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Medical Groups Call for Anti-Trans Parents to be Jailed for Speaking Out

This is getting too crazy. A new front has opened in the left’s war on normal, mentally healthy people. The word is out that the politicized Justice Department under Joe Biden and Merrick Garland is willing to target everyday Americans for having non-crazy opinions about things. And now, medical groups are calling for you to be arrested if you speak out against doctors and medical clinics performing genital mutilation surgery on children.

You have to wonder if the FBI is already dispatching agents to watch the social media feeds of parents suspected of being anti-trans bigots.

The American Medical Association (AMA), the Children’s Hospital Association (CHA), and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have sent a joint letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland. You might think that those are serious medical organizations that are dedicated to public health, but you’d be wrong. Whatever those groups used to be, they are now woke to the maximum and fully dedicated to the idea of sexually mutilating children.

In the letter sent to Garland on October 3rd, these groups claim that child sexual mutilation clinics and hospitals are “under attack.”


The letter continues:

“The attacks are rooted in an intentional campaign of disinformation, where a few high-profile users on social media share false and misleading information targeting individual physicians and hospitals, resulting in a rapid escalation of threats, harassment, and disruption of care across multiple jurisdictions… We now urge your office to take swift action to investigate and prosecute all organizations, individuals, and entities responsible.”

The American Academy of Pediatrics says that “disinformation” spread by people on social media are causing “attacks.” Where exactly are these attacks taking place? What hospital has been placed under siege by attackers because it’s become public knowledge that the facility is transitioning 8-year-olds without parental consent?

I have no doubt that whenever a hospital is outed for performing genital surgery on children by Tucker Carlson or Chris Rufo that those facilities are receiving complaints. This whole transgender surgery on children thing is an offense to God and nature. The only type of transitioning that normal people support is Tulsi Gabbard’s transition this past week. (She transitioned out of the Democrat Party.)

But complaints are not the same thing as threats. Is it possible that these hospitals are receiving threats? I suppose so. Performing these surgeries on little kids is that offensive. But that still doesn’t warrant the Justice Department getting involved. Local law enforcement could handle local threats.

Just to be clear: Transitioning children is insane, and every mentally healthy adult should oppose it. If 90% of adult transgender people never get what they refer to as “bottom surgery,” because even they can’t make up their minds, you really have to wonder why these people are so evil that they want to rush children through the process.

The same people who will tell you that an 18-year-old isn’t mature enough to own a firearm will then turn around and say that 8-year-olds can determine what their gender should be – and should be allowed to opt for genital mutilation surgery without parental consent. And now, those people want you sent to jail if you speak out about their insane ideology on social media.

Given the fact that Merrick Garland is now using the DOJ and the FBI to persecute “election deniers,” parents upset with woke school boards, abortion protesters and hymn singers, and effective GOP political consultants who support Donald Trump (all of which are protected First Amendment rights), don’t be surprised if outspoken anti-trans people start getting arrested soon. Chris Rufo and Tucker Carlson probably have targets painted on their backs already. Along with anyone who talks about how the drug Pimozide effectively reverses gender dysphoria in some transgender men.

We’re entering a dark and dangerous time in American history when free speech is now a jailable offense. Parents ought to be able to speak out against transgender surgery and anything else they want to speak out about. That’s their birthright as Americans.

But Joe Biden, Merrick Garland and the Democrat Party no longer view those constitutional freedoms as guaranteed. They’re optional, and they’re not afraid to use the full weight of the federal government against everyday people. Ironically, that’s part of the reason why Tulsi Gabbard says she transitioned out of the Democrat Party.

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20 thoughts on “Medical Groups Call for Anti-Trans Parents to be Jailed for Speaking Out”

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    1. @Anglia: scam artists like you are the reason Customer Service has nose dived.
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  4. Garland is a total fraud and scumbag who’s proving why he never should have been a SC Justice. His reign of terror will end as soon as the GOP retakes the House and Senate.

    1. Since the Senate confirmed Garland’s appointment, is it possible they can impeach and remove him? What about Mayorkas?

      1. They can be impeached by the House. But there is zero chance 2/3 of the Senate will vote to convict and remove from office.

    2. I’m so thankful little weasel Garland wasn’t confirmed as a SC justice. Could you imagine him being a justice for decades? And c’mon November 8 Red Tsunami…….

  5. I thought doctor’s where suppose to report child abuse, not be the abuser. I raised my children without the help of this government. When we really could have used help we where told we were the wrong color. This was in the 70’s mind you. I never received thousands of dollars from my tax return either. So Americans children aren’t the government’s toys. You all want every female to abort yet you want to cut on to children when they have no clue what is right and wrong. Hell we have people in power right now who don’t even know right from wrong. Don’t you think this government has already ruined so many young adults lives and teenagers. You do understand that in a few years this is going to come back and haunt them if not before. All you have created is people who lives free everything and makes donkeys out of themselves. Destroying our country, history and generations because you think you can. It seems people don’t think about these mouths demanding everything for themselves and yet they want you to pay for it and sit down and shut up or they will yell and scream with their fit’s cause they didn’t get their way. Cry me a river cry babies. I bet your parents are so proud? As for all you puppet’s I wouldn’t want to be your family member. Remember one thing it’s all of you who are doing wrong and there is plenty of video to prove it was you. Image the documentary’s we get to watch and know who is doing this wrong and know who their families are. Great for law suits in future. So glad I can’t be bought and no one owns me or my family. Our government has gone to far and if you don’t like what is going on remember to vote. Don’t blame me for all of this crap I voted for President Trump.

    1. You are so right Pat thank you for saying all of that it’s about time somebody has their right mind about their self

  6. Sounds like a whole bunch of these over paid, freaky butchers don’t want to hear the parents’ side of the story.

    Damn every one of them!

  7. I’ve been saying all along that DemoRats/Leftists/Liberals are all Satanic. They are destroyers. What’s really odd, is that those people think that what they are doing will never have any effect on them. Someday all the wickedness that the Left has inflicted on others, will come back upon them.
    Those monsters can eat their own children, not anyone else’s.

  8. These atrocities are perfect justification for constitutionally mandated private schools. Public schools should be abolished and their facilities (classrooms, libraries, offices, athletic fields, etc.) made available to private school operators at bargain rates.

  9. I know the majority stand against these procedures it just goes to show you how detach the government is from what’s healthy for American children. Very scary, reminds me of china. They would only be aloud one child and if it wasn’t the right sex they had the right to murder the infant. I have a feeling this is what the Dems have in mind.


  11. Is this a declared of war on American? Sure sound like it! So I guess BIDEN is putting himself out as a DICTATORS! And GARLAND is going to use FBI to attack the citizens of this country who disagree with them. We all need to carry now! But be smart! If police officers going help the FBI then they to have declared war on us!

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