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McCarthy Moves to Kick Three Democrat Headaches off Their Committees

The 20 patriotic House conservatives won a hard-fought battle to win major concessions from Kevin McCarthy before he could finally become Speaker last week. Now we’ll see if McCarthy is able to keep his promises.

He does seem to be off to a great start so far. McCarthy is keeping a promise that he didn’t even have to make to the Gang of 20: He’s kicking Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Eric Swalwell (D-CA), and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) off their committee assignments.

This move is revenge against the Democrats after former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) kicked Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ) off of their committee assignments back during the 117th Congress. That was an unprecedented move in the history of the US Congress. The majority party had never kicked Members off of committees before. They leave each other alone in that area.

But Pelosi did it because the left hates Gosar and Greene with a burning passion. Gosar knew that the 2020 election in his home state of Arizona was stolen from Donald Trump, and he kept saying so. Marjorie Taylor Greene knew that the 2020 election was stolen in her home state of Georgia and kept saying so.

The Democrats hate Rep. Greene so much that they literally made up a story about her out of thin air, claiming that she believed that the Jews were starting forest fires using space lasers. People actually believed that she said that. (If you believe that, I’ve got a story about some Russian hookers and Donald Trump that will BLOW YOUR MIND!)


Unlike Pelosi, Kevin McCarthy is kicking Schiff, Swalwell and Omar off their committees for the best possible reason:


Bullies don’t care if you tell them that they’re being mean or hypocritical. But they do understand if you punch them in the nose. That’s what McCarthy is doing by booting these three hacks off their committee assignments.

Adam Schiff shamelessly lied to the American people about Russia collusion for years. I’ll bet if you asked him about it today, he’d STILL lie to your face and claim that the Russia hoax is real. He has no business being on the Intelligence Committee because of his brazen lies.

The same goes for Eric Swalwell, the only Member of Congress who has been dumb enough (so far) to wreck his marriage by sleeping with a Chinese spy named Fang Fang. I’m pretty sure Fang Fang is Chinese for, “Hey! Look at me, dummy! I’m literally a Chinese spy trying to entrap you in a honeypot!”

Swalwell would never be able to get a security clearance if he were a private citizen, because being dumb enough to get compromised by China like that is just too over-the-top. There’s no reason he should be on the Intel Committee, thereby having access to the most highly classified information that there is.

And Ilhan Omar? She married her own brother to commit immigration fraud and student loan fraud. That’s not even in dispute. The evidence is so concrete that I don’t have to type the word “alleged” in that sentence. She did that.

Not only did she not get arrested for that and thrown in jail, but the FBI didn’t even investigate her for it because she’s a Democrat. She was going to be on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, but she’s obviously not fit for that – at least not if we’re using the original definition of “Foreign Affairs.”

So, McCarthy is kicking them all off their committee assignments – and good for him. He should kick Pelosi off her committees too, just because it would be hilarious. Revenge and ruthlessly wielding political power are two things that Democrats do understand perfectly well.

Which is why Rep. Jim Jordan’s (R-OH) speech yesterday was so disappointing, when it was announced that he’d be chairing the committee to investigate the weaponized FBI. Jordan was so emphatic that he said this twice in his speech:

“We’re not going to go after anyone. We just want it to stop!”

That’s not what the American people want. The FBI has harassed Donald Trump’s family and supporters (including me personally). They’ve harassed parents at school board meetings. They’re still arresting January 6 protesters to this day. They control the social media companies to censor Americans’ First Amendment rights to free speech.

We want you to “go after” the sons-of-b****es, congressman. We want people in the FBI and the Department of Justice to go to jail. Because a bully never stops if you just tell him to stop. You have to hit back, which is what Kevin McCarthy is doing so far.

