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July Hits Record High Illegal Immigration with Open Border Showing No Sign of Ending

Early numbers being reported for July show 210,000 illegal immigrants crossed the nation’s southern border, a new high for the Biden administration as the president’s open border policies show no end in sight.

It’s also worth noting the unbelievable number of children among this number of immigrants. A total of 19,000 unaccompanied minors, children without a parent or guardian, were taken into custody in July alone.

That’s an average of 6,779 people per day over the past month according to reports, with nearly 10 percent of those people being unaccompanied children. The numbers are nearly too much to comprehend.

These figures took place despite the Biden administration extending Title 42 on Monday, a policy that allows Border Patrol to turn away immigrants at the border to stop the spread of COVID-19. The administration was rumored to be ending the policy at the end of July, but the spike in new delta virus cases made the change too unpopular to make at this time.

Vice President Kamala Harris recently released a report on the so-called root causes of migration. The 18-page report noted factors like poverty, climate change and natural disasters. But the problem is not that complicated. Under Trump, stronger border enforcement. Under Biden, no border enforcement.

The difference? Nearly two million illegals roaming our city streets.


The key factors to Trump’s success included enforcing current immigration laws, Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy and the construction of a border wall. When immigrants knew they would more likely be arrested and, in the case of Mexicans, be forced to stay in Mexico until a hearing, there was much less incentive to make an illegal crossing.

The wall was a work in progress, but simply having a wall slowed some aspects of those crossing. Under Biden, we regularly find the wall’s gates opened right up for another van load of immigrants to hop aboard the Biden Express.

We live in an odd time when many of us have to wear a mask to go shopping but an illegal immigrant can enter our nation and travel freely without fear of being punished. Biden’s even giving them immigration lawyers paid with taxpayer’s money. Americans cannot travel to Canada due to the pandemic, but anyone who wants can enter our nation through the southern border without much of a problem.

The toll of hundreds of thousands of new people streaming into the nation without due process will have devastating effects in the years to come. All of these people have to eat, live somewhere, get education for their children, obtain jobs and much more. The needs are even greater for unaccompanied children, who also have no parents.

Then there is the concern of spreading COVID-19, as well as those immigrants who enter and commit other crimes. A look at the Customs and Border Protection website shows daily arrests of immigrants with criminal records already or who were committing a crime. Some more radical reports claim Americans watering their plants along the border carry a gun out of fear.

The numbers keep climbing and they won’t go down unless something major is done to turn things around. America can’t take much more and still remain America.


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8 thoughts on “July Hits Record High Illegal Immigration with Open Border Showing No Sign of Ending”

  1. 2 million illegals so far. Not checked for COVID, separating the children from parents and keeping them in cages (Obama era policy that Trump stopped), taking them to different Red State cities (Catch and release, Obama era policy) and paying for it with tax dollars. All the while violating our standing immigration laws. How it this not before the Supreme Court? How can they say the border is closed when its clearly not? Lying to the public that is being suppressed by their propaganda partners, the media. We the people must act.


  2. Texas should round some up and ship em to DC and Delaware and all other dem states! Make sure they have the china virus too!

  3. This President Biden is continuing to do whatever possible to bring this country to its knees to become socialist communists!
    His failure to protect The Constitution of The United States, for which he swore to protect, IS GROUNDS FOR IMPEACHMENT!
    When are Republicans going to grow a spine? Waiting until 2022 mid-terms will have become too long a wait! Recognize the damages Biden has done in 7 months!!!!!

  4. That`s RIGHT. SEND ALL ALIENS TO THE WH GROUNDS. Maybe they will get the picture of what they have CREATED. With NO SECURITY to protect them. GOD BLESS THE USA!

  5. Yes, ship them to Delaware n DC, that will open the eyes of the fake new and citizens of this country that think Joe Biden is doing a great job. We are living with a ticking time boy. The Dem’s are paving their way for total control and communism. As the big guy said, they have developed a voting system to keep them in power until they can grow their voting base by allowing in millions ilegal migrants. Although we are risking loosing the Republic the Dem’s don’t care as long as they stay in power. This demostrare how little respect they have for us the people. Please, wake up as it is happening right in front of our eyes. While you are busy taking care of work, children and family, people like hight tech, Facebook, Tweeter, Sorros, Warren Buffet and Bill Gate are working on reducing population and developing a new world order. We the people that do not support their plans are not important as the have limited our voices by controlling and providing fake news, we not longer know what is real and what is a lie. One thing for sure, Joe Biden is only a person being used as the big guy. This poor man should be in an assist of living enjoying his family before his brain totally shuts down. As many of us this is all so unnecessary and painfully to see our Nation being dismantle by the elitist. May God forgive us for our transgressions.

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