We should all be filled with rejoicing and delight after President Donald Trump threatened to postpone the election last week. Not because he has any intention of actually doing that. He doesn’t. We should be thrilled about it because “Candidate” Donald Trump – everyone’s favorite Trump – is finally coming out of his long four-year hibernation in order to trounce Joe Biden in November.
Trump sent a tweet last week that caused the Enemy of the People Media’s heads to explode:
“With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???”
Trump knows that no presidential election has ever been delayed and that he has no constitutional authority to do that. He has no intention of doing that. So, what’s really happening?
Candidate Donald Trump is a master of luring his enemies into making stupid mistakes. Part of that process is throwing the mainstream media off of its ritualistic attempts to manipulate the minds of the voters.
There’s been a huge buildup of media “anticipation” this week about Joe Biden announcing his VP running mate. This is all staged theater of the mind. It’s manipulation. It’s a type of voodoo designed to make people think that “Joementum” is a thing and that they are going to sweep Donald Trump out of office in November on a tidal wave of blue.
Earlier in the week, Politico “accidentally” published a big story about Joe Biden choosing Kamala Harris as his running mate. Then, they quickly took the article down. This was a staged, theatrical event.
Then, a photographer managed to capture an image of a sheet of notes in Joe Biden’s hand with a list of positive talking points about Kamala Harris. It was conveniently written in big block letters, using nice, easy-to-read penmanship. Biden appeared to be looking at something else, but the sheet of Kamala Harris notes was handily turned to face the camera perfectly. This was another staged event.
The media has been doing these manipulative stunts for years. They have it almost perfected as an art form by now. They’re telling everyone what to think and they use the buildup of events like this to convince people that the “Biden campaign” is an organic, grassroots groundswell of political power that can’t be stopped.
This is effective to a certain extent, because most people don’t pay as much attention to politics as we do. For example, nearly half of Americans believe that the Chinese coronavirus is just as dangerous for school-aged children as it is for an 85-year-old in a nursing home with diabetes and emphysema. Media voodoo does work on a lot of people.
Everything that the media is showing people about the Biden campaign is heavily scripted. It is a highly regimented mental operation designed to eventually wear YOU down and discourage you from going to the polls in November. “Biden’s up 17 points!” Uh huh. That’s why he literally has no one other than reporters show up at his “campaign events.”
A presidential campaign, to the media, is like a complicated ritual that must follow a regimented schedule. Think of it as a pagan “mass” in which every single act, every word, every activity must happen in its proper place and time in order to appease the spirits – and they believe they are in control of every aspect of it.
Joe Biden was probably going to announce his running mate in the next few days. (And who knows, maybe he will have already made the announcement by the time you’re reading this.) Everything was going according to plan.
But then Donald Trump interrupted their ritual and suddenly the media has to go off script and run around like a bunch of cats chasing a laser pointer. It’s brilliant – and Candidate Donald Trump is a master at this sort of disruption.
Expect to see a lot more outlandish statements from Trump in the coming weeks. If you know what to look for, you’ll start to see that push-pull that he does to disrupt the media’s little voodoo sideshow. As the media attempts to put on its theatrics to help Biden win, Trump will disrupt their script every 7 to 10 days. It’s a lot of fun to watch from this side of the fence, if you understand what’s really happening.
Papa Joe needs to go. His idiocy is an affront to the intelligence of Ameticans.