Judge Orders Mike Pence to Testify against Trump in Sham January 6 Probe

Once again, a Democrat-appointed judge is upsetting hundreds of years of constitutional norms, traditions and laws in order to try to “get Trump.” In this case, the judge has ordered former vice president and professional back-stabber Mike Pence to testify before the new Special Counsel witch hunter, about his conversations with President Trump in the run-up to the “fed-surrection” on January 6.

For once in his life, Mike Pence is making a pretty good constitutional argument for why he shouldn’t have to do that.

The ruling from Judge James Boasberg of the US District Court of Washington, DC remains under seal, naturally. Boasberg is an Obama appointee and therefore probably a foaming-at-the-mouth victim of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).

He’s ordering Pence to sit for a deposition with Jack Smith, the new witch hunter who replaced Robert Mueller after he failed to frame President Trump in the Russia collusion hoax.

Smith wants Pence to testify before his grand jury about President Trump’s conversations with him leading up to January 6. That’s a problem for several reasons.


Pence noted at a speech in January that, “I am going to fight the Biden DOJ subpoena for me to appear before the grand jury because I believe it’s unconstitutional and unprecedented.”

It’s definitely unprecedented, as so many of these witch hunts and fake impeachments against President Trump have been. But I think Pence is also correct about the unconstitutionality of the whole thing.

In the judge’s ruling, it supposedly notes that Pence does not have to testify about anything that happened directly on January 6, since Pence was serving in his duties as the President of the Senate that day. Lawmakers have a huge amount of leeway under the Speech and Debate Clause of the Constitution. They can’t be roped into a criminal investigation or charged with a crime for anything they say on the Senate floor, for example.

But Pence is arguing, therefore, that any conversation he had with President Trump related to January 6 is protected. The only reason they would have had any conversation about January 6 would have been related to the electoral college certification vote that day – and therefore fell under Pence’s duties as the President of the Senate. Trump and Pence’s conversations were protected under the Speech and Debate Clause, therefore.

President Trump has tried to assert executive privilege over his conversations with people related to January 6, but those assertions have consistently been overturned by the courts. He’s the only US president to ever leave office and have this happen. Because it’s always different when it’s Trump.

Just as a reminder, Barack Obama and Eric Holder sold guns to a Mexican drug cartel back in 2009. Those guns were used to murder a Border Patrol agent. Some of those guns were later recovered at the Bataclan nightclub terrorist attack in Paris that left 130 people dead. A .50 caliber sniper rifle that Obama sold to the cartels was recovered at El Chapo’s hideout when the CIA used Hollywood “actor” Sean Penn to smoke him out.

Obama literally got people killed, but was allowed to assert executive privilege over all of those Fast & Furious documents and avoid congressional consequences.

Bill Clinton accidentally left a bunch of illegally recorded tapes of conversations he had with people in his sock drawer when he left the White House. When Judicial Watch sued to have the tapes released, a federal judge in 2012 allowed Clinton to assert executive privilege and claim the tapes were “presidential records.” (Didn’t something like this happen at Mar a Lago?)

But when Trump tries to claim executive privilege over his private conversations with his own staffers, that’s somehow not allowed. Then the media hops up and down and claims that Trump is violating norms and traditions.

I don’t blame Trump at all for trying to keep his conversations private. No other president has had to reveal his conversations when he left office. Plus, look at how the Democrats twisted the transcript of the Ukraine phone call and used it to impeach him by taking things out of context. He shouldn’t give these people anything, since they’re not honest or honorable people.

As for Pence, we hope he sticks to his guns and refuses to testify before the grand jury. But given his propensity for cowardice, which was on full display on January 6, we’re not going to get our hopes up.

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13 thoughts on “Judge Orders Mike Pence to Testify against Trump in Sham January 6 Probe”

    1. The judge didn’t order Pence to testify against Trump, he ordered him to testify. Whether it is “against Trump” or for him depends on the substance.
      Btw-Pence was right to count the votes.

      1. Richard,

        Counting votes and certifying against what our Founding Fathers ever intended for our country, a Capitalist Free Market system e.g., by certifying for the radical Leftist Socialist Party was WRONG!

    1. As long as President Trump is breathing. They are so filthy and corrupt and have gotten away with so much that they have put over on the citizens, they are TERRIFIED of Trump, Once they found out he was not going to play in their dirty swamp, they knew they had to remove him or SINK. They will do anything to achieve that end, even assassination, and don’t think they haven’t tried. Pelosi and her cabal, especially the ILLEGAL Obama have so much to fear that they will do ANYTHING to keep Trump from getting another shot at them. I want him to DEFINITELY PROVE that Obama served TWO ILLEGAL TERMS in the White House because we KNOW he did. Let’s hope that Pence will act like a MAN and stand up for what he KNOWS are his Constitutional Rights; The Constitution trumps any black skirted fool

  1. Who else beside me, can see there NO WAY TO A FAIR TRAIL IN DC? A judge who overstepping the laws! Appointed by OBAMA! But doesn’t understand the constitution laws! With DC basically 99% liberal and democrats supporter. Anybody in their right mind should tell their lawyers to move my case to another city! CAN’T GET A FAIR TRAIL UNDER ANY LIBERAL JUDGE!

  2. Biden-Harris Administration and the Deranged DemoRats cannot get it out of their brains that the American people are seeing right through them. The Trump Witch Hunt will continue until all of the deranged idiots are out of office. They are afraid of President Trump … especially when he gets back into his Rightful Position as President ! They are afraid of the illegal and traitorous acts they have committed all to gain them their ill gotten money at the expense of America. Trump should either lock them up and throw away the key or to exile them to the country of their choice … China, Russia or North Korea !!!

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  4. I be straight up! But do not blame me for my spelling! I’m deaf! Some letter I can not make out the sound! Ok? Now I have been following politic for a very long time. Just to see who really are America enemies! All this started due to so many lies i heard from my own father! So once I turn 18 in 1981. I decide I will read every newspaper that came to the house. Now I have read a long time and continued too! Never believed a reporter who refused to place their name under the article they wrote! Act of coward if you can’t stand by your words! Saw how democrats had OBAMA RECORD SEALOFF FROM THE Republicans so they couldn’t investigate his birth record or college records! But we all know you get your BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER FROM THE STATE YOU WERE BORN IN! Right? But why Hawaii for birth certificate? And Connecticut for social security card?? If you did research both are LIBERAL DEMOCRAT STATE! That mean OBAMA WAS NOT A NATURAL BORN AMERICAN! Doesn’t matter what any leftist says! Because it was Obama kinfolk in Africa that said he was BORN IN AFRICA! So again DEMOCRAT DOING EVIL IN AMERICA! Herman Cain was a black man! What was wrong with him being president? Oh I got it! Black were voting by party! And their party support SLAVERY! Oops! Sorry, for being honest! Now Trump was very popular with the Clinton! Anybody recall it was him who fund most of Bill Clinton campaign! Then Trump saw Obama started his lying and pushing racist and hate in America

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