Hey, remember that whole Freedom Convoy thing in Canada last year? Truck drivers in Canada and millions of their supporters around the world tried to defy Justin Trudeau’s mandatory COVID shots and a host of other lockdown nonsense. Trudeau really stuck it to the Freedom Convoy! Mission accomplished!
Trudeau must have won, right? Why else would the media just completely stop covering the Freedom Convoy in unison?
As it turns out, Justin Trudeau got his rear-end kicked, and ended up caving to every single concession that the Freedom Convoy made. No wonder the media stopped covering it!
A lot of people, especially here in America, have a misconception that the Freedom Convoy was a big waste of time. We were surprised to learn that this is simply not true. The Enemy of the People media loved the Trudeau crackdown on civil liberties. If they were praying people, which they’re not, the media would have prayed for Joe Biden to crush all of us pesky flyover MAGA Americans in similar fashion.
Remember how bad it got when the Freedom Convoy was going on? Trudeau sent cops in to crack the skulls of little old ladies open. A mounted police officer trampled an elderly indigenous woman with his horse. Trudeau froze the bank accounts of anyone who was identified participating in the Freedom Convoy. He even fired government employees who made so much as a $5 donation to help the families of the Freedom Convoy members. Those were $5 donations in Canadian dollars, not real currency.
The message from the media and Trudeau was clear: Don’t even try to protest vaccine mandates and lockdowns. Resistance is futile. If you rebel against the Trudeau dictatorship, you will be crushed, and your life will be destroyed, and you’ll be impoverished.
But here’s what happened in Canada within the first week of the protests starting.
While the Freedom Convoy was still happening, the protesters managed to oust the premier of Alberta, Canada. Two of the top five largest cities in Canada (Calgary and Edmonton) are in that province. Premier Jason Kenney was forced to resign in a hostile takeover, and all lockdowns in Alberta were immediately lifted. He was ultimately replaced by Pierre Poilievre, who embraced the Freedom Convoy and was a total anti-lockdown politician.
Trudeau then tried to invoke Canada’s Emergencies Act. This would have been the equivalent of imposing martial law across Canada. Within one week of evoking the Emergencies Act, both houses of the Canadian Parliament must sign off on it. The House of Commons voted to grant Trudeau martial law powers, so the military could hold parents at gunpoint while forcibly injecting their children with the clot-shot.
But Trudeau ran into a brick wall when the measure made it to the Senate. The Canadian Senate is a complete and total joke. They’re all in their 70s, none of them are actually elected (they’re appointees by the Prime Minister), and they spend most of their days just getting drunk and trafficking children. (Okay, we can’t prove the child trafficking point, but come on.)
The Canadian Senate, which is really just a nursing home for political cronies, decided that Trudeau had left them out of the dictatorship equation. The Senate demanded oversight and planning powers so that they could help formulate new mandates for everyone in Canada. They wanted daily press conferences for themselves, so that they could look like big heroes saving everyone from COVID. They wanted a standing committee that would require Trudeau’s cabinet members to report to them every day on the progress of government abuses by the Prime Minister.
Long story short, Trudeau withdrew the Emergencies Act measure just hours before the deadline, because he knew that the self-important blowhards in the Senate were not going to pass it in time anyway.
Trudeau’s Finance minister Crystia Freeland stated that the government was going to hunt down all the unvaccinated and forcibly inject them. That never happened. Within a week of the Freedom Convoy protests, Trudeau had caved to nearly every demand from the truckers. Within a month, every restriction in Canada was gone.
It’s now more difficult for an unvaccinated person to get into the United States (unless they’re an illegal alien) than it is in Canada. True story! The Freedom Convoy was a smashing, non-violent success. The media doesn’t want you to know this. They want you to think that the Freedom Convoy, the Yellow Vest protests in France, and January 6th were all failed, futile attempts to “overthrow democracy.” That’s not true. These protests were victories which revealed that leaders like Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are actually just cowards, and deserve no station in any government job.
They are using employment as a weapon against the unvaccinated. I’m certain that requesting an individual to take an experimental vax for employment is a violation of people’s civil rights. They know this so, I guess that’s why you hear them mention exceptions to the rule. Exceptions meaning exemption, so the one who toke the shot exempted themselves from the protection of this law. You have to sue if you lose employment from vax.
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With Communists in charge, there aren’t any Civil Rights, only for them, not we peons.
I think you are forgetting about the American truckers who did the same here in America!!! From California to Washington DC. We won and they tried to keep that out of the MSM. Thank GOD for truckers!!!
I think the news media outlets in this country should be disbanded and remove any right they have to broadcast their lies to people! Replace them with hardworking honest journalists that report the truth like the did years ago. If more and more people heard the actual truth, public opinion would change for the better.
The progressive socialist Democrats and their international equivalents across the globe are slowly but surely finding out that they have awakened a sleeping tiger and upon awakening, this tiger is fiercely angry at all the tyrannical policies/mandates/edicts their despotic leaders are attempting to force down its throat. The individuals that make up the population of the planet as a whole are all alike in one way–they all love freedom. At times, the weaker of the species has given in and given up all their rights and privileges because it was simply easier to fall in line with whatever they were told and they falsely believed that “resistance is futile”. The rest of us will go along only so far before we step up and stand united against the elitist globalists who want to subject us to their new brand of enslavement. When the tyrants cross the line we’ve drawn in the sand, they better beware, as we will not take kindly to their continued efforts to manipulate every aspect of our lives. We will fight them in the courts, we will fight them in the school board meetings, we will fight them in the state houses and Capitol, we will fight them on every front and we will eventually win because we have truth and justice on our side.
Joe Biden is in office cause alot of democrats stuff fraudulent ballots in. And therefore he is not our true elected president . And that makes it so hard now cause look at all the damage his regime has done to America. This inposter in our white house is destroying us. Wish they would IMPEACH him out.