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Kamala Harris Says the Quiet Part Out Loud about Biden’s Climate Change Policy: It’s REALLY About: Depopulation

Vice President Kamala Harris seemed to have accidentally said the quiet part out loud – revealing in a Freudian slip of epic proportions that the Biden regime is trying to “reduce population.”

During a recent speech at Coppin State University in Baltimore, the Vice President revealed that the true goal of the Biden regime’s climate agenda is population reduction.

“When President [Joe] Biden and I took office, we set an ambitious goal … to cut our greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 and to reach net-zero emissions by 2050,” Harris said.

“Think about the impact on something like public health. When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water,” she continued.

While the official transcript suggested that the VP was supposed to say “pollution” rather than “population,” she didn’t even bother try and correct herself and the crowd – erupting in applause – seemed rather receptive to the idea that the Biden regime was orchestrating a massive population reduction campaign.


“The climate crisis impacts everybody, but it does not impact all communities equally,” she added. “Poor communities, rural communities, native communities and communities of color are often the hardest hit and the least able to recover.”

Harris was supposed to be speaking at the event to justify the EPA’s massive new $20 billion investment setup by the Biden Regime to “spark clean energy investments” throughout the United States.

The $20 billion comes from two programs under the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. More than half of that amount is earmarked for “low-income and historically-disadvantaged areas.”

President Joe Biden signed an executive order in January 2021 directing federal agencies to allocate their green energy spending such that at least 40% of certain program benefits end up in marginalized communities.

However, Harris’ disturbing accidental admission about why they’re REALLY pushing the climate change agenda was by far the biggest takeaway from the event.

Responding to Harris’ words, Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene asked the vice president what exactly she meant by reducing the population.

“Abortion? Assisted suicide? Or what means are you suggesting to reduce population in order to help public health?” Ms. Greene wrote.

Republican Rep. Thomas Massie, also commented on it, warning users on social media, “Are you the population she wants to reduce?”

Meanwhile, Ohio State Sen. Michael Rull said, “Kamala Harris admits she wants to reduce the population for environmental reasons. That’s not just anti-American. That’s anti-human.”

While the Biden Regime is pretending like their climate efforts are part of some ‘holier-than-thou’ attempt to save the world while helping minority communities – Harris has made it clear that there are much more sinister intentions behind it all.

You can see Kamala Harris’ admission that her and Joe are determined to “reduce population” here.

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15 thoughts on “Kamala Harris Says the Quiet Part Out Loud about Biden’s Climate Change Policy: It’s REALLY About: Depopulation”

    1. Given that I was jobless due to the terrible economy a year ago, it is amazing that I run a home-based business and make a comfortable $60k per week. It is my duty to spread kindness and make these instructions available to others now that I have received them.
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    2. We are heading downhill in America. It’s all on Biden. Harris can’t spell MOM backwards. God help us

        1. Yep. They said another pandemic would be coming. I guess murder by climate change is the intermission. Wonder if the democrats realize that this culling will include some of them too. Reckon they’re “bright” enough to figure that out? Them thar college edyecated folks. Ha!

  1. Those dumb students at Coppin State muss the MEMO! You can now see why college is not important! Only STUPID PEOPLE GO TO LEARN HOW TO BE A LIBERAL FAR LEFT FOOL! But I hope ALL if them decide NOT TO HAVE CHILDREN! Since they don’t really understand what DE-POPULATION MEAN! Only fool support democrats who thank them for their MONEY! And what DEMOCRATS TURN AROUND AND GIVE TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! But NOT AMERICANS PEOPLE!

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  3. The population the want to decrease is YOU! Isn’t it amazing that she didn’t even realize what she had said? That’s an EMPTY HEAD reading from the prompter! UNBELIEVABLE!

  4. The population they want to decrease is YOU! Isn’t it amazing that she didn’t even realize what she had said? That’s an EMPTY HEAD reading from the prompter! UNBELIEVABLE!

  5. Depopulation was the whole goal of the COVID 19 virus, but it didn’t kill as many as they wanted. Biden and his minions are murderers. They are pro-abortion and are talking about another virus to depopulate the world again. Our Country is in big trouble as long as this administration is in charge. People have got to rally together and put an end to the madness and claim our Country back. I don’t think our Country can handle another 4 years of this administration. Patriots have to UNITE AND VOTE FOR THE REPUBLICANS, OTHERWISE WE WON’T HAVE A COUNTRY TO CALL HOME.

  6. I have known for at least a year now that was the reason for them trying to force the COVID SHOTS on everyone. It wasn’t to hard to figure out. When people were dying from taking the shots. The next thing they will do is either come up with another sickness. Or do like China was doing and limit us to only having one child. Like I have said before I would not put any thing past the government. The Democrats really do want total control over everything. They think they know what is best for our country. But what they are really doing is trying to get complete control. They really have become so power hungry they are willing to do just about anything to get it. Even to the point of starting another civil war in the United States.

  7. Harris isn’t saying anything new. ALL MARXISTS ARE MURDERERS. From Abortion to letting murderers out loose. I just wish the Murderers would start going after the Marxists. Starting with the Bidens, Harris’s, Pelosi’s, Schumer, Schiffs, Clintons, and Obamas. These are who need to be eliminated from this EARTH FIRST.

  8. The Bidens, Clintons, and Obamas all have blood on their hands. It’s about time they meet their maker, and good to the PIT with Satan.

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