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23 thoughts on “McCarthy Moves to Kick Three Democrat Headaches off Their Committees”

  1. Remodeling $700 a day with my cell phone part-time. Now I’ve gotten my fifth payslip for $19,632 and every one I’ve created has ended up duplicating and pasting images online. edc.300 This house painting makes yankee kingdom ready to make extra cash daily for clear aiming and jobs and also
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  2. Well Jim Jordan prove he was not the one for speaker! Being a coward who only bark loud! After what we all face under these democrats. He would been smart to say we going after those who VIOLATION THE LAW! But no! All he say WE WANT IT TO STOP!!!!! That not a truth PATROIT to me. McCarthy doing what he said he would do. But there more that need to be done. One is WE WANT TO SEE ALL DEMOCRAT TAX RETURNS! We need to know how MAXINE WATER is able to pay her children half a million of Dollars! And afford a ten million dollar mansion. We need to know how Eric Swalwel was able to RECOVERY HIS DEBTS after claiming he was to deep into it after his campaign. Then there PELOSI! Inside trading, how in the world does a 200k politician be network in the amount of 300 million dollar??? Thing just doesn’t add up! Two McCarthy need to VOID THE RAISE PELOSI GAVE HER STAFF! These lobbyists are not worth 100k a years! We didn’t hired them! Their pay should come out of the pocket of these politicians. Not taxpayers money! Three he need to CUT THE FUNDS FOR PLANNED PARNETHOOD, our taxpayers money does not need to be funding an abortion clinics. We the people didn’t vote for this! It democrats way of hiding money for personal gain.


      1. Because our President and many more groverment , Billionaire’s have investment’s over in those areas. Can’t risk losing $$$$$$. Or U.S. people to find out what evil things they are investing into or own.


  3. Wyatt Earp I agree with you you forgot something important about Water Obama bait out to the banks her husband (Union Bank) he runs it they brought a million $$ house her daughter who works there get 150,000 $ salary for being his aid? I made the same comment to several liberals I know I got call conspiracy theorist, racist,all the rest of them. It all started with Tip O’Neal, Robert Byrd against Ronald Reagan back in the 80’s and now all the dems walk in lock step with Pelosi and Schumer you don’t think Pelosi is going to tell Jeffries what to do Schumer in the the senate what to do. Do you every see the Dems get investigated by the FBI especially the Clinton’s, Obama, and now the Biden.

  4. *With all due respect, the prior folks need to proof read their words PRIOR to hitting the ‘send’ button…Their spelling and grammar is quite amazing! Ugh!

    1. I totally agree with their spelling! I am just a regular retired person but when I see such blatant spelling errors, I wonder where they attended school…

      1. Their spelling is a result of our poor schools. Our schools are into critical race theory, transgenderism, drag “queens”, and not on teaching reading, writing and math.

    2. I would switch the word “amazing” for “atrocious.” The post by Phillip, above, makes absolutely no sense. His sentence structure is non-structure, his punctuation totally lacking, his spelling nonsensical. What is he even trying to say? Is the “Water” he’s babbling about supposed to be corrupt Maxine Waters, her husband and daughter? and what has Obama got to do with this?

  5. Wow, what a disappoiment. I thought Jim Jordan was on our side. Guess we need to flood his email explaining , No, we demand you go after all of the traitors and prosecute them to the full extent of the Law! Who paid him off?

  6. Just remember Francis Robert Mueller III AKA Bob, covered up the connection between Barry Seal and Griselda Blanco Iran Contra. They deal was done between 2 Cubans and Whitey Bulger. Bulger and Mueller childhood friends.

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  8. Does anyone monitor this comment section? To whom do we report these spurious “ads” for work from gloriajame and Anglia?

  9. It is disappointing about Jim Jordan. But what is behind it. FBI and CIA are dangerous organisations. Is it caution against repercussions. This is how bad things are.

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  11. Jim Jordan go after these Democrats and let’s lock them up. All three of them. One is a liar, One is a Traitor, and the last one should be in jail and then deported. Pelosi, Obama, Hillary, and the Biden Crime Family, all have broken laws. It’s time for Jail.

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