The Democrats would have you believe that the idea that illegal aliens will soon be voting in American elections is a mere “conspiracy theory” but it’s not – IT’S ALREADY HAPPENING!
In three of the most critical swing states in America – Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Texas – the number of voter registrations without a photo ID has been skyrocketing.
The Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) allows voters to register with the last 4 digits of their Social Security numbers if they don’t have a photo ID.
Since the start of 2024 alone, Texas has seen 1,250,710 such registrations, Pennsylvania has had 580,513, and Arizona has recorded 220,731.
Often times Illegal immigrants will obtain Social Security cards for their work authorization permits even though they are not allowed to obtain drivers licenses in some states. This seems to be the driving force behind these registrations.
That would mean that in just the first four months of the year these three swing states could have seen a combined total of 2,051,954 illegal voters!
Just imagine the total number of illegal voter registrations that have taken place throughout Biden’s reign!
Democrats have been pushing for mass amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens in America, turning them into American citizens and granting them the right to vote but with this immigrant registration scheme going on they have no need for that – they can steal elections without ever having to go through with what’s seen as an extremely radical plan for mass amnesty.
This also explains why the Democrats are so hard-up against the requirement of Voter ID in federal elections. They claim that it’s “racist” to require voters to show IDs to prove they are who they say they are when casting their votes but the reality is they know that this requirement would put an end to this backdoor scheme being used to let illegals vote.
Other states (mostly the blue ones) will issue drivers licenses to illegal aliens if they provide certain documentation like a foreign birth certificate or foreign passport. These states include California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington.
Those states should account for AT LEAST another couple million Democrat votes!
Even without any identification whatsoever many states are pushing for mass mail-in ballots which require zero signature verification or even proof of citizenship requirements, opening up the door for massive fraud.
One way or another the Democrats are going to make sure that their new loyal voting bloc – illegal immigrants – is able to support them in elections, after all, it’s the only way they’ll stay in power!
The “dumbocraps” must be stopped because with them the U S A is well on the way to becoming a communist country.
Third world country! Just like those country these criminals left from prison! Venezuela use to be a very wealthy country. Until RUSSIA, IRAN, CUBA, help destory it! America politicians did NOTHING TO STOP THEM!
they know if they play fair they cannot win they have nothing to offer except division,and hate and the promise of progressivism,whatever that is.
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Therefore, I started to…
What happened to the law of being a United States citizen to vote? Did the law and I wasn’t aware of it???
If these democrats want to destory America. Every polls worker need to held accountable for their role in rigged our election. Just like every SECRETARY OF STATE WHO SUPPOSE TO OVERSEE A FAIR ELECTION FOR THAT STATE! Prison not the place for these people. But a firing squad is! Illegal immigrants are NOT NATURAL BORN AMERICAN CITIZENS! SO NO THEY DO NOT HAVE RIGHTS TO VOTE!
The polls are good for Trump. But he and the RNC should ignore them, and prepare for massive and widespread electoral fraud. 2020 was just a dry run.
correct- dont trust and deont bother to verify- RETURN TO SENDER,ADDRESS UNKNOWN
Do not allow immigrants vote in November….
Joel Severance
The US Constitution says ‘ to vote you must be a US Citizen’ ! Deport ILLEGALS before they totally ruin our country!!
They have to be US Citizens – they are Illegal – they must be checked @ voting place – giving them ID is illegal in itself – arrest the people who authorized it – Nullify all cards – arrest the people responsible – this is the USA not some 3rd world backwater banana republic
I always thought that only a US citizen could vote but now you said all illegals need to vote is the last 4 digits of a social security number. Why should they be given social security numbers if they are here illegally!
I bet less than .1% of adults legally here don’t have picture IDs. This Social Security number thing is stupid.
It is the Democratic socialist agenda exposed they wanted all of the 11 million illegals with the 30,000 a month being flown in to take control of the elections! The increased numbers will change the numbers of representatives for each state and make the Congress a front for their agendas. We must make our elections represent true American values and not allow it to become a third world socialist haven!
Biden’s administration is in full swing — we need a clean honest officer at every voting place and every illegal that steps up to vote getts turned away don’t let then vote. !! Ok America wakeup we have to stand together and fight for our country lets make sure Biden and his administration hears us hollering at them about these illegal aliens– their not going to vote !!! We the peolpe can keep up hollering at the white house they have to listen we cannot let illegal immigrants take our right to vote away from us this is more unconstitutional than anything on earth. And this crawl-in President is the cause of a mass invasion of illegal immigrants invading our country and needs took out and locked up for TREASON . LET THE WHITE HOUSE KNOW THAT IF SO MUCH AS ONE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT TRYS TO VOTE -WE THE PEOPLE WILL DEMAND FOR HIM TO BE LOCKED UP FOR TREASON.
Why in hell is all this stuff being aloud to go on — is their not people out their somewhere who can let the white house know that all the illegal immigrants are not VOTING IN TRUE AMERICANS RIGHT TO VOTE . !!! ENOUGH UNCONSTITUTIONAL CRAP — HOLD THE DEMOCRATS RESPONSIBLE -the illegal aliens start voting old Biden or anyother democrat will not be aloud in the white house the true american people will line up the streets and stop them.!!!!! This is gone to far stop the idiots from doing this. Lock up Biden now for TREASON.
The American people have nobody in the criminal federal government on our side we definitely can’t and shouldn’t trust the Senate demonrats or Rino Senators and that includes the Rinos in congress they refuse to Impeach this commie traitor! We can’t trsut any of them! I refuse to support anyone I just don’t trust any of them
So the leftist are going to cheat every American’s vote with these nearly 10 million illegals getting fake cards and false amnesty! Commie traitor joe is a criminal and his commie regime is no better as for the flotus skank she’s no better it’s time for all Americans and legal citizens to take notice your vote won’t count your right as a citizen is being destroyed by this commie bought and paid for traitor the economy is going to tank hard working taxpayers money is going to be decimated by this traitors taxes going up by at least 40% to pay for the national debt that will be going to 36 trillion if commie joe wins re-election because of his cheating and allowing 10 million illegals regardless of his amnesty they will still be illegals because he has no constitutional authority to give this amnesty by his fake executive fiat he is breaking the law! The bottom line is if commie traitor joe wins America will be dead and we will never be a free nation again because he sold us out when he became president in 2021 we were sold to commie China, the UN The Who And WEF! We will be The Who’s guinea pigs for forced vaccines and all illegal other experiments while the elites and billionaires walk free our rights now are diminishing we aren’t allowed to have freedom of religion, speech or any other free thinking it will be their way or your dead they don’t care this is the socialist, hater racist way of life social media is already changing what your allowed to say and think farcebook, Instagram, google, Apple, the commie owned tiktok for everyone on this sight you’ll be their first because the commies are aware of everything their is to know about you they now own you and your family your not free on tiktok your soul is theirs and they will collect! Good luck you are now completely owned!