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LOL: Buttigieg Claims Supply Issues Due to Biden ‘Successfully Guiding” Economy

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg told CNN’s Jake Trapper that the supply chain crisis is partly because President Joe Biden has “successfully guided” the economy.

“Demand is up, because income is up, because the President has successfully guided this economy out of the teeth of a terrifying recession,” he said.

Buttigieg also used the opportunity to shamelessly promote Biden’s infrastructure bill. He claimed the supply chain issues pointed to the need to pass the Democrats’ $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill.

“America needs both pieces of legislation, not only to make sure we have the right kind of infrastructure, but to make sure that life gets better for the people trying to raise children,” he said.

The facts, however, do not necessarily lead to Buttigieg’s conclusions. The economy has not been guided successfully under Biden’s leadership.

Even as the pandemic’s restrictions subside, gas prices and inflation have soared and now his policies have caused supply chain issues. The increased overall income Americans have experienced has not met the growth of inflation, while much of the increase among lower income levels have been due to increased unemployment and government issued child tax credit payments.

Do Democrats really want to claim Biden has been successful in leading the economy? Maybe they are talking about “success” similar to what Biden proclaimed after leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan under the power of the Taliban after only months in office?

Maybe Democrats want to call it success in the same sense they have “successfully” changed immigration policies. Instead of “kids in cage” like they claimed under Trump, the left has opened the border and turned America’s border into new Third-World border territory.

I don’t know about you, but 1.5 million illegal immigrants in eight months doesn’t sound like success to me.


Buttigieg’s latest attempt is the biggest fact check yet from the left. We’re supposed to believe the supply chain crisis happened because demand is up in Biden’s glorious new economy where everyone is making more money as the rich pay more of their “fair share.” Puh-lease.

In fact, the opposite is true. Store shelves are increasingly empty as grocery stores are looking more like those in Venezuela. This is not about an economy going well; this is about an economy gone wrong.

While Biden sleeps and Buttigieg has taken the last two months off for parental leave (his husband and him adopted twin newborns), the nation falls further into decline. The point of being a transportation secretary is to help America transport what it needs when and where it needs it. That’s simply not happening. It’s time to put up or shut up, and Buttigieg can’t even see the problem clearly. Meaning he’s not going to provide adequate solutions and this crisis will linger.

Buttigieg warned shortages will continue into 2022. Shocker, I know. Maybe 2022 will be when America is finally fed up enough with the swamp leadership of DC and votes in the midterms accordingly. It would be nice to end Biden’s leftist controls in the House and Senate and at least keep his decline at a minimum. Otherwise, we may be looking forward to more of Biden’s “success” for even longer.

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44 thoughts on “LOL: Buttigieg Claims Supply Issues Due to Biden ‘Successfully Guiding” Economy”

  1. Is everybody in this administration this dumb? Everyone of these minions are robots programmed by the same idiots programming Biden, Harris Psaki to put and out lie to the American public! What they have failed to realize is the American public is not so to believe their lies! We are smarter than they are and we are fed up with this crap!!

      1. I can’t believe that the q()33r is even able to voice those words!
        He has to be absolutely out of his mind to actually say those words where people can quote him later on!
        Not to mention that what he stated is an absolute and utter LIE, every part of it!

        1. AND he is learning to breast feed his babies – Plastic looking thing with strap holding it on?? WHF!!! WITH 2 BOOBS!!!

        2. When one is obviously out of touch and not too bright, such ramblings make perfect sense. This guy isn’t qualified to be the head of Fort Wayne’s local LGBTQ group, let alone in the President’s cabinet! A dope of monumental proportions. Poor soul.

    1. Well the saying goes like this “You Can Not Fix Stupid” and Stupid equals the Beijing Biden administration to a tee.

    2. This is not only about being ignorant. After being elected mayor of South Bend, Ind, he requested to be deployed to Afghanistan where he was on computer ‘duty’. He was there for 6 months, then ran for President and could claim he was a veteran. When he ran for president, in the first primary held in Iowa, he donated thousands (believe it was 40) to the company that constructed the device to count the votes. Now, he’s appointed head of Transportation and he takes off 2 months because he and his husband adopted twins at a time when the nation is in great turmoil from constipated US shipping resulting in 50 ships waiting off shore to unload in the waters off Western California. supposedly, this supply-chain problem is due to chassis shortages. This will probably close up businesses who count on their Christmas sales to see them through the year. He CHOOSES to use government to support his needs and to hell with the nation while our economic system plummets and people are being told to forget about Christmas. There is no politician for whom I have greater disdain and anger. Why isn’t this being discussed more? I have been a strong supporter of gay rights since the 1070s. Selfish and corrupt people come in all sizes. He does not deserve support. Watch him…he’ll run for president again. He doesn’t deserve to be dog catcher.

