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Minneapolis City Council Goes to the Extreme: Moves to Totally Abolish Its Police Department

The Minneapolis City Council tried to end its police department in 2020 following the death of George Floyd. It was blocked due to a law that required the city to have a law enforcement division. Now the council wants to abolish the police department and replace it with a new public safety department.

“The Minneapolis Policy and Government Oversight Committee, which is comprised of all 13 Minneapolis City Council members, approved the measure proposed by the advocacy group Yes 4 Minneapolis Committee in an 11-2 vote that will now be passed along to the general council for a vote,” Fox News reported.

“If the City Council votes in favor of the amendment, it would appear on the general election ballot for Minneapolis residents on Nov. 2,” it added.

But it’s unclear what the change would accomplish. According to the Daily Wire on Thursday, “Crime has become so bad that a group of eight residents sued the city of Minneapolis to force the City Council to ‘refund’ the police and expand the police department to the number of officers required by the city’s charter. Just last week, a Hennepin County judge ruled that Minneapolis must hire on additional police.”

Does the City Council expect the voters of Minneapolis will pass the measure? It’s difficult to tell. Though the progressives leading the council appear fine with ending the police force, it’s unclear how many people in their community would agree.


The concept is an extreme one. If any major city added a ballot measure to decide whether to keep the police department in their city, what would happen? While many progressives make an emotional case for defunding the police, when it comes to emergencies, they call 911 just like everyone else.

What’s the alternative? We’re already seeing the result of officers not responding to shoplifting in San Francisco. When there is no enforcement, thieves walk out with whatever they can carry without fear of arrest.

We’re also witnessing the results of Democrat led cities that choose to decrease police budgets and defend violent protests. Crime has become the new problem of the Biden administration, with cities like Portland and Chicago leading the way. The statistics have grown so high that Biden now speaks out against defunding the police and in favor of efforts to decrease crime (though he often touts gun controls as the key).

Unless our nation wants to dissolve into the lawlessness of a third-world nation, abolishing the police needs to move off the ballot. Look at any land where there is no law enforcement. Criminals either take over, local citizens have to take matters in to their own hands or both.

We already have Mexican cartels spilling across our border. No need to create our own territorial mobsters operating free from the law. Let’s stop working to undermine our police and back the blue. It’s the least we can do for those who put their lives on the line to protect and serve our communities.

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42 thoughts on “Minneapolis City Council Goes to the Extreme: Moves to Totally Abolish Its Police Department”

    1. You remove the law enforcement,that gives them a capital move to bring the U.N.Troops to police America.Biden has already sent for the U.N.
      If there not here under cover at some airport,there on there way !

  1. Well only stupid people will think of stupid things! If the City council want to defend and do away with the police department. Then they to need to do away with their SECURITY GUARD! Eyes for an eyes! The people need to START WEARING SIDEARM TO PROTECT THEMSELVES! Or they can remove these city council from their seat! George Floyd was a walking deadman! Police didn’t kill him! He kill himself by taking the drugs.

    1. No doubt dem’s are the # 1 minne enemy along with blm terrorists they created to destroy U.S. Citizens Freedom & Rights ! Where are the minnie citizens to take the city council and commie laden government down from the dictatorial abuse of power ? These are the crimes worse than floyd liars that have to be totally eliminated or Freedom & Rights die in tyranny ! All U.S. States are now being attacked by dem’s commie whims and ways for dictator power that has to be totally destroyed to protect U.S. Citizens Freedom, Rights & National Security !

      1. Don’t forget the f***ing morons who elected Spider Monkey Omar and the rest of these pinkos have no one but themselves to blame for the govt. they get, and deserve.

        1. Why you dopes re-elected Omar is beyond me !!! She is a criminal and will always be one. She should be in jail !! Can’t you see that she is trying to make your city/state the same as that shit hole she came from … Somalia.
          Well, you all made your bed, you must lie in it now. You cannot blame anyone else but yourselves !

  2. Several choices for a new Minneapolis welcome sign:

    We love having the lunatics running the asylum!
    Don’t live in fear, move here where fear is a reality!
    In Minneapolis, if you ain’t armed, you’re gonna be harmed!

  3. Biden should know by now that the rising #’s in gun sales ( thru the roof ) is for protection.
    Re loading and owning weapons could save you or the family someday!

    1. The biden stench of bo’s shadow wannabe dictator is all that matters to his commie, marxist whims & ways for tyranny power ! U.S. Citizen’s Freedom is being destroyed by dem idiots and muslim terrorism is dictating minnie government trying to establish genocide sharia law !

  4. If FDR, HST, and JFK could see the democratic party today they would be turning over in their graves.

  5. Maybe it’s time to arrest the city council members… they seem to be the real problem here!!!

    1. HELLOOOOOOO ……………… YOU voted for them !!!!
      It appears to be a Democrat thing. Mindless Ignorance. Pelosi (Forever). Maxine Watters(Forever), Schumer, Chicago’s Rahm Emanuel,(4 bloody terms)………….. and on and on …..

