden 2020 rallies combined. The people still love him. The people miss him every time they pull up to a gas pump or walk into a grocery store. Trump knows we miss him, and he is furious that the 2020 election was stolen from us.

So, we’re looking at a 2024 rematch between the greatest president in our lifetimes and Crooked Hillary. How will that be different on this second go-around?


For one thing, everyone now knows that Crooked Hillary committed crimes in 2016 that she got away with.

Her campaign created the Russian potty dossier out of thin air. The FBI, the CIA and the Justice Department colluded with the Clinton campaign to craft that fake dossier and present it to the FISA court in order to spy on the Trump campaign. This altered American foreign policy toward Russia for four entire years, not to mention the fact that it hamstrung the Trump presidency. Think what Donald Trump could have done for America if the first two years of his first term had not been swallowed up by the potty dossier and the Mueller witch hunt.

Now that we know that entire sordid conspiracy that started with Crooked Hillary, imagine how much fun that first Trump vs. Crooked Hillary debate is going to be in 2024. Will Trump have a few things to say about the matter? Oh, I think he will!

We’ve been told since January 6 that questioning the 2020 election is treasonous. It makes you an insurrectionist. But Crooked Hillary still firmly believes that she won the 2016 election. She proved that she believes this last week, when she ready her “victory speech” from 2016 on the internet. It’s clear from the fact that Crooked Hillary won’t shut up and won’t go away that she is now gearing up for another run.

Crooked Hillary is sitting down for fawning interviews in the media and suddenly trying to raise her profile. Just as she would be doing if she were planning to run in 2024.

The White House is laughably claiming that Joe Biden is totally running for reelection in 2024. He’s fit as a fiddle! Why would you even ask?

And yet, all signs point to Crooked Hillary dusting off the wardrobe that she stole from Kim Jong Un and foisting herself back into the spotlight. This is going to be a lot of fun.

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68 thoughts on “Good Grief: They’re Running Crooked Hillary in 2024 Aren’t They?”

    1. None of them are fit or too old to be anything…Pelosi, will never be president, she is 82 years old and almost 83..She would be 87 years old to step down at the White House…Kamala doesn’t deserve to be anything in Washington D.C…She releases the inmates and instead of sending them to prison..Hillary Clinton can not be president either…She’s a crook and a liar…Look what she did at Benghazi, where the 4 military men were killed and she never answered the phone…She is a very nasty person…Trump 2024!

    2. I wouldn’t trust her to be the char-woman to clean my toilets. And as much shit she’s been in over the years; she’d be a natural. Dave

    3. They offer jobs for which people can work online from their house. My latest paycheck after working for them for 4 months was for doller 4500… Amazing thing about is that the only thing required is simple typing skill and access to internet…__

    4. The Dems are in panic mode and they become dangerous and desperate in panic mode. They are allowing the inflow of illegals in while softening voting rules/laws so when the time comes they will tell all non-citizens to just show up and demand to vote or riot if questioned. This will require vote harvesting and fraud at all levels. But they can do it with the help of the media controlling the flow of info. We the people should organize and coordinate to take the leftist media down by organizing an ongoing massive (millions of us) barrage of media communication channels going forward. Crush the enemies means to communicate and spread propaganda.

    5. The EDG-U-MA-CA-Ted idiots are up to again. And who would be running with “IT” for Vice,,EPSTEIN,,,Ooops,,,,,or should I say,,,”MAXWELL”?

    6. I am creating an honest wage from home 1900 Dollars/week , that is wonderful, below a year gone i used to be unemployed during an atrocious economy. (cfg26) I convey God on a daily basis. I used to be endowed with these directions and currently it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with everybody. Here is where I started……….

    1. Hi Teresa I think she is considering “Running” because they got over on us with Biden, maybe they could swing the same Corrupt Deal for her!

  1. Bring her on . I would love to see her take another ass whoopin. Maybe this time she would commit arkancide after her defeat and we would finally be done with her corrupt butt. Finally slick willie would be happy too with her gone.

  2. She can’t began to become even president of world wide thugs anonymous as Putin could bast her into the China hills. This is one super bad pick even for the commie devilrats

  3. She needs to keep her mouth shut and her opinions to herself. How can she even think we want her as a president. She’s horrible and unfit for our country. God bless America and keep us in your hands Dear God! Please keep her out of our white house.

  4. We know that crooked hillary would have disappeared by now if she wasn’t expected to do what the same thing as the nut case we have now, She owes way too much to her foreign money trail from her last run….

  5. LOL, Does that statement bring to mind another? “Once Burned, Twice Shy” She hasn’t been humiliated enough by her husband and her attitude about “Every Woman must be believed except those assaulted and raped by her husband” she can’t understand “why she lost the election” She should quit now while things have been quiet except for the failure of the Clinton’s “Foundation” and her loving husband’s “Frequent Flyer miles on Epstein’s jet with Ghislaine as Co-Flyer!

