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Kanye West’s Crisis Manager Saves Election Cheater as Cabal Killers Close In

This is one of the weirdest stories we’ve seen yet when it comes to the 2020 election. If we just told you this story with nothing to back it up, you would think we were pulling your leg. But there’s video to back it up. The story involves Kanye West’s crisis manager, the magic suitcase ballot lady in Fulton County, Georgia, a 10-year Marine veteran who worked on the 2020 Trump campaign, the shadowy cabal who “fortified” the election last year, and a hapless Atlanta police officer who just so happened to turn on her bodycam and then released the footage to Reuters. This is a weird one. Buckle your seat belt.

Ruby Freeman is a name that most readers here are probably familiar with. She was the magic suitcase ballot lady at State Farm Arena on the night of the 2020 election. Ruby’s actions were recorded on web cameras at the arena on the night of election. After THE PAUSE happened in five swing states in the middle of election night and they all simultaneously stopped counting mail-in ballots, Ruby kicked the election observers out of State Farm Arena.

Then, Ruby and other election workers proceeded to pull suitcases out from under a table that were filled with ballots. Ruby then proceeded to jam batches of magic suitcase ballots through her counting machine multiple times. And somehow, Joe Biden managed to squeak out a win in Georgia!

Almost every single thing that Ruby Freeman and her helpers did in that video was completely illegal under election laws. Ballots can’t be transported in luggage. Plus, there was obviously no chain of custody on those magic ballots that materialized underneath a table after the election workers were sent home. And counting the ballots with no observers in the room is also illegal.

Despite the obvious, treasonous illegality of the actions on those videos, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said there was no evidence of fraud and the Georgia Attorney General never looked into it or prosecuted Ruby or her co-conspirators.

Ruby Freeman was contacted out of the blue a few days ago by a woman named Trevian Kutti. Ms. Kutti is Kanye West’s crisis manager and publisher. She told Freeman that she needed to speak with her, and it was urgent. Ruby Freeman was nervous about this, because she has received a ton of death threats ever since incontrovertible video evidence of her election cheating went viral last year. So, Freeman agreed to meet with Kanye West’s crisis manager at an Atlanta police station, with a police officer present in the room.

The lady cop who was present during the meeting between Kutti and Freeman turned on her webcam. The video of their exchange is posted below.


Kutti explains to Ruby Freeman that someone is going around trying to “tidy up loose ends” when it comes to the 2020 election. My take on this is that the cabal that “fortified” the election for Joe Biden is now about to start cleaning house once again. The same thing happened with all the mysterious deaths surrounding the 2016 Clinton campaign. How’s that Seth Rich murder investigation coming along, by the way? Any suspects yet, DC police?

Kutti explains to Ruby Freeman that she wants to put her in touch with Harrison Floyd, who will help relocate Ruby and at least one of her family members (presumably the daughter that was seen in the magic suitcase videos helping to “fortify” Georgia for Joe Biden). Harrison Floyd is a 10-year Marine Corps veteran who ran for Congress in Georgia last year, and who worked on the Trump campaign. Kutti tells Ruby that they need to move her in the next 48 hours. It’s pretty obvious from this new video that Kutti believes the election stealing cabal plans to kill Ruby Freeman, who is definitely the weakest link in the entire nationwide conspiracy.

It sounds far-fetched, but it makes sense. Stealing a presidential election is an act of treason, which is a death penalty offense. The tech moguls and leftwing billionaires who stole the 2020 election have everything to lose if a low-level election worker in Georgia squeals on the conspiracy. The mainstream media is freaking out about this video and claiming that Kanye West’s publicist “bullied” Ruby Freeman.

This is the wildest video we’ve seen in a long time. Watch it for yourself and you can decide whether Kanye West’s crisis manager is “bullying” Ruby Freeman, or whether she’s trying to save her life:

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30 thoughts on “Kanye West’s Crisis Manager Saves Election Cheater as Cabal Killers Close In”

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  1. It was definitely an act of treason and everyone who was involved should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but nothing happens when the ones who should be prosecuting are guilty as well. As part of the treasonous plan, they just deny it and sweep it under the rug.

    1. ” F J B ” he was not elected to anything … he was handed our White House on a Platter of FRAUD ! It was Biden himself that bragged about the FRAUD just a few days before the 2020 Election ! Here are his exact words …
      “We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
      – Joe Biden, October 24, 2020

    1. It’s simple – if non corrupt authorities investigate the criminal activities in Joe Biden’s theft of the election, Ruby Freeman and her daughter would be key witnesses in the theft. It would be to the advantage of the election thieves for them to meet with a random murder or an unfortunate fatal accident or suicide. There have been over 60 people connected to the Clintons beginning with their time in Arkansas who have met unfortunate and suspicious death, such as a left handed person committing suicide by shooting themselves in the head with their right hand. The former marine is trying to save them from being murdered in order for them to testify in any forthcoming investigation.

      1. You have summed this up correctly! Treason is punishable by death! How many would need to be rounded up? Perhaps the more humane thing to do is round up the socialists Dems and deport them to Venezuela?

  2. Many many people know this. Philadelphia, Pa. Counting was done(Trump up by 0ver 45,000 votes) Lights went off and cartloads of ballots came in the back door and were illegally counted. Pa. AG knew and condoned this illegality. biden won

  3. The incredible number of traitors involved in rigging the 2020 election shows just how much planning went on to carry this off. The totalitarian Democrat party learned on 2016 just how expansive their fraud had to be to defeat Trump. Hilary’s venom against Trump is fueled by the knowledge that the frauds her party perpetrated against the USA during the 2016 election weren’t enough to secure her win. Then this also fueled the totalitarian Democrats to increase their level of treason. This time with arrogance as they got away with so much in 2016. Heads must fly (not literal decapitation, but arrest and prosecution) in the Senate, House, DOJ, FBI, election officials and workers, etc!