      1. He is extremely good at lying but nothing else. The idiot said he rode his bike to work and guess what he drives his car close to where he works gets on his bikend hot his bike and rides it the rest of the way to his job. Lies. Lies always lies. There isn’t a single truth from his mouth.

      2. Two things on your post:
        1. You are 100% correct
        2. It was very kindly understated!
        He has turned out to be quite the knuckleheads. I feel sorry for him.

    3. Buttigieg and Puppet Joe needs to quit lying and do their damn job. They are the most worthless shitheads in America…along with Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff etc.

    1. I beg to differ…he’s a hero to many people in the gay community. They don’t know his history…see my comments above.

  2. America Vote out the Nazis AKA the democratic party next election so biden can be impeached for Treason and Sedition against the American People and the Constitution.

    1. James, Amen to that all of “We The People” true American’s need to vote all these Socialist Marxist Communist Politicians out of office who are up for election in 2022.

  3. Butt Boy needs to stay on maternity leave. He does not have a clue about what he is suppose to be doing in office like most of Biden’s flunkies’. Stay home and sit on the babies’ passie and be happy.

  4. Does he really believe any of the bs he just spewed we were better off with him being in the basement maybe Biden will join him

  5. I know that according to the demon rats, I am a clueless watcher of cnn drivel, but please, someone help me. why is it necessary for Peter to stay home with his husband and their newborns? did hubby have to have a lot of stitches??? asking for a friend.

    1. Buttiegieg = Idiot Politician ! I’d like to stitch up all lying ignoramous DemoRat mouths. God made “Man” and God made “Woman” ! All others out there have created their own choices. I don’t care what they do as long as it does not impact others. We all deserve respect if we are actually deserving of it and seek to be good human beings. Buttigieg only cares about Buttigieg !

  6. OMG! Another stupid waffle going on about the absolute garbage he and his party are doing to Americans. Two months off for maternity leave! Which one of you got the idea for a picture in a hospital bed! Trying to prove you both squeezed out these kids in your arms. There are parents of all kinds who wish they could parent these babes! You are not one who should!

  7. Old Sniffy`s “recovery” is causing the backup in the supply lines and there really is an Easter bunny and a “good tooth fairy”. Yeah, right.

  8. Buttigieg = Just A Waste of a Man ! He is a total numbskull who doesn’t suffer problems of the common man. He is just wayyyyyyyyyy out there in La La Land with the rest of the dysfunctional Biden-Harris Group. They do not nor will they ever recognize an economic collapse even if it hits them in the side of their heads. Their priority is to “Destroy America” and glean as much money as possible for their disgusting, greedy selves !

  9. BIGGEST crock of shit I’ve ever read! What this proves is three things? 1-ONE-Pete Buttigieg is as stupid as Joseph R. Biden. 2-Two- Joseph R. Biden is the dumbest to ever be elected President of The United States. 3-Three, If 80+ million voted for this dumb ash? There are more stupid SOB’S then I ever imagined living in The United States Of America!!!!~

  10. Damn Trans Sec Capt Pete Buttplug of the Ports and Trucking!!
    Feel for the kid they adopted having such a pair of total commie jack a$$es for fathers!!

  11. AND he is learning to breast feed his babies – Plastic looking thing with strap holding it on?? WHF!!! WITH 2 BOOBS!!!

    Guess he borrowed that ‘idea’ from Jack Burns (Robert DeWEIRDO) via “Meet the Fockers”!!