  6. Even the people they have now are not suitable to be in power. Neither is Killiary. They are suitable for an orange jump suit in a federal prison.

  7. MRS COLLUSION….STEEL DOCIA… RUSSIAN BULLSHIT>>>>Only an asshole would run again…sorry she is an asshole

  8. Benghazi Lies, Her Famous Quote, “At this point, What Difference does it Make”? Uranium sales, all Women to be “Believed” except Bill Clinton’s Victims, The HaitThe Clinton Foundation that had more Administration and Travel Expenses than anything it ever did any good for! There are more reasons not to even think of running her even for “Dog warden”
    and they can probably be researched under Mysterious Suicides and Robbery/Murders where nothing was taken Hmmmmmmmmmmm…………………….

      1. We don’t need the Obama’s any where near the white house just like we don’t want or need Hilary Clinton any where here in the USA. Tell her to go to Russia or China and run for president and take the Obama’s with her. We don’t them here..

  9. When you have control of the election vote counting in every state with the big electoral numbers you Don’t have to have a legitimate candidate. The elections are just like in Cuba or Venezuela everyone gets to VOTE but the election is decided behind the scenes .!?

  10. Fat chance!! The public despises Hillary because she’s the most corrupt politician in the history of this Country. Look, the writings on the wall that John Durham’s investigation will lead to Hillary Clinton. Since she’s the one person who started the Russian collusion story and PAID for it with her campaign funds (which is illegal, did you think she would have used her own wealth to purchase the dossier, you’d better think again). She’s not going anywhere near the White House or the Oval Office. But I hear she could run for the “bitch” in cellblock Camp 7 at the women’s correction facility, at the US naval base at Guantanamo Bay. I heard that John Podesta and Huma have been indicted by the grand jury. It’s only a matter of time for Hillary to be indicted, as well as the Clinton Foundation, (including Bill and Chelsea). A former CF employee was flipped by Durham and will testify against the Clinton’s. Durham has 81,000 documents, video, photos and exhibits on the CF alone. Remember, Donald Trump reopened X-Ray camp, to make room for these corrupt politicians and government bureaucrats, who will be tried in a military tribunal for their various crimes, including treason sedition and subversive activities. Of course, all roads lead to Barack Obama and Joe Biden, as they were in on this hoax and gave their approval.

  11. The very thought of Hillary running again gives me stomach cramps. This is how low the Democrats can go to consider this one woman freak show to be electable. The Democrats have no one, no one run to run for President. The scrapable stuff at the bottom of the barrel is Hillary Rodham Clinton. That is how desperate the Dems can be to even allow this thought to creep into their addled brains.


  13. I will believe it when I see it. That whole bunch of corrupt dems. You have to throw Soros name in the mix.I would like to see Baracks records that were sealed from view. It is a shame a country like ours is screwed up by these no good sons of Bitchs. Look at all the headstones in grave yards(Military especially) and these people have pissed on all their graves. I don’t see how they can do it

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  18. They offer jobs for which people can work online from their house. My latest paycheck after working for them for 4 months was for doller 4500… Amazing thing about is that the only thing required is simple typing skills and access to internet…__

  19. A few months ago . I was like a Beggar asking everyone for money and shelter, but a really nice man introduced me to the best on-line work . This work needs no special skills . Now I am able to earn $406/day and $12k/month easy and non-stoppable money . It helps lots financially. Everybody must try this by just using the info on this page…____

  20. The only job this woman and her husband should have is busting rocks in a orange suit furnish by the taxpayers with three meals per day.

  21. All of America needs to make sure this old hag doesnt work in any goverment branch of any kind ! Shes as evil as it gets and by no means presidential material! She belongs in Gitmo for murder/treason/sedition and the bengazi disaster she orchestrated with Obama! Lives were lost and no reason for it! She was a joke as first lady and she definitely is no lady! They will cheat at anything to do with the elections and we cant allow it! You think things are screwed up now! No way this bitch will be president and live! You All need to make sure all your friends dont vote for this wack job even if Putin is running! Killery belongs in Gitmo! Shes annoying enough to listen to , cant image how annoying she would be on fake news daily! If you dont vote for these pieces of crap then its to obvious for rats to cheat ! No ballots! No ids no voting. We need America back not a clown show like we have now stealing our money in fake go green groups!

  22. They offer jobs for which people can work online from their house. My latest paycheck after working for them for 4 months was for doller 4500… Amazing thing about is that the only thing required is simple typing skills and access to internet… EarnGoogle24.Tk

  23. If John Durham does his job, by 2024 Hillary should be wearing an orange jump suit and be behind bars! She paid for the FAKE DOSSIER which cost us tax payers over $30 million to be investigated (and drug out for nearly three years) and also broke the law trying to destroy the outcome of an election with FALSE accusations against President Trump. Going back further when she was Sec of State, she has the lives of four men who died in Benghazi, also on her “orange jump suit” back! Amazing she even dared to put her “deplorable” “illiterate” face with message, on television recently!

