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Michigan’s Democrat AG Finally Responds to Massive Voter Fraud Coverup – and You Won’t Believe What She Says About the Whole Scam

Last week we reported on a multi-agency task force investigation and subsequent police raid which uncovered the biggest voter fraud operation this country has ever seen.

“Semiautomatic rifles with silencers attached, burner phones and fraudulent voter registration forms were uncovered in a Muskegon, MI police investigation that happened just one month before the 2020 election.

Clear, solid and indisputable evidence of voter fraud was uncovered in the course of that investigation. One state senator says as many as 800,000 ballots in Michigan could have been impacted,” the report reads.

One of the key takeaways from all of that was the fact that Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel had people from her office working on the investigative task force.

The AG knew all along that there was a massive problem in the state, but given which political party she’s a part of, chose to cover it up.


Beyond that even, she is actively trying to put Trump electors in jail for simply doubting the results of this completely fraudulent election.

And after playing her role in covering this all up, Nessel has now been FORCED to try and cover her own ass – offering a joke of response for why she chose to allow this massive voter fraud scheme to continue!

Through the use of one of the left’s most loyal propagandists, “journalist” Craig Mauger of the Detroit News, the AG’s office attempted to discredit the investigation while also attempting to justify its subsequent cover-up.

Mauger published a piece – based entirely on statements made by AG Nessel’s Press Secretary Danner Wimmer – which suggests that the AG didn’t cover it up at all, she sent it to the FBI!

Except, he leaves out a pretty important detail. The investigation began in October 2020 but it wasn’t taken over by the FBI until 2021. This means that Nessel and co. were responsible for the investigation THROUGHOUT THE 2020 EELCTION!

But this Democrat propaganda piece doesn’t stop there.

Mauger goes on to note that, according to Wimmer, it was perfectly “normal” for Democrat funded GBI Strategies to have semi-automatic rifles with silencers, burner phones, pre-paid gift cards, and piles of fraudulent voter registration forms

He writes, “…conservative websites have highlighted that “bags of pre-paid gift cards, guns with silencers (and) burner phones” were found during the search. But substantiating evidence of a crime wasn’t found during the search, Wimmer said.”

“Detected in this search were pay cards, pre-pay style cell phones and voter registration forms, all determined to be normal operational devices in GBI Strategies’ line of work,” Wimmer continued. “Also found during the search were several firearms…”

“All detected firearms were determined by federal authorities to be legally owned and incidentally stored in the location by an employee irrelevant to the business purposes of GBI Strategies. None of the materials seized resulted in furthering evidence of voter fraud.”

You’ve got to be kidding me. THAT’S WHAT THEY’RE CLAIMING? That these guns were “accidentally” stored by an employee who is not relevant to the operations of the voter fraud operation?!

I don’t know about you, but I can’t say I’ve ever accidentally stored my guns at work.

Mauger, being the Democrat shill that he is, fails to point out the fact that a whiteboard found in the room with the guns mentioned “weapons in the field” being “prepared for shifts.”

But there’s another very important piece to note here. The police report points out that these weapons belonged to a middle-aged black male who had a very good understanding of exactly what GBI Strategies did. This individual was CERTAINLY not irrelevant to their operations.

The spokesperson for AG Nessel lied AGAIN.

Why is she so determined to KEEP lying to cover this all up? What is she hiding?

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21 thoughts on “Michigan’s Democrat AG Finally Responds to Massive Voter Fraud Coverup – and You Won’t Believe What She Says About the Whole Scam”

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  2. That’s not the only election fraud I saw happening! We’ve known that the 2020 election was stolen. Knew that the levels of fraud perpetrated was beyond the normal persons comprehension. Enough so as to make it almost unbelievable. All of the signs, all of the evidence was there. There were just so many people and organizations working together to cover it up that it was nearly impossible to reveal to the public. Look how crooked the government has become. Term limits are absolutely necessary. They’ve had too much time to organize their misdeeds and betrayal of Americans. Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law! No minimum sentences. No walks. Everyone needs to pay!

    1. I think reaping for what they sowed is the right avenue. I would have no problem with capitol punishment being the major sentence. This is not a petty agenda, it could be life and death of a godless nation. I can forgive, but there needs to be consequences for participating in this treasons evil folly and it is necessary to deter future attempts.

    2. I can’t believe that they have done so much misdeeds and haven’t been caught yet. We need to get the Supreme Court involved and now before the demited
      Non President illegally in office totally ruins this great
      Nation. We have to take our Country back before it’s to late. ???????

    3. Amen ,Agree put every Democrat in Prison and lock up Obama and husband ..Lock up the whole Biden Clan they get that pig out of the White House now …

  3. Interesting, very interesting. My question is how Trump can be indicted when all the former POTUS have done the same thing he is accused of doing with classified documents. Trump didn’t try to overturn the 2020 election in GA. He was questioning the outcome. Trump was ahead of Biden by 20,000 votes then at the last-minute Biden was ahead of Trump by 10,000 votes. To me, that is statistically impossible. I have never seen so much deception in government.

  4. Every AG and DA need to be REMOVED FROM OUR GOVERNMENT! All we are seeking is TYRANNY being done by FAR LEFT DEMOCRAT WHO ARE VIOLATION THE CONSTITUTION LAWS! Out of all of them 75% are LIBERALS WOMEN! Don’t belong in our government!

    1. The bible speaks about women ruling over men 1timothy 2.12. God didn’t put them there, weak men did.

  5. Yet all of these courts are drumming up ridiculous charges to discredit Republicans. The FBI is corrupt and the good guys in the FBI need to revolt against their corrupt leaders

  6. Um…. pretty sure you are NOT allowed to store a silencer
    “just anywhere”… sounds like a felony to me.

    Illegal to receive one, too, without a tax stamp…

  7. Referring to the FBI is like putting it down the garbage disposal!!! Just like all the Conservative issues that go nowhere!

  8. I just received my first check for $13,000. This is when I first truly obtained anything, and I feel so energised. I’m going to work considerably harder from bs20 now on, and I can scarcely wait for the next week’s episode. I urge everyone to submit an application.
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  9. Corruption runs deep on both sides of the aisle and until we have term limits and maximum age limits, this corruption will never end. Career politicians have plenty of time to become corrupt, that’s why we need the term limits to keep politicians from becoming corrupt. Older politicians should step back and mentor younger people just starting in politics. We need new blood in Washington DC.

  10. A corrupt and felonious leader will obstruct any investigation that could cause their PuppetMaster any embarrassing situations. The corruption of OUR Dept of Justice, and FBI, took place during the 2 terms when Obama was POTUS. The Democrat plan to enslave the middle class and make docile, world citizens of them, was planned very carefully. TRUMP has upset all their careful planning and must be eliminated permanently. CRT was implemented into OUR children’s classrooms during the Obama administration just to ensure that future voters would be properly brain washed. It’s all so obvious, now that a GOP majority in Congress has the authority to start pulling a few courageous, patriotic whistle blowers before the American people to hear what’s really going on. Instead of trying to re-write history, they should’ve been reading it. We true Patriots, will rise in support of our true leaders. Real justice is coming, regardless of the lies, and disinformation.

    1. This is the truth. If dems win the next election it will be by cheating. If by some stroke of luck they do win this country is doomed. It might be time to act like our founders and take back our country by force if necessary.

  11. Has there been a poll asking American voters if they believe the results of 2020 election was due to major fraud?

    What is the $ cost to the American taxpayers for the trials and impeachments against Trump, which were found to be baseless and contrived? And, can anyone estimate how much $ money this next series of prosecutions can be expected to cost us?

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