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Key 2020 Election Figure Announces Resignation Before ‘Audit Friday’ Arrives

I love American holidays like the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. We may need to add a new holiday to the calendar after this year: “Audit Friday,” to designate the day when Democrats across the country collectively soiled themselves. The Maricopa County forensic audit results will be released Friday.

In a surprise move, a member of the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County has resigned his position and is probably in hiding right now, which totally doesn’t look guilty at all. Plus, we have audit news to share with you on Georgia, Pennsylvania, and… Colorado? Yes – Colorado!

First, Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri abruptly announced that he’s quitting his job. The surprise news landed just two days before the Arizona state senate will hold a hearing to announce the finalized results of the forensic election audit. On his way out the door, Chucri state that the 2020 election was totally fair and square, and that Joe Biden won.

His resignation also comes, curiously, just one day after The Gateway Pundit released leaked audio from the Maricopa Board of Supervisors from earlier this year. Chucri was heard on that tape claiming the county’s non-forensic audit – the one that only examined 2% of the ballots back in January – was “bullsh*t.” Chucri also stated that he didn’t trust Dominion Voting Systems, that he believed the 2020 election fraud was “multifaceted,” and that some of his colleagues probably didn’t want an audit because they won their seats on the board by very narrow margins.

Why the huge contradiction between what he said in that meeting, versus what he said in his resignation letter? Who knows? My guess, however, is that Chucri is lawyering up, because Arizona Senate President Karen Fann has said that all of the criminal activity uncovered in the audit is being turned over to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich.


In other news…in Georgia, there was a surprise during the Monday morning court hearing on auditing the ballots. Attorney Garland Favorito, representing the group VoterGA, is still trying to inspect the 2020 election ballots after multiple sworn affidavits revealed that there were tens of thousands of counterfeit ballots in Fulton County.

Defense attorneys for the Democrats on the Fulton County Election Board suddenly claimed that there is no need for VoterGA to inspect the ballots, because the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) is already investigating them. This was news to everyone involved, especially the judge who has been handling the case all along. The judge has now delayed the proceedings for another 20 days. He’s demanding that GBI explain exactly what it has done to investigate the counterfeit ballots.

Favorito says the defense attorneys are lying and he’ll be able to prove it at this follow-up hearing. It’s another frustrating delay in examining the Georgia ballots. Those ballots were supposed to be unsealed back in June, but there’s just been delay after delay since then. At least the judge in the Georgia case seems sympathetic to VoterGA’s case. He hasn’t dismissed the case and has maintained consistently that VoterGA “has standing” to pursue answers to all their questions about the ballots.

And we have big news out of Colorado! Mesa County, Colorado is a “red” county that Donald Trump won handily in the 2020 election (63% to Biden’s 35%). The County Clerk and Recorder, a woman named Tina M. Peters, released some forensic findings to the Mesa County Commissioners. This was a surprise, because most of us didn’t even realize that anyone in Colorado was looking at the wonky 2020 results.

Peters’ report states that Dominion Voting Systems performed a “software upgrade” on the election equipment in Mesa County. And that “upgrade” erased all of Mesa County’s 2020 election data. Gee. What a coincidence.

What they did not realize was that Ms. Peters had already made a backup copy of all the election data. She’s now raising a huge stink with this forensic report and asking whether every county in Colorado that used Dominion election software had their data erased in that same upgrade. Good question. What do you suppose the answer is?

Election data, ballots and other crucial information is supposed be preserved for 22 months under federal law. Colorado has a state law that requires election data to preserved even longer than that – 25 months. If Colorado’s statewide election data was all erased early and the results cannot be verified – doesn’t that nullify the state’s 9 electoral college votes for Joe Biden? Asking for a friend.

In the meantime, buckle your seatbelt and pop some popcorn. Audit Friday is going to be VERY exciting!

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25 thoughts on “Key 2020 Election Figure Announces Resignation Before ‘Audit Friday’ Arrives”

  1. The fascist regime is crumbling at the wayside. Good riddance to them. The sooner Obamas New Nazi Party is destroyed, the better. Americans do not need garbage like Pelosi dictating what they must do, when the sharks do the opposite. This government needs to be taken down, along with all the manipulating cowards hiding in the deep state.

