President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden may have committed a felony offense. The Five on Fox News investigates.
The 2018 case involves Hunter’s “missing gun.” His then girlfriend (also his brother Beau’s widow) threw the firearm into a grocery store trash can out of concern he might use it on himself according to the report.
Secret service agents then got involved to determine paperwork and ownership of the gun. Come to find out Hunter did not admit to past drug use on his background check, a now known lie. The move could be considered a felony for lying on background check for a firearm.
The gun was later found by a man rummaging through the trash. The case took place near a high school. The entire odd event could have seriously injured someone. But the case also involves Hunter Biden in another ridiculous series of events that has drawn media attention.
Well, at least conservative media. Mainstream media seems to ignore Hunter Biden’s shady past. Of course, if it was a Trump family member, it would be the only headline you would see.
That’s why you have to check out the video here. You may not see it anywhere else, but you’ll never think about the president’s son the same after this one.
The Bidumbs are all white trash grifters just like the Clintons. This is where our once great nation has finally bottomed out. Like a drug user who has reached the lowest of lows, we can rejoice knowing everything is up from here. Even the voter with no political compass will begin to see what these crooks are doing and right the ship. My great grandfather managed to arrange passage for his family of nine to this country in 1903. Bet he is spinning in his grave now. The sleeping monster shall rise again.
We’ve got a lot of people under the age of 40 who have been dumbed down in the education system, brainwashed, and getting use to the free money the government is handing out. They’re so dumb that they don’t stop to think who is going to pay for it. This is all being done by design. 99% of the greatest generation are gone and are too old to do anything about it. Corruption breeds more corruption. Voting has consequences, especially when the votes are manipulated to cheat.
It would be difficult to say it better than you did.
got that right sir. joe black mailed ukraine to ge this son on the payroll of ukraine. He used 9 billion in obamdumbo foreign aid to black mail them. Held out till they put him and hunter on paryroll just like the mafia does in the US. Got the AG fired who was investigating the corruption. then sleepy joe came back to America and made a video of him bragging about it. the left wingers hide the video and most americans are too dumb to what it was about any way. hell, most college students cannot even tell you who is president. so much for college education now days.
I like the ..proper given name” bidumbs” lol
It is a damn shame the country is being destroyed by the Washington scum. Jo & ho will finish us off.
They were sworn an oath to protect and defend this country. They all need to be brought up on charges of TREASON.
Bottom line.
The Democrats are scum& the voters knew what them A holes were like before they voted. But they voted for them anyway! So that makes them just as bad!
The Demonscrats don’t care how they get power, they lie, cheat, whatever it takes, they are going to rule. We’re all going to suffer together and no amount of stimulus is going to change anyone’s mind – except for those who will have to pay it back in the future. That would be the clueless people under the age of 40. It’s all about power and money come hell or high water.
Well, this new shit on Hunter Biden, will go under the carpet just like the deal he and his dad was involved in. Hunter with Russia mayor,deals with China. The Bidens will never be brought to justis. It will slide just like Hillary Clinton’s e nails. Nobody with any smarts has the balls to go after the Bidens and Clinton’s. Time to wipe the slate clean. Leavenworth prison
But this isn’t new news, the gun was brought out back when Giuliani got a hold of Humper’s laptop. This info was BURIED by the press. Now that it’s all coming to light 4 months after the laptop was exposed, the voter’s remorse people are coming out of the woodwork saying “if I would have known this before voting I wouldn’t have voted for Biden.” Well, that’s a piss poor excuse. If millions of people saw it and you didn’t, then you aren’t as informed as you think you are.
If the dems have their way they will do away with all of our rights and do away with the republican party all together.we are being led by those who are hell bent on turning our great nation in to a Socialist AKA communist nation and we are being spoon fed their agenda in the form of the gov will take care of us so why work. It will soon be our depending on the gov who by the way snared the black population and we see how that plan worked.
I just have a question. Who provided all those “BIDEN LET ME IN” shirts to the people crossing our border?
One big name. And he owns the Democrats and some Republicans. SOROS SOROS SOROS!!!!!!
Falsifying a 4473 is punishable by 10 years in prison and a six figure fine, only if your not Hunter Biden.
I believe that the Biden’s will meet justice in the end, the problem is, how many will they bring down with them
My question is “What is the Supreme and Federal courts doing about all this treason ?” Aren’t they supposed to be protecting the United States of America? Where are our protectors, justice fighters and heroes? Does anybody know???
No one in Washington, (politicians, judges and supreme court) will do anything about all of the corruption because if they try, then they will also expose themselves. They are all corrupt. Everyone of them should be in jail if they obeyed the constitution and rule of law.
The way I see it we have only two choices to correct a great the greatest
fraud ever perpetrated in history. American citizens can either live with it
0r do something about it.
The whole creepy family should be put out to pasture!! Including the ‘merry widow’….