Have you heard the news? White nationalists are so emboldened by President Trump’s hateful rhetoric that the KKK is planning a rally in Los Angeles County. Because there are just so many KKK members in the blue state of California. The Los Angeles County KKK (which doesn’t exist) is so emboldened, in fact, that it has been covertly lynching black men and cleverly disguising the murders as “suicides.” The racist police are helping them.
This all sounds ludicrous to normal people. But around Los Angeles County right now, more than half of Californians believe that it’s true. They firmly believe that Trump-supporting Klansmen are lynching black people and are about to hold a rally. Where does this garbage come from? Twitter, actually.
More specifically, it comes from the branch of Twitter that is sometimes referred to as Black Twitter. Black pseudo-intellectuals from the New York Times, the Atlantic and other liberal mainstream media outlets are allowed to spread any fantastic conspiracy theory that they want on Black Twitter. Unlike President Trump and his supporters, Black Twitter conspiracists are never censored or fact checked by Twitter’s woke management. In fact, the wild conspiracy theories that Black Twitter invents often end up on the nightly news.
Here’s what’s really happening in Los Angeles County right now. Two months ago (long before the George Floyd incident), a black man with a history of mental illness was found hanging from a tree in a city park in Lancaster, a town in the north part of Los Angeles County. When he went off his meds a year ago and vanished, his family frantically plastered “Missing” posters of the man all over town. He had attempted suicide in the past as well.
So, when a man with a history of mental illness and previous suicide attempts was found hanging in a city park, Black Twitter jumped to the obvious conclusion. The KKK must have covertly lynched him and the police were covering it up. Duh!
In the town of Victorville, about an hour to the northeast of Los Angeles, another black man was found hanging from a tree behind the city library two weeks ago. A homeless woman had called the police and told them that her boyfriend hanged himself. Police investigated. There was a homeless encampment there and sure enough, a homeless black man was hanging from a tree. Black Twitter and Hollywood celebrities simultaneously erupted. This was obviously another KKK lynching by white Trump supporters. In response to Black Twitter’s antics, the homeless man’s family demanded a more thorough investigation.
Police looked around and found surveillance video of that specific tree, which was captured from a store right next to the library. The man was clearly alone, and he clearly hanged himself, without help from anyone. The family was shown the video and accepted the sad news of the police department’s conclusions.
Black Twitter’s response: Trump paid off the family to keep them silent.
The truly scary thing about Black Twitter and its conspiracy theories is that so many people believe these things. It’s why the FBI sends FIFTEEN agents to investigate a garage door pull rope at a NASCAR racetrack. Tons of ignorant people believe these fantasies that America is a racist country, or that Donald Trump is somehow a racist.
A few months ago (in the eternity before coronavirus), a student at Georgetown University called the cops in terror when she thought she had spotted a KKK rally inside one of the campus buildings. She didn’t hesitate for a moment. It never occurred to her that it would be pretty ridiculous for there to actually be a KKK meeting happening on a liberal college campus. (It’s about as ridiculous as white Trump supporters attacking Jussie Smollett in Chicago, or Bubba Wallace finding a noose in his NASCAR stall.)
When a SWAT team arrived, they discovered that a biology professor had placed the plastic covering over his microscope in his office, which was visible through the window. It looked sort of like a pointy hood from a distance. We have some really stupid people in this country, who believe the constant drumbeat from the media and Black Twitter that we are a nation of racists. The racists are all around you – just out of sight! Look out!
The media in Los Angeles County is in a lather right now because hundreds of thousands of people actually believe there’s going to be a KKK rally over the weekend. The LAPD is patiently trying to explain to people that this is a rumor that started online, but no one believes them. Better hold a counter-rally and tear down a statue or burn a Walgreens to ground, just to be on the safe side, you genius California liberals, you!
Meanwhile, Twitter censors you and me and Donald Trump if we try to post something factual, true, common sensical or patriotic. If the feds are really going to do something about Big Tech censorship of conservatives in time to save the 2020 election, they had better hurry up.