Merrick Garland Reminds Everyone That He is the King & Hunter Biden is Safe

The arrogance of Joe Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland is stunning. We should count our blessings every single day that this guy is not on the US Supreme Court. Garland has just informed House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) that the FBI will not be complying with the latest subpoenas sent to agents handling the Hunter Biden case. The committee has been trying to interview two particular agents to learn more about the preferential treatment that the Biden crime family is receiving from the federal government. Unfortunately for the committee, Merrick Garland is the king, and he doesn’t have to do anything our elected representatives say.

House Republicans issued subpoenas last week to FBI special agents Thomas Sobocinski and Ryeshia Holley. The subpoenas were sent to compel their testimony on political interference and obvious preferential treatment in the Hunter Biden probe.

Rep. Jordan wants to the depose the two FBI agents, but the DOJ wants them to have DOJ-provided legal counsel representing them. That’s not how House rules work. The House can’t charge anyone with a crime, so you don’t need legal counsel sitting there with you during a behind-closed-doors deposition. No one gives a deposition to Congress with their lawyer present, for this exact reason. You’re not in any legal jeopardy of any kind when you sit for a deposition with Congress. It may sound counterintuitive, but for the purposes of House investigations, this compels many people to be more honest than they might under other circumstances.


Merrick Garland is claiming that it’s illegal for Jordan to try to depose these two FBI agents without DOJ legal counsel present. Even though it’s always been this way. Garland had one of his underlings respond to the subpoenas by telling Jim Jordan, “These subpoenas lack legal effect and cannot constitutionally be enforced.”

Plus, they pulled the usual “ongoing investigation” BS as an excuse to dodge the subpoena. Republicans need to wise up to this garbage. Democrats have gotten so corrupt and shady at every level that they will use any dirty trick in the book to dodge accountability.

Here are two examples, just off the top of my head.

Back in 2019, Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued his report on the Russia collusion hoax. Former FBI Director James Comey’s name appears in the document 163 times. Except… it’s not his name. In 14 separate instances, Horowitz spelled Comey’s name as C-O-R-N-E-Y. When you read through the document, the lowercase “r” next to the lowercase “n” makes it appear that Horowitz was writing Comey’s name with a lowercase “m.”

He wasn’t. Horowitz deliberately spelled Comey’s name incorrectly in the document every time that he was describing something illegal or unethical that Comey did. Hence, James CORNEY reauthorized all of those phony FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. James Comey didn’t do that in any legal document from the IG’s office. It was CORNEY.

It seems unbelievably childish, but that’s how they actually play the game—and they all do it.

The second example of word tricks to dodge legal accountability is about Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) of Michigan, the crazy-eyed harridan who banned the sale of paint during the pandemic. There’s a crisis going on in southwestern Michigan related to lead in the water in several communities. Independent journalists have been trying to obtain emails and memos about this through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

When you submit a FOIA application, you can request specific phrases in exact quotes. For example, people have been FOIA-ing by asking for all emails, memos, text messages and other communications from Whitmer’s office that mention “lead in the water in southwestern Michigan.”

There aren’t any documents that talk about it, however. That’s because Whitmer’s office has been emailing all communications about the crisis in Greek characters. So, “lead in the water in southwestern Michigan” appears in all communications as:

????????? ????? ????? ??? ??????????? ????????.

As if anyone is going to do a FOIA for that. This allows Whitmer’s office to skirt FOIA laws, because they are technically telling the truth, while hiding their actual communications by using Google Translate.

These people are such arrogant A-holes. All they do is play dirty legal tricks all day long and try to cast word spells to try to deceive the people. They know that they’ll get away with this, because Republicans in Congress are never willing to fight back. What could they possibly do about it, when Merrick Garland is the king?

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9 thoughts on “Merrick Garland Reminds Everyone That He is the King & Hunter Biden is Safe”

  1. The House needs to pass a law saying all government communications must be in English or translated to English for searchability for oversight and to make laws work, the skirting of laws will be delat with by forcing the translation on all past communications as well, the official translated version will be put in the record.

  2. Are you guys going to sit still and let this little scrimp Merrick Garland rule the Country? It is time for everyone who has common sense to get off their lazy butt and tell Merrick Garland who he is, because he is only a little PISS POT taking orders from the Crack House. Wake up people, we all know that Hunter should be behind bars for the dirt he has done. If Biden was not the President, he should be behind bars also for money laundering. Come on people stop talking and get into action.

  3. I was one of the many students who went to high school and college before our entire education system went to teaching communistic style of education. In my classes, we were taught factual history. Two of my great uncles were vigilantes in Texas, where corrupt or illegal authorities were either hanged or shot – whichever, being permanently deprived of life. As a result of many vigilantes providing what the official law enforcement personnel should hav ebeen doing, crime was far less existent. Could vigilantism be returning? With the law enforcement throughout the United States becoming more rotten every hour, it may well be the proper answer for vigilanties to begin terminating the lives of current law enforcement activities and authorities who have been and are still destroying the rights and freedoms of oour citizens. I was raised to believe that if you are confronted by a poisonous snake, the best way to rid yourself of the problem is to cut the head of the snake totally off. Perhaps that is the appropriate remedy for the poisonous politicians who are destroying our rights, freedoms, and lives today. Thankfully, not all of or polliticians and law enforcement authorities are corrupt, untrustworthy, and thoroughly dishonest, but it seems as though the majority of them are in that category. It certainly is time to get rid of the poisonous “snakes” that dwell in the swamps of our Nation.

  4. more armed citizens than secret service and military combined…he aint safe !!!…this article is a joke !!!

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