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Lethal New COVID Strain Created by Scientists in London

As scientists continue to test fate another lethal new COVID strain has been created by a lab in London, begging the question, when will this end?

Researchers at Imperial College London have combined the original Wuhan strain of the virus with both the Omicron and Delta variants separately to form an all new lab-grown strain.

Scientists have refused to reveal just how lethal the new strain they created may be and are also attempting to deny that their work should be considered gain-of-function research – similar to what led to the COVID pandemic.


Experts in the field are warning that there is no practical application for continuing to create deadly new strains like this, suggesting the dangers outweigh any potential positives.

Molecular biologist Dr. Richard Ebright cautioned that the new mutant strain, which was injected into hamsters in London, is insanity, both in terms of the redundancy and waste,” and that it has zero “foreseeable practical applications.”

Dr. Ebright further warned that the development is huge “especially, in terms of the risk of triggering a new pandemic wave upon accidental or deliberate release of the laboratory-generated viruses.”

“This should be a wake-up call,” the biologist further said, adding “If the world wishes to avoid new pandemic waves and pandemics caused by lab-generated enhanced potential pandemic pathogens, then it is urgently necessary to restrict senseless high-risk, low-benefit research that creates enhanced potential pandemic pathogens and to implement effective national oversight, with force of law, on such research.”

The new London strain comes after Boston University conducted similar research – funded by none other than Dr. Fauci himself – and created a new strain of their own which possesses an 80% mortality rate.

A former director of the Israeli Government’s Institute for Biological Research, Professor Shmuel Shapira, described the research which could lead to the next global pandemic as “playing with fire.”

This research continues even as the United States government is finally admitting the truth about the COVID-19 origins, with a new interim report released by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions concluding that the origins of Covid-19 more likely than not came from a “research-related incident,” rather than “natural zoonotic spillover” as officials once maintained.

“While precedent of previous outbreaks of human infections from contact with animals favors the hypothesis that a natural zoonotic spillover is responsible for the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 that resulted in the COVID-19 pandemic was most likely the result of a research-related incident,” the report states, while conceding that “This conclusion is not intended to be dispositive.”

Still, the National Institute of Health and Dr. Fauci continue to pour millions of tax-payer funding into dangerous and unnecessary gain-of-function research which will more than likely end very badly.

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23 thoughts on “Lethal New COVID Strain Created by Scientists in London”

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      1. It was more like 30 of them built by Hunter Bitme as his tentacles are deep in corruption with his idiot of a father gets his 10%..

  2. Over the past 6 years supposed truly noble people have claimed they were going to take up arms and find back against the evil acts of the Globalist NWO Cabal, supposed means hollow words and feeble threats, if those who perpetuate the notion that their intentions are honorable were just that we would not be getting inevitably closer to total enslavement.

    Evil is winning because good merely holds their breath and stomps their feet when hostile action is required.

    1. So true, Craig! Your words echo those of Sir Edmund Burke: ” The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

  3. This “Frankenstein” shit has to stop , science is being used for evil attempts rather thsn good, try defeating cancer instead of killing people at will with these “gain of function” experiments, and outlandish , heart attack infusing vaccinations, no wonder the Jan6th demonstration evolved, keep this shit up , we will all end up at the “White house in our underwear, lol

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  5. Is there some global contest around who can build the deadliest virus in the shortest amount of time??!! What’s the prize – bragging rights over how many millions can be killed in the shortest amount of time?? How about REAL scientific research into ending the horrors of cancer, arresting the spread of TB, or cures for Multiple Sclerosis and other similar diseases?? Who the hell is setting the priorities??

    1. There’s no real money in helping people. The real money is in phucking people up so they become dependent on big pharma.

  6. Another article says this new strain was made in the USA. TIME TO EXECUTE ANYONE WHO SETS THESE VIRUSES UPON MANKIND. HELL AWAITS THESE ASSHOLES!!!!!

  7. Well, boys and girls, depopulation is the name of this game. The picture may be bigger than the elites merely directing governments of the world to restrict food and energy production out of fears of “Global Warming”. This has already caused starvation in Sri Lanka, and great social unrest from farmers in Europe and Canada. The “Great Reset” is about killing us off and Fentanyl and Covid-19 and the Covid vaxx may ACTUALLY be part of the same plan.
    Too, the gay/transgender agenda is likely part of this same ambitious scheme dreamed up by ivory tower liberals back in the 1970’s.
    The 1977 book Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment by Paul and Anne Ehrlich and Obama’s “Science Czar”, John P. Holdren called for the ELIMINATION of 7/8 of the Earth’s human population. Strict control of all human reproduction would be required. Some of the ways they recommended to achieve this end was mandatory vaccinations that would decrease human beings’ fertility, the lacing of municipal water supplies with similar compounds (coincidentally, many municipal water sources in the US that include treated sewage are nowadays contaminated with estrogen. This can’t be filtered out). What effect this may have is unknown. Compulsory abortion for unapproved pregnancies will be required, and societal ENCOURAGEMENT of homosexuality, as such people don’t reproduce and add to the Earth’s human population burden. My understanding is that anyone going through the full “transition” into the opposite sex will FOREVER be unable to reproduce, even if they manage to “transition” back…

  8. Yet the completely feeble threats to exterminate those within the Globalist NWO Cabal continue as will infecting and contamination of the human race until only those who are the walking dead will remain and not be capable of protesting any wicked behavior of those who have always thought of themselves as all powerful.

  9. Cure the common cold you worthless sons-a-bitches and stop creating shit that hurts and takes the lives of loved ones! Stupid Bastards!!!

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