  24. CALLING ALL DEPLORABLES TO REUNITE. The Luny Bitch just might try again. She must love “The agony of defeat” So let’s really stick it to her if she runs.

  25. I wander how it feels when your husband screws anything on the planet except her. Maybe he finds her deplorable!

  26. Dennis C Rathsam
    Mrs Collusion – Your sorry, ASSHOLE is a compliment to this EVIL C–T
    God Please Deliver us from these Evil Radical Communist Idiots.

  27. Not Hillary, the old hag again who can’t keep staining off her gross butt again. Woops, I forgot she thinks Trump stole her presidency! What a lineup the DNC has put together. Losers, big losers and even worse losers while Hag Hillary is the WORST in the lineup. A whiney criminal psychopath bitch if there ever was one. I think the gaggle of hens are her trainees and are already psychopaths to begin with. And we now all know per Durham that all these losers in the lineup did lie for four years straight along with the fake news. Read Durham’s investigation if you doubt that fact and just one topic, Russia Russia Russia. Did I forget the hollyweed crowd in that lying lineup?
    Course if the cheating machines for voter fraud including the roulette voting machines are still in place in enough states, maybe she can win just like old loser in the basement Joe did. Who knows? We need to watch the populace counts first. It seems when the fraud machines ramp it up, they forget to balance how many registered voters and people live in each state. It seems those numbers mysteriously swell. That is step one.
    Then prepare the analysis of dead voters who mysteriously got up and voted! And so it goes. Now we have to check legal versus illegal since Vermont and other states have made it known they are signing up illegals to vote in their cities, counties, states and federal polls. But didn’t we always watch for illegals voting? And what is the penalty to be when illegals vote even though they know they are not LEGAL? Think we ought to make that a felony and immediate deportation or JAIL! And make aiding them to do it a felong and jail time too.
    Has catching and releasing felons helped with the crime statistics? Nope and smacking the criminals behind voter fraud for that crime has not stopped them either. Felonies, big Felonies and I suspect the red states can do that via their state legislatures. But when 2022 is over and dim wits are out of power the rinos had better step in line and bring justice in like the bell of liberty.
    And did I forget we need to punish old Nanc and Biden with hearing after hearing on all the known crimes those two have actually committed! Majorey Taylor Greene needs to run those hearings. She is up to the challenge and McCarthy needs to go along or get off the seat of Speaker. I believe he is like McConnelly and really needs to step away but….
    Looks like the dimwit nitwit safe card is going to be in every dimwit nitwit run state and enclave to let illegal aliens vote like they are citizens legally here in the USA. Hum? Guess we have to take the votes of 2022 and 2024 to the Courts to see if the laws have changed concerning illegal aliens having a legal vote in this country according to the criminal dimwit nitwits and those state legislatures who said they could do that.
    I could have sworn in the constitution it said only legal citizens can vote and last I heard several million illegal aliens were not here as legal citizens the minute old Joe waived them through or they snuck through on their own. Not even Bozo’s Dreamers have that status last I heard! But then old Joe and Bozo think that desk pen as a president makes their signature on anything a LAW! Who needs congress to pass a law? Old Joe has his pen and dimwit nitwit states and those legislatures think they can pass those kinds of laws per state.
    I don’t think so but then I am no constitutional lawyer. So shall we let the courts decide on illegal aliens voting in any city, county, state or federal election? I am waiting with baited breath to see if invaders in our country can usurp our legal citizenship rights. Or if old Joe can sign with his magic pen of office and make it so!
    So, apparently if they can’t mail out blanket ballots to everyone in the country and more and harvest them to help fill em out and sign em, then just making sure the millions now of illegal aliens are counted as the cheaters fill the ballots out for them is their next best plan. Hum? Shall we just start filling the decertification forms for those two national elections out ahead of time? Just to be ready for the CHEATERS! And we should be decertifying the 2020 elections in AZ and Wisconsin since the audits have already proved old Basement Joe did not win those states. Hum??????
    Nothing worse than having the fraud proved and then seeing our politicians sit of the proof! I am sick of the rinos and the dimwit nitwits. Lying pond scum is putting it nicely!

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  29. Both Clintons belong in jail? After her email mess and what she did in Benghazi she killed people and was not held responsible ? Are these democrats ever going to jail for what they do and that don’t even bring up her Russia mess with Pres. Trump. Who would vote her some jerk like her or her husband?

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  32. You know the democrat cheating machine would be in full operating mode if this old skank runs again. President Trump will kick her ass again.

  33. If the Durham investigation gets completed within the next two years, Hillary may be able to watch Trump’s inauguration on closed- circuit television while incarcerated in federal prison after being convicted of all her political crimes!

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