Democrats’ recent nuclear attack on the president over investigating Biden family corruption in Ukraine is a clever ruse to distract voters from the truth. The facts are that the crimes committed by the Obama-era number two in China make the money-grab in Ukraine look like petty larceny.
During his years as Obama’s White House flunky, Joe Biden earned the nickname “sleepy Joe,” because political pundits saw him as lazy and a do nothing lackey. Handling both Ukraine and China foreign policy while Obama saved the world from climate change, culture shock, and our everyday shortcomings as mere mortals, it appears sleepy Joe was wide awake. Once Hillary exited the administration, Secretary of State John Kerry threw in with Biden.
Kerry tapped his stepson, Chris Heinz, to form a company with Biden’s drug addled son, Hunter, and the entity began a multi-million-dollar money-grab in Ukraine. The outfit secured a piece of an energy company’s pie as Hunter aimlessly collected checks for sitting on its board. No qualifications, expertise, or effort required.
This is not speculation. Records have been uncovered, and Hunter himself admitted as much in an interview with ABC News. But selling influence in Ukraine paled in comparison to the crimes the ex-veep and his son committed while working with communist China.
“I’m going to guess Hunter Biden has had the opportunity to trade in on his name in the United States,” Scott Amey reportedly said, a lawyer for the non-profit watchdog Project on Government Oversight. “And it really is questionable to cash in with foreign governments, especially those that have an adversarial approach and philosophy to the United States.”
Spearheading relations with China, Biden was instrumental in crafting the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal that would have crushed American manufacturing and outsource millions of jobs. The deal would have omitted corrupt Chinese practices such as currency manipulation, dispute resolution courts, negative impact on U.S. automakers, labor rules, and wage commitments.
In a nutshell, the TPP handed China economic supremacy. The deal didn’t make sense to American unions or economists at the time. That’s because they were unaware of what the Bidens were doing on the down-low.
What we know now is that Hunter Biden got a free ride to China on Air Force Two to press the flesh with the highest-ranking Chinese finance ministers. After shaking hands and engaging in private one-on-one talks, Hunter Biden secured more than a billion dollars in Chinese funding. The target was buying a controlling interest in Henniges Automotive, and American auto outfit that also created military applications.
Enter BHR Partners, a Chinese investment firm founded in 2013 that leveraged upwards of $600 million to buy Henniges Automotive. Hunter Biden sat on its paid board to leverage political influence with the White House and had personally invested $420,000 for a 10-percent stake.
It’s come to light that Chinese hackers linked to these outfits stole designs for the U.S. F-35 fighter jet and used the plans to develop a stealth jet of their own.
In hindsight, it appears Joe Biden and his son cleared a political pathway for the corporate takeover and could face treason charges once the loose ends are tied together. Sen. Chuck Grassley has launched an investigation into how the Biden and Kerry families profited while ethics rules about conflicts of interest were sidestepped, and national security was breached.
“There is cause for concern that potential conflicts of interest could have influenced CFIUS (Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S.) approval of the Henniges transaction,” Grassley reportedly wrote. “Accordingly, Congress and the public must fully understand the decision-making process that led to the Henniges approval and the extent to which CFIUS fully considered the transaction’s national security risks.”
The CFIUS determines whether a foreign investment in the United States poses a national security risk. In terms of high crimes, peddling influence in Ukraine was peanuts compared to the millions pocketed from the Biden family’s treason with China.
The Biden family is complete. They ALL lie! Jill moved in the minute Biden’s wife died. She was married at the time to Bill Stevenson, another friend of the Biden’s. She started the affair, moved in, and eventually divorced Stevenson. There was NO blind date, no love at first sight, no fairy tale ending. Her daughter, Ashley, seems to be still confused about taking showers with her dad. It’s all a blur for the Bidens.