    1. Totally agree but this will not go anywhere they will just say it a conspiracy theory & tell everyone to move on. Despite the fact that our Country is being dismantled by rogue communist swamp rats & there will be no way to fix what they have destroyed. It will take WAR to get our Country back & lets face it we are too “nice”. The BLM got results real quick cuz they had riots & lootted & the corrupted press gave them what they wanted..

  2. Where theres smoke theres fire!!!—————-too too many questions in all these states for a clean election!!!!——-MASSIVE FRAUD OCCURRED—–TRUMP WON!!!!!!———What about Pennsylvania with that crooked Governor ???????????????????—–not to mention Wisconsin and Michigan————These Democrats are too much——what a planned scheme all geared around COVID and drop boxes and mail in ballots———NOW YOU KNOW WHY THEY WERE PUSHING FALSE INACCURATE NUMBERS AND KEPT UP THE HYPE ON COVID AND CLOSING SCHOOLS

  3. MY, my, MY! . . . how the LEMMINGS are CHIRPING (and Sh***ing on themselves!) I wonder WHY?!?. Stay TUNED – you’ll SEE why. One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump And His Allies 2020 – MAGA (WE’RE NOT going away!).

  4. All of the people involved should be put to death. PLAIN & SIMPLE. But nothing will happen except the further destruction of the UNITED STATES!!! ITS A DONE DEAL FOLKS. ONLY MASS KILLING OF THESE PEOPLE WILL CHANGE ANYTHING. & SINCE THERE IS NO MORE JUSTICE EXCEPT FOR CONSERVATIVES WELL I THINK IT OVER JOHNNY…

  5. Or maybe he is about to go to jail for fraud, so he’s already on the run like all corrupt dumbocraps. There fraud is about to come back to haunt them. He is not the only one jumping ship, were coming for all of these dirty rotten cheaters, one at a time. U should be very worried, u have been caught red handed, and were coming for u.

  6. What happens if (no, WHEN) the results of the audits determine that PRESIDENT TRUMP actually won in enough states that he would have had the number needed for electoral collage votes? When a child or a student cheats isn’t the toy, scholarship or honor taken from them and given to the person who really deserved it? Can’t we reinstall President Trump to his rightful place as leader of our beloved country; then let him have a third term since some of the time of his second term has been stolen from him. Asking for a friend!

    1. Absolutely. Sidney Powell even stated that “fraud visciates everything.”. Bidens “presidency” will be ERASED.

  7. Those who are guilty of involvement in voter fraud, manipulation of our currency, lying to the People, forcing their personal agenda through politics & unnecessary new laws & mandates, cover ups…etc. Should be charged with treason for their attempts to overrun our Country. To steel the Presidency and cause extreme havoc on our society. Pitting people against each other to cause race wars. Encouraging lawlessness. Blatant disregard for the rights of our Citizens to be overwhelmed by illegal immigration & crime.
    It will takes years to undo the damage these selfish , hateful, power/money grabbing politicians & voted Officials & self proclaimed rightous frauds have forced on the Citizens of the United States.
    They should all be made to pay a large monitary fine to fit their crimes & Jail sentences. Public humiliation for sure. The Uber elites are a sham as well. There is no equality in a Socialist Society. Read history. That’s why history is important to preserve. Regardless of how unfair it may have been. We deserve better.

  8. This socialist/communist crap has been going on since the end of WWII — we have been complacent for over 70 years. It will take a civil uprising to right all the wrongs that have occurred. Purging communism from the world is the only way to bring peace forever. We know what to do – when will we do it? Only God knows. Only God can give us the will to do it.

  9. Yea it’s disgusting and all the Nazis say is it was Trump. How can anyone who honestly voted Biden even show face. They say I voted for Biden but I know I voted for the real president Trump!!! Trying to rule us like China, and hey who wda thought the Taliban were bad people?! Our spineless bullshit powers that be are all idiots, but hey we already knew that…

  10. And Dave the MASS KILLING is the COVID 19 purposely manufactured by that little Natzie himself – FUGGIIEEE! he is the one that needs swinging!!

    1. I say it’s never too late as long as we ban together as a nation and peacefully stand up for our freedoms in every town, village, big city or wherever. We are all Americans, one nation under God.

  11. We must all trust in God for what we are going through. We do not know the plans he has for us. Just stay strong and in prayer.

  12. Maybe brnovitch should investigate Chucri. Something isn’t right! Also Katie Hobbs, the Soros plant. Our election should never have been certified, too many questions. Now we find out what we knew all along, voter fraud ! Arizona is a RED state !

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