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Lancet Removes Devastating Study Showing Huge Vaccine Death Rates

An amazing study showing a correlation between COVID-19 vaccination and early death rates was published in the Lancet earlier this week. Well, it was published briefly. Within 24 hours, the prestigious medical journal took the study down when they realized the information was going viral.

The esteemed cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough and Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch and their colleagues found that out of 325 suspected vaccine deaths that they investigated, 74% of autopsies revealed the vaccines to be the direct cause of death.

The medical community doesn’t want the world to know this, so the study has been yanked from view before it could do anymore narrative damage.

The study by McCullough and Risch was carried out because of “concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction and carcinogenicity.”

In other words, they were looking for a connection between all the cases of organ damage, heart attacks and strokes, neurological disorders, and rapid aggressive terminal cancers.


They set out to study all the autopsies that they could find in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database. One issue with this is that so few people have had autopsies done on their loved ones, but they did manage to initially find 678 instances where autopsies or necropsies had been done. They excluded ones that did not fit certain criteria.

That left them with a sample size of 325 autopsies and necropsies to study. The mean time in which these 325 people died was 14.3 days after getting a COVID jab. Most deaths occurred within a week of getting jabbed, so there was a strong likelihood that these people were killed by the vaccines.

The autopsies conclude that 240 of the deaths (73.9%) were adjudicated as being directly caused by vaccination. The study’s conclusion reads:

“The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine adverse events, their mechanisms and related excess death, coupled with autopsy confirmation and physician-led death adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death in most cases.” (emphasis added)

No wonder the Lancet took the study down. We couldn’t even find a copy of it on the Internet Archive, to share a link to it with you. They are desperate to keep the world from finding out the truth about the COVID shots. These so-called “vaccines” are killing people, including children and babies in the womb, and yet they still have not been pulled from the market.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is in on this coverup. They were just caught altering people’s death certificates in Minnesota, in order to hide the fact that the COVID vaccines had been listed as a cause of death. States fill out a death certificate and most can list up to three or four causes of death when an autopsy is performed. The person who handwrites the death certificate writes out the causes, and then the CDC is supposed to apply ICD-10 medical codes to those conditions.

As an example, a person might have a myocardial rupture listed as their main cause of death, but they were also previously diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction, coronary artery thrombosis, and coronary artery disease. All conditions were contributing factors in the person’s death, but we just call it a “heart attack.” The CDC under normal circumstances would then list the ICD-10 codes for each of those conditions.

The Brownstone Institute has found multiple instances in Minnesota where COVID-19 vaccination was listed as the direct cause of death on the certificate, but the CDC has not written in ICD-10 codes for vaccine injuries. One poor lady started having seizures and died just four hours after getting jabbed. Without the ICD-10 codes for vaccine injuries on these people’s death certificates, they can say, “Look! Nobody is dying from the vaccines you misinformation spreaders!”

But people are dying from it. McCullough and Risch’s research proves it. The death certificates in many cases prove it, even if the CDC doesn’t write the proper codes on them. Does anyone still believe these health officials at this point, after they have been so thoroughly discredited? Sadly, it looks like a lot of people do believe them.

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4 thoughts on “Lancet Removes Devastating Study Showing Huge Vaccine Death Rates”

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