Oh, look. More fraud. Gee… what a surprise. A citizens’ group has uncovered new evidence that the 2020 election was not on the up-and-up in Maricopa County, Arizona. The group, Verity Vote, says the US Postal Service delivered 20,000 ballots too late to be counted in Maricopa County. Most of them were counted, however, and it definitely changed the outcome of the contest.
All this time has passed, and Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich still hasn’t done anything about the provable fraud. He cut a plea deal with the one Democrat ballot trafficker who was caught. And the Arizona legislature still hasn’t decertified the state’s 2020 results, despite a massive forensic audit that proved that America was robbed.
The group that has uncovered this new malfeasance is Verity Vote. And keep in mind, this is new information that was missed by the forensic audit of the 2020 election that took place in Maricopa County last year. It’s more fraud on top of all the other fraud that’s been uncovered.
Maricopa County used a combination of mail-in ballots and ballot drop boxes, like many other states where fraud occurred in the 2020 election. The US Postal Service delivers them all to elections offices. And a receipt that tallies the number of ballots delivered each day is attached to those ballots. Receipts have been the bane of existence for Democrats in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin, haven’t they?
Anyway, Verity Vote obtained those receipts and looked at the volume of ballots coming in from the Postal Service each day before and after the 2020 election. Here were the results:
On October 29, 14,500 ballots were delivered in Maricopa County. That was the last big batch of ballots prior to the election. This number tells you that people were mailing their ballots in nice and early. If your ballot gets delivered late, it’s invalid under Arizona law and can’t be counted.
On October 30, the number dropped down to 10,500 ballots. Receipts for October 31 showed 6,000 ballots. Then it really trickles off. On November 1, there were 1,500 ballots delivered and on November 2, 1,000 were dropped off. Finally, Election Day, November 3, 2020, arrived. 2,500 ballots were delivered by 7 p.m. on Election Day, as required under Arizona law.
Any and all ballots delivered after 7 p.m. on Election Day are invalid and cannot be legally counted.
Think back to what happened on Election Night in Arizona in 2020. The election thieves on Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden way too early. Everyone was infuriated by this, because the race was extremely close, and because Donald Trump was in the lead when the race was called for Biden. By the time we all went to bed on Election Night, Biden technically had a very small lead over Donald Trump, but there were many, many ballots to still be counted.
And then Maricopa County kept counting ballots. For days and days and days and days and days. ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN all waited until November 12 – a whole 9 days later, to call Arizona for Biden by a final margin of 10,500 votes.
But… here’s the problem. Any ballots that arrived after 7 p.m. on November 3 were invalid. And Verity Vote discovered from the receipts that many thousands of ballots were delivered LATE and counted anyway.
On November 4, the day AFTER the election, 18,000 illegal and invalid ballots were delivered by the Postal Service. On November 5, two days AFTER the election, another 1,000 ballots were delivered late. On November 6, three days AFTER the election, another 1,500 ballots were delivered. That’s 20,500 late ballots.
Verity Vote asked for the records from Maricopa County, and when they finally received those records, they discovered that just 934 ballots were disqualified for coming in late. 19,566 ballots that were illegal and invalid were counted in the 2020 election results for Maricopa County.
That’s well in excess of Joe Biden’s 10,500 vote margin of fake victory. Once again, a citizen’s group goes out and does the work that state legislatures and attorneys general should be doing. And once again, they uncover fraud that exceeds Joe Biden’s victory. Decertify now!
All the voter corruption in AZ. falls squarely in Secretary of State Katie Hobbs lap. A Demonrat who is now running for governor. Her Hobbling on the Knob for years has clouded her judgement. The SKANK has been on a mission to destroy AZ. Hopefully the true, patriot Arizonians see thru the P.O.S. The Californicator transplants should remember why they left before voting for the female version of Newsome.
Get rid of her. Honesty must prevail.
She’s a politician. She smiles and tells you how bad the other side is over, over, and over again and people believe her. I’ll do better I promise oh I promise to give you stuff for free…
This women needs to go back to CA and away from the Governors Mansion at all cost. She will destroy AZ by loading her administration with far leaning Left people. Wake-up AZ don’t make another mistake.
Nationally, there were 20-60 million fraudulent votes for dementia joe
There is no question the election was stolen. The proof is right in front of everyone’s noses: Joe Biden could NEVER get 81 million votes. He isn’t even that popular with democRATS, and he sure isn’t popular with sane people… The democRAT party has proven over and over again that they are liars, thieves, and cheats. If you can’t see that, you don’t have your eyes open.
She’s a politician. She smiles and tells you how bad the other side is over, over, and over again and people believe her. I’ll do better I promise oh I promise to give you stuff for free…
This women needs to go back to CA and away from the Governors Mansion at all cost. She will destroy AZ by loading her administration with far leaning Left people. Wake-up AZ don’t make another mistake.