    1. they all need to hang from the neck in an open court yard like they did in western times, then they’ll change their tune

  4. Imagine that ! We know they killed kemps daughters boyfriend to keep him from investigating this ! So only natural for them to kill ruby and her daughter! The fbi was recorded shredding ballots from Fulton county and that guy disappeared! But we have the video? The whole government is corrupt and needs to be replaced!

    1. I believe it will to, but it will be to late Biden will have passed away from natural causes before or after his term Then Trump will be re elected 2024. There are so many people that need to be taken out of office down to the janitor especially all the Obama holdovers until they are purged from DOJ,CIA IRS HHS judge’s,ETC this country will not survive. The whole democratic PARTY in government is so corrupt , it’s totally beyond COMPREHENSION I only been paying attention the night of the 2016 election ever since that night ,the corruption is staguring my mind is in over load since 2020 election the Voter fraud I witnessed on video statement’s,hearings,
      Our military has failed us they should be down at the southern border protecting us from this foreign invasion it’s there constitutional DUTY Period

  5. in my lifetime, I have seen a lot. I believe those responsible will never see justice. as bribem said, it is a vast network of organized fraud. there are not enough honest judges and prosecutors to ever bring them to justice. we know a lot of the big players, and they might meet their maker sooner, but it will not be up to the Soros bought justice system to mete it out. we need a vast network to accomplish this. perhaps it is already in the formative stages? we must wait to see. and you can bet it is not out of the goodness of their hearts that they want this woman and her kin out of the way. they are working for the cabal. she should relocate to a far away country and keep her mouth shut.

  6. Sadly, we’ll never get justice for the coup that took place. Too many high profile people, businesses, and organizations involved. The entire Washington bureacracy would need to be placed in prison, along with hundreds of members of Congress. The DOJ and FBI know who they are, but will never prosecute. We are now a 3rd world shithole country and our freedoms will soon be gone.


    1. Can’t wait till she ” commits suicide “. She caused the problem. She committed treason…….. Let her deal with it herself. Bitch deserves it.

  8. Many many people know this. Philadelphia, Pa. Counting was done(Trump up by 0ver 45,000 votes) Lights went off and cartloads of ballots came in the back door and were illegally counted. Pa. AG knew and condoned this illegality. biden won

    And speaking of Philly, those poll precinct workers hurriedly plastering sheets of cardboard on windows to try to further inhibit poll watchers from being able to observe the process. A whole lot of red flags around the country during that election!!

  9. Ruby Freeman and her daughter work for Happy Faces Temp Agency. Just so happens Stacey Abrahams is connected to this temp agency whose contract was just renewed by Fulton County for a LOT of money.

  10. We can All, Put this in the Hands Of Christ, Good will “ALWAYS” overcome bad. And everyone of those Treasonous Persons should be held accountable and Jailed for life for most, and those involved deeply, should be tarred, feathered, and then, ” Vengeance is Mine, Saith the Lord” May God Bless You all, and Very Merry Christmas to you and your Family’s

  11. Okay, so let me get this straight. These women in this video, are aiding and abetting or were accessory after the fact for the worst crime, according to our Constitution, that an American can do to their own Country. So, now they are aiding and abetting TREASON. Is that what we are watching here? The cop should be arresting them, not giving them pointers on how to get out of there and continue to get away with this very serious crime. These corrupt individuals are just insane. This is unbelievable!!! Treason is a unique offense in our constitutional order—the only crime expressly defined by the Constitution and applying only to Americans who have betrayed the allegiance they are presumed to owe the United States. While the Constitution’s Framers shared the centuries-old view that all citizens owed a duty of loyalty to their home nation, they included the Treason Clause not so much to underscore the seriousness of such a betrayal, but to guard against the historic use of treason prosecutions by repressive governments to silence otherwise legitimate political opposition.

    The Constitution specifically identifies what constitutes treason against the United States and, importantly, limits the offense of treason to only two types of conduct: (1) “levying war” against the United States; or (2) “adhering to [the] enemies [of the United States], giving them aid and comfort.” Although there have not been many treason prosecutions in American history—indeed, only one person has been indicted for treason since 1954—the Supreme Court has had occasion to further define what each type of treason entails. So, what they basically did on November 3, 2020, was they OVERTHREW the election and the federal government, the one that was by the People and for the People… we don’t like your choice, so we’re going to install our candidate and your gonna like it. The requirement of an “overt Act” was intended to preclude judges or politicians from using treason trials to go after political opponents. Isn’t that what they did here and on January 6th? They went after Trump supporters, ignored the FBI plants, Antifa and BLM, who were the ones being violent and disruptive. No one has been charged with “insurrection” for January 6th.

  12. Gumybeargirl, the just of this meeting, is for Ruby to go into protective custody…or else she will be Arkansided, which will end the probes progress in the stolen Presidential election.

    Biden could not draw 1/20th the people Trump drew to his ralies…the demoncats bussed people in to the few rallies .
    It was so painful to watch, a decision was made to put traitor Joe in his basement.

    Yet, we are told Biden garnered over 6 million more votes than O’bama or Trump?

    Biden did not get more than 20 million votes.
    No Demoncrats who made more than 400k would have voted for Biden, as he planned to double their tax rate and close their loopholes.

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  16. We are all doomed with this Fraudulent senile Babbling administration the whole democratic PARTY brainwashed with hate for this country it boggles the mind ,but yet everyone of them is filthy FUKINN Rich all of them millionaire’s many times over but yet they hate this country that’s how they got Rich. CORRUPTION
    Us Little people pay for it. Why don’t all of us just keep all of money we make?
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