  12. Supply Chain disruption 100% caused by Ignorant & incompetent DemonRats.
    Beijing Bumbling Blow Hard Biden has accomplished absolutely NOTHING for the betterment of the USA & working people in over 45 years of public service he isn’t about to start now. DemonRats are NOT problem solvers, they create them. DemonRats do NOT contribute to the betterment of a Free society, they suck off it, then destroy it.
    The Demonic Californicators in the State Gov. are responsible for the supply chain bottle neck, because of their Radical screwed up laws restricting Diesel trucks owned by private contractors & trucks older than 2011 from operating in the Fuc*** up state. A stroke of their pedophile pen eliminated 75,000 trucks from operating in that shit hole. The bureaucrats there could have made an emergency exemption but did NOT. Resulting in 75,000 plus trucks that haul the goods eliminated from the supply chain- BLAME the DEMONRAT CALIFORNICATORS!

  13. Buttwipe from Indiana is an imbecile! And a liar! Like most of Biden’s regime he is unqualified to be Transportation Secetary! He bought his job like others in the Regime through large donations to the corrupt Biden Campaign! Instead of trying to do his job and solve the supply chain problem, Buttwipe chose to go on paid leave and stay home with his preverted boyfriend! How is ricidulous is that’??

  14. Say Mr. Buttigieg, sir, What Did Each And Everyone Of You US Government Personnell Had To Say Before You All Took Your Individual Seats In The US Government? UMPH! ({[“‘It Said That You All Had To Protect We The Legal Citizens/People And Legal Immigrants Of The USA’s = Our The US Constitutional = Our US Bill Of Rights, Freedoms And LIBERTY’S, And Up-Hold Our = The Last Part Of The US Constitution, Which Was That Last New Version Of The US Immigration And Naturalization Act’s Rules And Regulations, Which Was Signed By Missy HRC’s Hubby = Mr. William “‘Billy’ Slick Willy” Clinton On 7/27/1993 AD, Didn’t It! For Your Information, The Very 1st Version Was Passed By The 2nd US Congress On 3/26/1790 AD, And Has Been IMPROVED Many ……. Many Times Since Then, Wasn’t It!!??!!
    It is all because of His and Your IGNORANCE = CIRCUMNAVIGATING = CIRCUMVENTING The Whole US Constitution, In FAILING TO Protecting ONLY “We The Legal Citizens/People And Legal Immigrants Of The USA, Like The United States Declaration Of Independence From A Never Representative British Government Performance In The 1750’s-60’s, Is This CORRECT?, And Protecting We The Legal Citizens/People And Legal Immigrants Of The USA From All Of Those Financialling Spunging Illegal Aliens, Who Have Been ILLEGALLY INVADING THE WHOLE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAN PROPERTY, Those ILLEGAL FOREIGN ALIENS, ILLEGALLY Using The USA’s Southern Border Like It Is A UNSECURED Old Fashioned Department Stores Revolving Front And Back Doors, All Who DID NOT START THEIR TREK FROM THEIR PREVIOUS HOME COUNTRIES US EMBASSY TO FILL OUT THEIR PERTINENT IMMIGRATION APPLICATION TRUTHFULLY AND SINCERELY (NO LIES) 1st, Then Those Illegal Aliens Had To Faithfully Follow The Rest Of Those US Immigration And Naturalization Act’s Rules And Regulations, And Then They Had To WAIT For A US Immigration Agency For Either AN APPROVAL OR A DIS-APPROVAL, , Which Truly Means, NNNOOO US GOVERNMENTAL RUBBER STAMPING, Is This CORRECT!?!

  15. Say Mr. Buttigieg, Sir, The Above Comment Means, That Every Single One Of You US Government Employees = Representative And Senators, Including The US President, US Veeep And His/Her/It’s Administration HAS TO MEMORIZE The Whole US Constitution, The Whole US Declaration Of Independence AAAnd Read And Understand The Whole American History And The Whole World History, So The US Government And It’s LEGAL Citizenry And Legal Immigrants Of The USA Won’t Keep Repeating The USA’s And The Whole World’s Bloody Wars, All Human Beings Are Precious, Which Definitely Includes Un-Born Babies = Fetuses, Clear Thru Being Very ….. Very Old Human Beings Are Precious Also!!! Oh, Yes, Becoming A Legal Immigrant Of The United States Of America Is An HONOR, NNNOOOTTT A PRIVILEGE! PLASE REMEMBER THIS!!!

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