Why is this country not big enough or smart enough to outlaw mass mail in voting. It is my feeling that Democrats will continue fraudulent voting in the upcoming elections as We The People cannot stop their criminal voting fraud or the policy of allowing voting without proper identification.
IF WE THE PEOPLE DON’T WAKE UP AND “DEMAND” in person verifiable voting, you had better learn how to speak Chinese!!!
O now that they see the shit storm they don’t want Biden any more, so now all of this is turning up even tho must of us already knew that the election was mishandled and so did President Trump
The lightening speed at which the votes were “certified” should have caused alarm.
Look up the Latin definition of “left”. . .it is EVIL! True to this day!!!
Cher, had it right with her award-winning song,” gypsies tramps and thieves!”
Interesting that a man who apparently received some 81 million votes is Loved by everyone had to restrict people at his swearing in by installing a fence costing millions. Now the man who said millions want him to run in 2024 just spent out tax dollars over $500,000 to put a fence around his Delaware house. Boy I glad he is Loved otherwise he would break the treasury. Politicians CROOKS…
Those involved should be charge with whatever crime on the book! Then be BAN FOR WORKING IN A POLLS AND NOT ALLOWING TO VOTE! It ashamed how some people don’t take into consideration that they are playing a danger game with other people lives! Think it funny? Well think when a criminal breaks into your home! Hope you think that funny! That how bad your stupid show! Being that close to Mexico line! Well good luck if you don’t get murder by an illegal immigration you help come into the country.
You Can Fool Some of the People Some of the Time, and Make a Pretty Good Living At It!!!
As this has been Proven by the Democrat Politicians as they travel along their Merry Road to the Bank
congratulations to the fine people of Wyoming for getting rid of Liz Cheney. Now, if the good people of Utah will do the same to Mitt Romney…
Romney can tuck Kinzinger under his arm when he leaves.
There is so much proof of election fraud. Why can the states not decertify the fraud Biden and put Trump back in the White House? If only the people in charge at the state level would get the courage, this country could be put back on the right track. Biden is a total disgrace and we won’t have a country left in 2 more years.
with all the proofs and evidence ,,,,,, why is that any of dem not in JAIL ??????
Watch 2000 mules
Because demoRATS do not know how to tell the truth. All they can do is lie and cheat, no Matter what it is concerning.
If you listen to all the DemocRATS they will tell you all the cheating was to ‘save’ Democracy. Now with that brain dead moron in the White House I hope they learned their lesson!
Afraid to say it is to late because democrats have taken control of all government and they will make sure President Trump and his supporters are out of their way. Just look at what they have gotten by with for over 20 years. People in high places have been bought or threatened by them. I tried telling everyone since President Trump ran for office. Now it’s too late for all of us. We have cowards in our government. With getting others to lie for them on top of everything else, we know it is really just getting started. People are sitting in jail because they were set up by democrats period. With everything that has happened to Trump he still fights for us. Yet where was everyone when he needed us? Even our own party politicians are in with the democrats. We all know every inch of government is corrupt because of Clinton’s, Obama’s, Biden’s, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and even the judicial system. What didn’t people understand about what they are doing right now? We have terrorist being let into our country for a reason. Not to mention all the male illegals who are going to be used to come after each one of us. It’s over because no one listened to President Trump when he tried warning everyone. If they can get by with what they have with him what do you think they will do to us? It has begone. Lock us up in our homes, shut down manufactures of baby food, burn down food processing plants like beef, raise the price of gas so can’t go anywhere, raise prices on everything we need to survive, give IRS authority to stock pile ammo, give our stock piles of everything to illegals, take our hard earned money and give to illegals, we pay for the illegals bills they don’t and not to mention all the corruption with stock trading and family members getting by with murder and money laundering. So someone please tell me who in high places hasn’t been bought or threatened by democrats. They want our guns to give to their thugs to come after us. Even the military is in there back pocket. What happened to all those people who loves our country and are in high places to coward to step up and tell the truth. They done killed how many people from the virus? I will bet you that not a one democrat or their puppets have ever taken those vaccine shots. The didn’t take the real ones because they are all coming down with the virus not once not twice but even more times. Zuck told his people not to take it. Gates want population control and those idiots are trying to decide how to get rid of also in their group overseas. I am not stupid and never was it is just to bad others are just now figuring out they where played by democrats and others. You see they don’t work for us anymore. We work for them. Democrats have called all of Americans no matter your skin color every name in the book. Now they can’t be stopped and children are being groomed for their use. It won’t be long and the democrats will turn on their puppets like antifa. We are dooooomed.
i post ed on facebook before biden was illegaly elected president what he was going to do and people said that is never going to happen. well guess what i told them so.
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