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Kamala Harris Reveals New Plan to PAY College Students to Register Democrat Voters

The Biden Regime has revealed yet another disturbing plan they’re putting into place in order to try and rig the results of the 2024 election – using tax-dollars to facilitate the registration of NEW Democrat voters!

Vice President Kamala Harris was specifically responsible for announcing the Democrats’ latest plan which will allow for students to get paid to register leftist voters through a federal work study.

In a private meeting with a few dozen left-wing leaders, Harris discussed some of the ways through which the Democrats are going to “protect voting rights.”


Of course, the Democrats’ track-record has made it painfully obvious to us that their idea of “protecting voting rights” really just means conjuring up enough fraudulent new votes to keep them in power.

“We have seen those who would loudly attempt to interfere in the lawful votes of the American people and attempt to question the integrity of a fair and free election system,” Harris said apparently referring to calls for something as simple as Voter ID checks in voting stations as an attempt to “interfere” in the elections.

She continued, “We have seen a rise in threats against poll workers. In fact, I met some recently in Georgia who had harrowing experiences in terms of how they were threatened, their well-being as well as their livelihood,” which was more likely than not a completely fabricated story.

Harris then pivoted to discuss the new plan which will allow the federal government to pay students to register new voters in an effort to “activate them.”

The VP laid out a “four-point plan” put into effect by the regime to “bolster voters’ rights.”

This plan includes emailing instructions on how to register everyone to vote who has been enrolled in Obamacare – identifying those individuals as likely Democrat voters.

It goes on to detail how they can use tax dollars to pay for liberal college students to register the aforementioned people to vote along with other potential Democrat voters – such as illegal immigrants who, thanks to certain lax voting laws in states like Arizona, are able to vote in federal elections.

The other parts phases of this plan include getting those liberal college students to work as poll workers and implementing initiatives to protect them while doing so, along with announcing three national “days of action” to promote voting.

Harris was more than happy to say all of this with the media present but whatever she said next about the Democrats plans for the election must have been pretty bad because she ordered the press to be removed from the room.

One of her advisors “invited the press to exit” so that Kamala could openly speak about all the other ways in which the Democrats were going to manufacture more fraudulent votes in the 2024 election.

You can see the sinister look on Kamala’s face when she’s announcing this plan in the video below.

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20 thoughts on “Kamala Harris Reveals New Plan to PAY College Students to Register Democrat Voters”

  1. Online Earnings $1280 per Day. A social media marketer promotes a product or a business through social media platforms. A social media marketer must understand how the social media platforms db such as Facebook and Twitter provide and promote content to their subscribers.

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    1. This should be construde as cheating,fraud, and against the law. Our forefathers are already rolling over in their Graves as our great country has not become free , but dictated,communist, and their is no more middle class only the wealthy! I am going from door to door and speaking against such crookedness as the dems are. I am going to do every thing I can to get Trump back in.

      1. I agree. It’s vote-buying just like the student loan forgiveness, and all the freebies for illegals. This is totally corrupt, yet another scheme to steal an election AGAIN. We must not let this happen. And illegals should NEVER be allowed to vote.


    1. I agree with you. The Supreme Court should step in and stop this Administration from their corrupt vote-buying schemes. This is the worst puppet-president ever.

      1. AMEN to that! This administration is as low as you can get. What we have now is “taxation without representation”. None of them give a crap about the citizens. It’s all about and for them. They should all be charged with treason. That means this administration as well as the last administration. The politicians’ motto is, Come in Poor, Go Out Rich. They have given away a great portion of this country. It’s time to take it back!

  3. Harris and the democrats are pathetic disgraceful socialist communist traitors to our country.

  4. As if “Global Warming/Climate Change” isn’t a BIG enough scam to use tax-dollars and have those that profit from the handouts don’t give back support to The DNC? It’s all a scam, whether WE THE PEOPLE want it or not!

    1. The climate change scam is really climate cycle. They think up every way they can to get our money and waste it.

  5. We the people better step up at get these Socialists OUT OF OFFICE. If we don’t, America is doomed to become a 3rd world Communist country. No longer the land we love. No longer is success rewarded. They want us to be totally dependent on THEM. Socialism always fails, look at history. Why should I work my a– off just for the government to take my money and give it to those wanting hand-outs for no effort.

    1. I agree, Look at the Illeagles getting $5000 a month and CITIZENS on SOCIAL SECURITY are getting 1/2 that if they are lucky. More buying votes. If we crossed the border into of any of their countries we would be put in jail or shot.

  6. I totally agree. They are ruthless. And they will do anything they can think of to win . And it is always cheating.

  7. Getting students to work as poll workers is a great way of assuring that some votes won’t be looked at and will sneak through as fraudulent, everything the Democrats have done has been illegal against our constitution they should all be fired or impeached especially the president. The Democrats and Biden have done far worse than what Trump has ever been accused of and they still walk around free as a bird, it’s unconstitutional, and it’ll continue as long as we the people let it. We cannot let this go on, not for law abiding citizens, not for patriotic citizens, not for those that fought for this country, and especially not for our forefathers who signed an agreement called the Constitution. People better wake up or it’s going to be too late.

  8. We also need to make sure that this country is the best it can be for our children’s children, and their children.

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  10. This great nation is being handed over to the CCP and old Crawl-in president Biden is behind it. He is the only president in history of presidents that has committed treason over and over again and not be held accountable for it. The forefathers fought hard for our country and what do we do ? Let an old crook make a fool out of all American citizens in three years !!. What a shame, the true American people don’t stand a chance in hell now to do anything cause of Joe’s open borders and the trillion that all ready got in. All other countries are laughing at us and some feel sorry for us, either way we now need help to get are country back, its gone so far down hill thats its going to take some one who truly loves America to get it back up. So in November void for Trump we need him to get are great country back. The democrats can all burn in hell with there leader the Devil.

  11. Once a cheater always a cheater right Kamala and you should know! You noticed only those who have obamycare are going to be registered to vote what are you afraid of Kamala voter intergrity a fair and honest election? Me thinks just the opposite is in the works hum! This time the World is watching for an honest and fair election so let your comrades in China, the Middle East and your buddy’s in Ukraine’s and Russia to butt out we the people know how many USA citizens their are and we also know how many illegal aliens you and commie joe have let in illegally so watch your leftist step we want a fair and honest election this time around!

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