  6. It’s not a bad idea to question the existing laws
    BUT the one that needs to be fallowed is
    FALLOW the laws that allow for laws to be changed
    (Many of them came about vie COMMON SENCE )

  7. I predict there will be a mass exodus here and in other Democrat controlled cities. Who wants to live where lunatics are running the asylum.

    1. Just DON’T take your LUNACY with you … when you get to the other state !
      They don’t want your Democrat ideas. They don’t want to be turned into shit holes !
      That is what you are running away from.

  8. DeSantos is telling all police to come to Florida – that they will appreciate them. So I say the police should just move & let Minneapolis City Council destroy the City – I wonder what will happen when one of them ends up dead or paralyzed for life. So stupid!

    1. Let them have their public safety worker talk the criminal out of doing harm to him/her. Oh wait, the criminal wouldn’t give a shit and would harm the safety worker also

  9. I think that all the police in these blue states should retire early and move to the red states where people are not dumb. Let the idgits in the Democrat cities see how it would be with out law and protection for them . when very bad people break into their homes and god forbid they hurt or kill their love ones. and there is no police to come and protect them or the people .then who will be crying for help. tell me why you would want that to happen.

    1. These morons elected the assholes who are getting rich, while ruining their lives, they deserve every bit of anarchy and devastation brought upon them! Liberals will never learn or admit they’re wrong, no matter how awful things get for them. Look at how blacks live in Dem run cities, yet they keep voting Dem. You can’t fix stupid.

    2. The police are under NO obligation to protect you on your property or your property/possessions. State supreme court after State supreme court have ruled that the police are only obligated to protect the general public in the public spaces, and have the option to respond to a privet residence if they can afford the man-power. The obligation falls on the individual to protect themselves and their property/possessions on their own property.!!!!

  10. The Democrats are brain dead. Harris wants to ban guns but has a concealed carry permit the others call for reduced police but call for them Cohen they are scared for their butts I am a Vietnam Vet and support the police they have to make choices on the spot and it could mean their life I have been their BACK THE BLUE and let them do their jobs

    1. Welcome home Walt. Three tours here. These jerks who have never looked down the business end of a weapon need to get the chance. Only then can they understand what the good cop goes through.

      1. Hurray! If any of these politicians served in Vietnam they might think differently ?. In reality they probably went to college and were deferred. Walking through the jungle, avoiding booby traps, seeing your friends get hit changes your mind about the important things in life. The safety of our police and fire department officers are very important. They are on duty every day. That is their choice. I back every one of these men/women just like I backed my brothers.

  11. Difficult to say which place is the worst Minneapolis or Washington D.C. They both seem to be peopled with idiotic barely there functioning adults in Congress and minor state/city/county lunatics in Minneapolis.
    I’m so happy I don’t live in either place. Although my own State of Nevada has as many numb nuts as you can count! May God help them all! No one else will

  12. They need to pass a bill forbidding any city, county or state funds be used for personal security of any city, county or state employee. They also need to pass open carry law, so that criminals will be aware that they could be shot during a crime. They also need to get rid of candy-assed Judges and DAs who let criminals off scott free. If they do not do this, it does not matter if they have police or not.

  13. One thing to say. We need Trump back now!!!! People can say what they want about him but he always Put America First and the America People first! Prices were down now l pay double the amount for my food and etc. And these people who want to refund the police better wake up cause there will come a time they will need help and no one will be there!!!!

    1. You are right there Sharon. When Trump left office I was paying $1.31 per gallon for gasoline and we were energy independent, I filled my vehicle yesterday and paid $3.08 at the same pump. AND now we’re back dependent upon OPEC . Joe Biden and the rest of those gangsters have already put our nation in the dumpster.

  14. Think police are bad, wait if they do a public safety department,that will be worst than the police. Public safety department is full of lying,cheating,and stealing criminals,basically democrats. If they had any sense at all they would “Refund Police” “Defund Democrats”!

  15. Country was doing great under Trump,under biden the country is falling apart. It’s time to get the brooms and mops out and start cleaning up the democrat’s mess,and start charging democrats with “Treason” and that’s the bottom line.

  16. Must have strong law enforcement. Thugs running wild.

    law enforcement must have support of So Called “Elected Leaders”??

    Do not see any leaders with “GUTS” to take control and do what is right for Hard Working Americans”!

    Our country was founded on God Given Beliefs – NOT COMMUNISM.

  17. I guess now, if it’s voted in, the city will be run by BLM. That would be a sight to behold. Hopefully the voters will stop this before it gets off the ground. If it becomes fact it will be difficult to reverse after they have control.

  18. Has anybody noticed that MOST of the black men shot by police had criminal backgrounds! That is not racist it’s fact! According to the liberals criminals should not be stopped, they have rights too. What these libs don’t realize is that police have to operate under certain rules. Take away the police and I will have to defend myself. I will also give you your rights, and a few lefts, and a few kicks to to the head !

  19. This is fan-freaking-tasic Lets immediately campaign to send all criminals there so that the rest of us can get some peace. At the same time lets pass a law that states “all government officials have to expose their genitals when they are in public, for target practice.” FUCKING MORONS!!

  20. Its a no-brainer, what’s going to happen when there is no police. The issue is, will they take responsibility for their crime spree? My bet is, they will blame it on Trump.

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